Echoing "Degenerates"? You mean a games series that pushed the boundaries when it was new, truly pushed what open world meant, and that it could be done with large, crowded cities technically as well. Sure if you play them nowadays the might not brush any strokes and feel flat but the GTA series has been defining a game for generations where "everybody" in that generation had played and been fond of. 1-2-3, San Andreas, and vice city and the ilks. There wasnt really any competitors to that when they were released.
I'm going to guess you are right that it won't be too innovative. Story wise they have never been innovative, nor pretended to be. They have pushed the boundaries of open world in both engineering and social commentary/satire.
But calling several generations of gamers who grew up with this "degenerates". Hard to take you seriously and your attitude can eff right off
I loathe tomatoes on burgers and will throw it in your face if you serve it to me.
Absolutely pointless taste wise and all that water is what makes the bread and patty move around with no respect for each other.