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Joined 1 years ago

It still blows my mind that Toyota single-handedly made hybrids a very successful thing and yet squandered that position to Elon effing Musk. Toyota could’ve been THE market-leader for EVs while still making a killing with the Prius and ICE cars. They’d have a solid lock in all markets.

Toyota has one of the best reliability reputations of any automaker and yet anyone in the EV market (like I was recently) passes them over because they have zero models to sell. Instead of parlaying the Prius’ R&D into a viable EV too, they’ve left money on the table. Hyundai has gone all in and is selling a ton of EVs. I see more of theirs / Kia’s on the road than anything else (besides teslas).

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What reputation? The company never had one in the first place.

Will be interesting to see how this goes in a year or two.

You’re the true hero.

Once Apple overhauled Notes a few years ago AND offered a way to import from Evernote, I never looked back. For anyone in Apple’s ecosystem Notes is one of the best (and completely free or cheap on any iCloud+ plan).

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I’m super interested to see how companies handle this when employees work with confidential data all the time.

Personally, I downgraded to V 5.0.51 and removed / re-did the permissions. I also disabled checking for updates. To my knowledge, that's the last known good version prior to the sale.

I felt the same way. I could've sworn I played it on Dreamcast a few years ago, but when I asked my buddy (who's a giant gamer) I was corrected that it never hit DC.

How did you get it to connect to your Pi? I’m hitting a lot of issues on that.

I’m running homepage in Docker and my pi is another machine on my network. But the container doesn’t see the Pi at all. Can you provide any insight?

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FYI this song is great live.

YW! I'm actually giving an app called Ice a try, which looks really promising. Here's a link in case you're curious:

Love me some Metric. This is a fun song.


Omg I never knew about composerize or it-tools. This would save me a ton of headaches. Absolutely using this in the future.

From what I remember, you do a full Evernote export and then in Notes on the Mac you do "File --> Import" and you point it to the exported file. I only did it once and many years ago so the process may be different now.

I agree it’s a networking problem. The issue I have is I don’t know how to fix it.

I installed Portainer and figured out how to get the container onto my network. But then it was unreachable. So I’m more lost the more I try to figure this out.

Are you using any specific network commands in your docker compose? Are you running specific networking in the container? I’m trying to figure out how it’s working for you and what likely obvious thing I’m missing. Thanks.

Personally I've loved Pixelmator and have an old non-subscription copy I still use from time to time. If they're still offering single-purchase versions, my recommendation is to get that. It's an amazing Photoshop replacement.

Thanks. I've done this (even getting my API key) but the issue I'm running into is the fact that the Docker container doesn't see the Pi-Hole machine. I believe it's a networking issue, but I don't know how to figure out how to get it to see it. Is there a networking flag I need to include in Homepage's Docker Compose? That seems to be my issue.

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The kindle eink reader is amazing and absolutely great. However I don’t use KU and rarely buy books on it. I mainly use my library and read the borrowed books on it. As a piece of hardware it’s one of the few Amazon builds well. I’m surprised too.