1 Post – 24 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

People who don’t know/acknowledge the difference between “free speech” and “hate speech”

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Oh, Texas. Your power grid is an endless source of amusement (for people who don’t have to rely on it, of course).

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As well he should.

Mostly what I feel is gratitude. Personally, I don’t have the skills, technical knowledge, or free time required to run even a small instance. I know I’m relying on the generosity of others, which makes me much more tolerant of delays, glitches, etc.

Simple, short term pleasures, abandoning of long term plans, and taking comfort in the fact that I have not (and will not) bring children into this world.

I’m experiencing so many conflicting emotions right now. Horrified, amused, enthusiastic, resigned…

There’s smoke coming out of my ears, and I smell a burning clutch from constantly shifting gears.

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I had to keep reminding myself that it’s August, not April 1st. This is asinine.

Smartass remarks aside, you have my sympathies.

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The worst was also the funniest. An earthquake hit while I was on the toilet.

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More information = more accurately targeted advertising

I’m not in favor of it at all. If a human user wants to link to something interesting/relevant, fine, but I’m not excited about bots spamming links.

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Everybody wins

I had the opposite experience. I worked for a guy who easily could have retired years before, but kept working because he liked the continuous puzzles he had to deal with.

His books were an absolute mess. His daughter tried her damndest to handle the accounting, but it was a losing battle (the staff wasn’t affected, because there were never any payroll problems). He often forgot to charge customers, and when he did eventually send a bill, the rate was significantly less than what a competitor would charge. He just didn’t care about that part of the business because he didn’t need the money.

True. I should have started my post with “The rampant proliferation of…”

I finally figured out that by showing up unshaven and half asleep on my first day, I set the bar nice and low, and kept expectations to a minimum. Just being punctual, reliable, and civil made me Employee of the Month material.

IMPORTANT NOTE: this advice is only intended for a job that you don’t take very seriously. It is most emphatically not recommended behavior for your dream career.

No, but it didn’t matter anyway. That area wasn’t known for earthquakes. By the time my brain got out of “WTF?” mode, it was over.

Lemonworld 😂

I love it!

I just wanted something kinda nifty, but ultimately forgettable. I think I succeeded.

Almost. Substitute dictatorial control for independence, and you’ve got it!

I know nothing about the process. How can a decision take months? What else are they doing? Are there counter arguments or something happening in the meantime?

In my case, a sack of White Castles.

I used to be a big proponent of “/s”. My rationale was that reddit was a worldwide site, and it wasn’t fair to exclude people who weren’t fluent in English. Plus, I didn’t want to live up to the stereotype of the selfish, arrogant American.

Now, I just don’t worry about it. Over time, I realized I could say something obvious and seemingly non-controversial, like “the sky is blue”, and people will disagree anyway. If somebody a thousand miles away takes a sarcastic statement literally, and decides that I’m an asshole, then so be it.

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Yeah, that was the #1 reason they gave. There weren’t enough mods to keep up with the sudden workload.

…a purely blind assumption that you’re now spreading as fact.

Hey, let’s not dismiss this technique out of hand. Sometimes, it helps people get elected President!