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Joined 1 years ago

Ugh.. It is unfortunate isn't it.. Here's the history of the name.

I started development on Pinepods back when I was learning about python's fastapi. It originally was built in pure python. And as you can probably imagine the UI was dog slow because python isn't exactly fast. At that point it was called Pypods. Because python. I wanted to then change the name away from being a reference to a programming language. Only the nerdiest people would get that, plus I wanted it to have it's own identity instead of being tied to a language. So I went with Pinepods, which itself is a reference to the pine snake (kept the snake thing despite moving away from python) and at that point I started adopting the forest theme. Which is why if you visit you'll see rotating images of pine forests.

At this point, it's been over a year and I've invested somewhat in the tree/forest idea. I would struggle to move away from it because I love the forest undertones.

Changing the name is feasible. And might be a good idea. It kinda stinks I'd need to change the domains along with it but I suppose it is what is there. The challenge that I struggle with is coming up with something that keeps the forest theming. I really like that aspect of it.

Yes absolutely. If you're using Pinepods between the two devices your listen time is synced to the server. Meaning swapping between devices syncs your exact listen time. In addition to that I almost have time sync implemented for nextcloud sync as well. Meaning swapping between antennapod and pinepods your listen time will sync also.

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That sounds like sleep. Not hibernate. Hibernate is the process of moving your working ram onto disk. It's similar to a full power off except your current state is saved. Hibernate doesn't usually work oob. Sleep does.

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Hey! Thanks for checking it out.

  1. Not yet, but postgres support is coming in the very short term. I have been working to get it working and will have an update soon with support for it. I'll actually be on vacation for the next week, but I would anticipate 2 weeks before I have postgres working and a new version posted.

  2. Excellent point. I had forgotten to add that to the compose file. When you download locally it adds files to /opt/pypods/downloads inside the container. So you could mount:


    • /home/user/pinepods/downloads:/opt/pypods/downloads

I'll add that to the compose file. Thanks for pointing that out.

As for layout, currently server downloads put them all in one downloads folder mass, however, on the client when downloaded locally it lays them out with podcastname, episodename structure. I'll get the server portion of that implemented as well.

Thanks for the suggestion on snipd. I'll check it out. Could be some good inspiration for features to implement.

Fantastic suggestion! I'll add it to the short term roadmap. Alternative auth options like github among others was already on the roadmap but if I can just kill all the birds with one stone that's great! Thank you for this.

It's now up at

Feel free to try it out. Currently updating documentation with this url

Correct, I'm working on getting the example server up. It'll be up shortly and I'll update the link. Apologies for that

It's not there quite yet. But give my project Pinepods a star on Github.

The functionality you're looking for it coming. It will be able to stream from one device to another on a local network. Sort of a share function. I just released the first official beta version two days ago. There's currently a client and web version with a backend you can connect to with as many users as you want. I'm also planning to release an optimized client to share to likely built in rust for platforms with less power like Raspberry Pi's

I'm ever continuing development on my self hosted podcast management app with all the features you're looking for here

It's not in a finished state yet. But it's definitely usable as is. It's fully dockerized and hosted on your server, and streams from your server to clients.

I was thinking about that recently. Seems like it could be a decent use case for an Ai or something. A model that searches for consistent keywords or something. It's on my feasibility map to take a look at.

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All the reasons you gave are all the reasons I took on this project for sure. Thanks for giving it a go! Let me know if you have any troubles with the setup.

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It depends in the app. Gpodder has the capability to sync playtime but some apps don't sync that part. And gpodder itself is a dead project. But a nextcloud gpodder is a nextcloud app that replicates the same functionality to your local nextcloud server since gpodder is in maintenance mode.

Hi there, I sent you a reply over on the discord post. Let's continue the conversation there. Should be an easy enough fix. Thanks!

I sure am glad I posted about this here. Lemmy users are full of seriously good ideas. Can't believe I didn't think of that. That's a really good idea. Straight to the roadmap!

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Nice! What isn't already implemented is on the roadmap! Jump on the discord or open an issue if you have any troubles with the setup!

I mentioned that first for a reason 😁 I figured it'd be a selling point.

Honestly you guys have easily convinced me. I'd much prefer matrix personally anyway. I'll get a matrix server up and running this weekend!

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Matrix room is a go! I've got a badge created on the repo Readme to join so hopefully anyone interested in matrix will see that and join over discord. I'll get a link added to the documentation site as well. Thanks for the tips!

Pgsql support is coming very soon. Keep an eye out for version 0.6. It'll be in there. There's a branch created where I'm already working on it!

Audiobookshelf (which is a great project that I use personally for audio books) is focused very heavily on audio books. With features like libraries and all that. I don't feel like it has every feature I'd want for managing podcasts. Especially when it comes to searching and syncing feeds to things like antennapod. This project focuses on being the best podcast managment server it can be. It makes browsing podcasts, feeds, and episodes a breeze. Adding podcast feeds is a search away and that's all integrated right into the app. This app is also built in rust rather than javascript. Which some people really like.

Audiobookshelf is a phenomenonal piece of open source software and if it does everything you need it to I think that's a great solution! If not, this software might be a good fit.

Pinepods also supports podcast 2.0 podcast specifications and wiol be implenting more of it such as chapter support and timestamp support very soon. I don't think Audiobookshelf does? Though I'm happy to be wrong about that as I don't use Audiobookshelf for podcasts.

Oh yeah, I didn't realize that. That's a bummer. Pinepods can stream episodes whether you have the podcast added or not. You can search a podcast, open the feed and play the episodes without even adding the feed if you want. I tried to make that as robust as possible.

Extremely good call on the tagging. I love that. I've implementing saving for some basic essentially bookmarking of episodes so far but taking that one further and allowing the user to define custom save tags that they can associate without episodes and quickly access is a fantastic idea.

I'll have to give your backlog queuing idea some thought. I think there's absolutely room for that feature. There's also a lot to considering with implementing it in the most effective way possible. I wondering about maybe taking a look at what podcasts you listen to the most, checking which episodes from those you haven't listened to, and then aggregating them into a cohesive backlog. These kinds of computational tasks like refreshing for example already happen on the backend so adding more things like that doesn't affect the user experience at all.

I mean, sure, that wouldn't be too hard at all to implement. Is there any other app that you use that already has this implemented? It would be useful to have an example to get the behavior of it right.

The web version already works great. So that would work of course on an ios device. Otherwise, keep an eye out as an ios client proper is in the works. It uses tauri for building the clients and tauri has a release coming to add support for ios and Android apps.

Much appreciated! Let me know if you come across any problems. Squashing lots of bugs currently!

You can use it without nextcloud. That's entirely optional and exists only if you want to sync between antennapod and pinepods. If you're only using Pinepods you don't need that at all and syncing time between devices works totally fine.

I was thinking about that recently. Seems like it could be a decent use case for an Ai or something. A model that searches for consistent keywords or something. It's on my feasibility map to take a look at. That does drive me absolutely crazy when it breaks to ads seemingly mid sentence.

Entirely due to me trying to make getting help as accessible as possible. If there's demand for a matrix server I'd be happy to start one up.

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