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Joined 3 years ago

There is librelingo but, honestly, it's far behind Duolingo.

The closest software I found is to use a flashcard tool (like AnkiDroid) and then search for an open deck of your language using AnkiWeb.

Doing so you get a similar experience than DuoLingo without the gamification and pretty UI.

Thank you guys

I love Korean movies like

  • Last train to busan
  • Parasite
  • Oldboy
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GNOME, for sure. It works out of the box, and it's kind of pretty out of the box.

I also tried it on a touch screen PX and it works surprisingly well.

They'll Extends, Embrace, Extinguish.

syncthing to sync my files on all my devices

I use debian testing and for me it's the best of both world.

  • your system is stable
  • you have up to date package (not latest but still okay)

I use it since 3 or 4 years and i didn't get any issued

And the incredible soundtrack by Hans Zimmer.

Which tool do you use to re-encode everything to opus ?

I tried with ffmpeg and it works but I had many issues with covers.

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I also live Mastodon but i'm lost with the Twitter style. I feel lost with tweets/retweets views. The reddit/lemmy tree comments like oks more natural to me.

I wonder if someones already build a Reddit styles view for mastodon.

I have two kids who are 3 years old (they are twins). I accepted that my house can't be as clean as it used to be without my kids...

I personally run Debian in Testing and I have not the latest version but I think it's still fine.

It also introduces an improved Epiphany (GNOME Web) web browse

Did you try it guys ? Is it better than FF or Brave ?

it's very annoying the same sub on two instance, no ?

Same. Plus, on local network, everything stay on the network.

I'm starting watch a movie on my PC, then move the movie file into a synced folder, na finish the movie 2" later on my phone.

I agree it's seems like a subset of YAML.

IMO it must be a YAML because there is a lot of tool and libraries existing for this language. You can easily build a syntax validators for you schema and it allows developer to extends it easily.

Or an alternative solution could be to use more the YAML frontmatter to put the data.

I tried both and it's the same

It can also disable animation in the web browser. Some website can see this setting and disable some stuffs.

I did think about building a Chrome extension to do this with Youtube. I wonder if it's possible

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Wow, I did not think that Lemmy have that amount of new bug

I really found XFCE not beginners friendly (or maybe if your comming from Windows 98).

Linux Mint or Ubuntu/Debian Gnome is easiest desktop linux solution. Maybe Elementary OS could be a good fit too.

You can use it using your browser with Office 365, no ?

Yeah, said like this it sounds stupid 😅

I didn't find any link to the Git repository from the PWA app.

Also, IMO the best way to make it this kind of application trustable would be to have no backend. If there is no backend, there is no stored data at all.

So as a user, I might prefer to be a frontend only solution which store everything in localStorage and then maybe use a remote storage