Magnus Åhall

@Magnus Å
0 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

System/web/Linux developer

What if they DIDN'T have a chip in the ink cartridge, and just used it as a container that could be refilled and used in every printer they made? No hacking the cartridge then.

No, that's crazy talk!

What, no websocket-based realtime statistics for number of total, daily and hourly mistypings?

As long as /bin/sh isn't pointing to zsh, you haven't messed anything up. A lot of public scripts wouldn't expect to be run under zsh.

If you write your own scripts, I'd say to use zsh, but start it with #/bin/zsh (or whatever resolves to zsh) to be explicit about the fact that it is designed for zsh and nothing else. Most scripts written aren't going to be distributed to hundred of thousands of systems, but at most used in a handful of systems. No point in not enjoying some things zsh does better in scripts.

A lot of systems have other dependencies as well, and as long as a system which has scripts in it is specifing zsh along with other dependencies, I wouldn't see the problem. zsh doesn't take up much space or introduce other problems just by being installed.

As for the root shell, you can put Defaults env_keep += HOME in your sudo configuration. That will have sudo -s run your usual zsh with its usual configuration for interactive, daily use. Be aware of any config that shouldn't be run as root.

sudo -i will still run the shell root is assigned in /etc/passwd, and everything run as root would function ar expected.

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Phones has been fast enough for me without upgrading to new hardware the last few years.

And with a Fairphone, it is actually feasible to repair and change battery once in a while :)

In Sweden we usually have a self-checkout alternative where you acquire a wireless scanner when walking in, scanning when picking from shelves and put it directly in shopping bags.

At checkout, you just pay and walk out. There is random controls, where an employee will check like 5 randomly chosen things from the bags. This is seldom though, like once every three/four months or something.

Makes for very quick checkout.

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Built an arcade machine running MAME. We have been playing a lot of Boogie Wings and Windjammers.

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Depending on what one is doing, placing pv in between (usually with -s to specify size of data if known in advance) gives a progress bar, with speed and size of data passing through.

Say you have an SQL dump of 1048576 bytes:

cat dump.sql | pv -s 1048576 | mysql somedb

and now you know how far it is instead of just waiting :)

In Sweden we have just one ISP for non-commercial customers providing native IPv6 adresses (Bahnhof) on fiber connections, and even then we can't get a static prefix from them.

Not quite sure on the mobile ISPs though.

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In Sweden we have had a version of self checkout for 20 years in the largest stores, and here it seems to work fine.

Instead of having to scan everything at a station, each product is scanned with a handscanner when walking through the store, and put directly into shopping bags. Then only the payment and possibly a randomly occuring verification is left before leaving the store.

The random testing is usually just an employee scanning three to five items from your bags, and occurs like once every four months (as long as you're not actually stealing and caught).

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Or Escape 😅

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Have been using the same Kinesis Advantage daily for 23 years now.

Not a single part has been replaced or repaired, only taken apart to be cleaned.

st from suckless all the way. Used it a couple of years now in conjunction with i3. I'm spawning a lot of terminals, doing a few commands and closing them often, so starting quick is a must.

Wrote a small patch that allows me to copy current directory from a terminal instance to primary selection with a keybinding. That allows me to quickly navigate to whatever directory that would be in another terminal or application.

I have taken up the habit of being at work one-two hours before anyone else.

I get undisturbed, effective work done, and I leave earlier. More work done, more own time with family each day.

I'm still reachable through phone, add can fix most catastrophic problems from home, but that is so seldom occuring that it is OK, and collegues don't complain about me not being in office after 15:00.

I was made aware of Lemmy through links on reddit, with the whole API horror show.

Also most happy about it, and although I'm still not that active, I'm participating a bit more now. It definitively feels better to contribute to a group effort like Lemmy than to a large corporation that makes me the product.

Try a stream deck, each key is also a small monitor for customizable button actions.

Big bucks for big trucks?

My collegues wouldn't appreciate my shell config in the root account, especially the vi bindings ;)

I have been using key shortcut chaining in my WMs for freeing up more application hotkeys and also make them easier to remember. And it it still quite fast.

Starts them off by Ctrl+T, then for example: A (Audio) - [P, Pause; N; Next; V, Volume] R (Run) - [B, Browser; I, Inkscape; S, Spotify; Q, SQL editor]

And a lot more. The mnemonics helps me remember them, and Ctrl+T, R, B is quick enough to launch a browser.

Last 25 years I have been using a couple of different tiling window managers. My main workstations usually have four monitors, accessed by AltGr+number.

I heavily base my workflow on virtual desktops, accessed by Ctrl+number.

Each virtual desktop have a specific type of programs on it:

  1. Development
  2. Terminals
  3. Browsers
  4. Communication / documentation
  5. Multimedia
  6. Graphics
  7. SQL
  8. Debugging
  9. Email
  10. Virtual machines / monitoring

So with this I can access nearly every program with AltGr+number, Ctrl+number which is quite quick. As long as I remember the monitor I placed it on, I always know which virtual desktop.

I use chained keyboard shortcuts for window manager shortcuts, here: (old one, this has grown a bit...)

The chaining allows me to easier remember shortcuts with mnemonics, and they are fast enough, especially considering the amount of shortcuts I can scale it to.

  • Alt+T to start the chain, L for Layout, R for Resize.
  • Alt+T, R for Run, I for Inkscape.
  • Alt+T, A for Audio, N for Next.

