10 Post – 182 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

she/they 🏳️‍⚧️


IMO it's better to not pirate small indie content (mostly games in my case).

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didn't it take "Meta" name as well?

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a Rorschach test

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time to lose all the progress we've made i guess

yes :3

  1. The text style references one of the viral AI generated greentexts, where a person is looking for a new gym
  2. Chaser is a person who fetishizes transgender people (src)
  3. An egg is (in this context) a trans person in denial (src)

nah, these were added a long time ago

a 🥴 would also be a good option

try estrogen

it's possible to have privacy with technology, you need to use alternatives

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make: *** No rule to make target 'the happy chemical'.  Stop.

ESC + :q!

ESC to enter normal mode (if you're in a different mode like insert) : (colon) to enter commands q to quit ! (or a) to use the quit command withiut keeping any changes

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it's a slang term for large boobs

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Also chicks dig penguins.

And foxes

FLAC (which stands for Free Lossless Audio Codec) is a way to code audio files. It makes those audio files smaller, without affecting the sound quality.

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While we're at it, why not try using another platform as well (matrix for example), and bridging it with the discord guild?

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Jerboa (on android)

no it doesn't

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might be a floppy disk, but without the case

hell yeah

add cat ears

Nice background :3


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electricity but yuri,,,

nah, he isn't that evil

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no thanks

Some from the ones I use:

  • F-Droid
  • Fennec (firefox variant that supports custom addon collections)
  • K-9 Mail
  • Termux (terminal + Linux environment)
  • Jerboa for Lemmy
  • Wikipedia
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Afaik the only ones are:


According to the about page (

Just in case, there's an 196 matrix space (unofficial and very empty atm) at


that's correct

wish i looked like you

next time try not to

~~direct link: ~~

thanks :3

meow :3


test failed :c

From the announcent:

I am planning to make Infinity a subscription-only app and see if that will be sustainable. If it's not sustainable, I think I may just unpublish Infinity on Google Play. Reddit does not allow me to let you input your own API key so I cannot provide any guidance on how you could do that.

add cat ears on the logo :3