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My neighbor has one parrot, and it's her baby! I think she had it for more than a decade now, and it's beautiful to see him flying around the apartment (it's a big place, and all the windows are screened, so he's free to roam around), but it's such a commitment.

I actually started socializing with them because when I moved in they sent me a small basket with snacks and stuff, with a letter explaining about Kiwi (the parrot), and how he can be a bit loud sometimes.

I don't really mind tho, I actually love hearing him sing, joke, laugh. Such a happy bird!

I guess you could download a crack? But by that point you could just download the entire game without the sub, so

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I had some friends call me their best friend, but I never really felt the same. I love my friends, but I always felt I couldn't be 100% me around them. Until I met this guy, and we instantly clicked. Today, I can say that he's my best friend, because I feel like not only he understands me, but I feel safe and comfortable enough to actually be myself around him.

Eh, they did install a military dictatorship here, when it was convenient to them. It's almost like they didn't do it for the goodness of their hearts, but for their own financial interests.

In a few years, when we get closer to China, they'll try another coup here. I'm so tired.

That's a question my very partner asked me! It's hard, and I think everyone has different terms they prefer. In my case, I love to know how the other person see me, what characteristics they like about me. So I've got my fair share of weird/wonderful nicknames, and they're special because each person made a little story about it, you know?

But, some of the more usual ones are honey, babe, love, sweetheart. I love when people see me as soft/caring, so I quite like those! 💜

Now, talking as someone who has lots of enby friends: ask them! I've seen some people say that asking feels weird or forced, but I think it's a way to show you care about them 💜 I'm glad when people ask me how I'd like to be called, because they're being thoughtful of how I feel, and really, that's a huge green flag to me :D

I'm super interested in running Linux, do you think it's okay to just dump windows at once and go full Linux, or it's better to dual boot for a while? I've read that dual-booting can be a bit finicky, but it's been a while since I looked into it

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POP!_OS seems promising! It seems to be very easy to setup! Is it customizable enough? I'd like to try things out a bit, without worrying about screwing the entire system. Thanks for the recs! 💜

I did that more than once hahaha. Hell, you guys are convincing me to jump the boat!

I've tried Ubuntu before but never stuck with it, maybe Fedora will grab my interest! Is it easy to customize? I'm mostly focused in art, web development and gaming, do you think it's a good fit?

Ooh, I'm in need of those! What does the rest of the year holds for me? Anything health related?