There are some exceptions for the most used focus- and window moving operations, as well as for managing a clipboard buffer system. There are too many times when one goes back and forth to copy something, paste it somewhere else and going back for the previous one. So I can copy something, press Ctrl+Shift+3 to put in buffer 3. After a few other copy/pastes, I bring it into clipboard again with Ctrl+Alt+3. This also allows me to for example reload a page I'm working on and login with user/pass easily accessible in buffer 1 and 2, or login to four different network devices again and again without going to a text file and copying one of four passwords each and every time.

I wrote a special session manager via socket for i3 to be able to press Ctrl+number and go to a certain predefined desktop on the current monitor I'm at.

Not exactly that layout, but I can strongly recommend MessagEase. Also optimized for phone use.

I'm still using a Kinesis Contoured daily with PS/2 connection. Pretty impressed a new motherboard still came with a combo mouse/keyboard PS/2 port.

Author turned TCP/IP off on the server ☺

Javascript/Preact/Lesscss on frontend with a backend written i Go, using Postgres for data needs. Sometimes with websockets in between if needed.

The Kame ipsec project ( has a turtle image which is animated if visited with an IPv6 address.

I have a 49" ultrawide, running a tiling window manager under Linux.

I heavily utilize virtual desktops in my workflow. Always 10 on each monitor, accessed by Ctrl-{0..9}. Switching between monitors by AltGr+{1..n}. Programs always stay on the same virtual desktop no, so terminals on 2, browsers on 3 and so on. This enables me to access more or less any window in under a second, never having to look for it visually.

I usually work with 4 or 5 24" monitors, as a single program seldom needs more space for me. What he ultrawide brings to the table is the capability under Linux to create arbitrary virtual monitors.

I can for example have two evenly created monitors (two 27"). My usual for development is three, split as 2:3:2.

Another possibility is using a small script that analyses movie resolution and creates two monitors, one with the exact aspect ratio of the movie, eliminating black borders, and another for using while watching said movie :)

As Linux sees them as separate monitors, I can also have easily managed screen sharing.

Having the flexibility of software defining my monitors has been great as a developer; separation of many, screenwise often small, applications is highly useful to me. A couple of quick scripts to switch between different setups has integrated it nicely into the workflow, and I usually changes monitor config at least a couple of times per day.

I liked the look of Dashy, but it felt somewhat too heavy software for the simple dashboard I needed, and so I wrote the first version of Dashie.

It only uses Javascript and doesn't need any server components except a webserver. Configuration is done by editing YAML files.

Themes are implemented, and multiple pages which can be used to make more complex navigation of multiple dashboards.

Check it out :)

I'm using ed for small edits when I know exactly that only a certain line needs to be deleted, or a word changed.

We also had fun playing through Leisure Suit Larry 1 a couple of weeks ago :)

After 25 years of using vim I have replaced a lot of otherwise useful reflexes and brain capacity with vim keybindings (using a swedish variant of Dvorak none the less). I am way too old for needing a cheat sheet stuck on the keyboard, and it would even then be wrong not using QWERTY.

Oh god, I had a guy on work practise a couple of weeks. He was about 15, and pressed capslock, another key, and then capslock again for capital letters.

I suddenly stormed into the room screaming, with a knife. I plucked out the capslock key, and ran out of the room, still screaming. Then I popped my head back in through the door in a much calmer fashion and told him he would get the key back after his practise time at our company.

First thing I do on a new laptop is remapping a key I won't be using much to Insert, which I use all the time :)

I just love when I get these ingrown things like 0.5mm thick in diameter (in my beard) :) They have a tendency to just slide right out, leaving a small hole in the skin.

Been using the Kensington Expert Wireless a couple of years now.

You are completely right about SwitchOS, and it is even more exciting that some models sells in two versions, with the only difference being called CSS* for SwitchOS, or CRS* for RouterOS. And the SwitchOS-enabled model is much cheaper, so customers ordering for themselves almost always pick the wrong one (that is, SwitchOS, which we can't manage properly in our automations and other software solutions).

Can only agree on Mikrotik routers. All are using RouterOS, which works the same on all their devices, from routers to switches and access points.

They are relatively cheap for the capabilites you're getting. They have their own scripting language, two APIs (their new one is REST-based).

GUI (winbox is recommended, and plays nice with wine. Wouldn't recommend web interface, just cumbersome) and CLI exists.

They have a lot of builtin functionality, like DHCP server, DNS server with static configuration, and even file sharing. Some models are powerful enough to run Docker images on (yes, that's builtin...).

We're running a couple of hundred and don't have much problem with them.

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I guess that means able to access services on the Internet over IPv6, not me being able to get a /64 and providing services myself to others.

Sort of ok for phones I guess, although not as great if someone doesn't have access to fiber and have to use a mobile link in a residential environment.

Bahnhof actually just provides NAT:ed fiber connections as well as default, but will issue a public, unique IP if asked (at no additional cost).

I'm horrfied every day at work that copy/paste still is an issue. All my coworkers and customers are still struggling with copying some data, switching to another program, pasting it, switching back, copying some other data, and so on, especially when needing two or three data frequently.

In Windows, a (bad) solution is using win+tab, which literally no one knows about, much less uses.

In Linux (and should be in Windows too), it is trivial to implement buffers (say 0-9) to store and retrieve clipboard data for subseconds access.

My go to smartphone keyboard is MessagEase. A few larger buttons instead of many small. You can get quite fast on it, and larger buttons means fewer mistakes.