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Joined 1 years ago

This may be tame but here goes:

When I was 15, I went walking up trail with my family in Chimborazo (a really big volcano in Ecuador) with lots of tourists and a guide. The walk is long and its windy as fuck with tiny tiny rocks and sand hitting your face/eyes but man seeing that mountain in front of you is amazing. It was tiring so I sat down to regain my breath while everyone kept moving on. I kept sitting and walking until I had enough and decided to walk down alone back to camp. Of course I told my family that I was heading down.

The thing is, it was real faraway or maybe it was that I couldn't see that well with all the wind and sand so I felt disoriented, but I kept descending. I was feeling lost. I just saw ground all around me all alone with the wind hitting my ears loudly. I was getting a lil bit desperate but kept walking downwards to the left. Then I thought maybe it's a bad idea to keep walking to the left, so I went to the right, and a few minutes later I arrived to the camp. I kept thinking to myself what would have happen if just kept walking to the left.


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Well my first game I think it was Duck Hunt with my family and I didn't understand how to play it lmao.

But the game I played alone for the first time was Mega Man & Bass on an zsnes emulator on our family pc.

Monster Hunter Wilds. It looks phenomenal

CrossCode - this isn't a jrpg nor a classic style per ser but I'd say it's heavily inspired by them. I've been playing it for a while and it really is a gem of a game. Check it out if it's your thing.

Other modern games which are a jrpgs that I haven't played but heard good things are Chained Echoes and Octopath Traveller. Those are akin to retro classic style jrpgs

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Sekiro - This was January 2020 so the timing was perfect just before covid hit (in my country). Back then I just had the opportunity to build one so I didn't think twice cuz I wanted a gaming pc since forever.

I had at the time so many games in mind for years and also in my backlog, so it was incredible to finally build one and play all of them during the lockdowns lmao


What a banger trailer, felt goosebumps all throughout. And seeing how everything showed in it is from in-game engine is majestic

Slay the Spire - damn fucking addicting game, sometimes infuriating and sometimes a dopamine rush, it's just feels so good when you play your cards right

CrossCode - I'm still at the beginning (just got my first party member) and I fell in love with it almost instantly. The dialogue is funny and the combat is chef's kiss. Shout out to Lea's legendary face reactions

No and I'm glad I don't, seeing all the ignorance of the world caused by religion. But I still respect people's beliefs (to a degree) like I do with my best friend. He's like a brother to me and he's devout. As long as people don't shove their beliefs into me or talk religious nonsense to me, I'm chill.

As a uncircumcised man can confirm I'm a Force kin 👍🏽

Same here. For me I can count how many times I opened Lemmy throughout the day compared to reddit in which sometimes I opened it literally seconds after closing it. Not that I'm complaining nor celebrating it, for me it's just that.

I feel quite the opposite. I started with Rise last year which was really fun. Then I bought World some time later and man, I'm in love with that game to the point that Rise just doesn't do it for me anymore. Now I see it as too fast paced and with little care for the environments compared to World.

Monster Hunter World for the first time!

Holy fuck please somebody hold me because I'm going to pass out. They remembered Okami existed. If I ever see a new okami game I would literally cry

Slay the Spire when I want some time off with work/course while I watch videos or podcasts.

CrossCode at night when I'm free. This is my new addiction as I keep thinking about it constantly. Honestly really fell in love with this game almost instantly. Even though the game is like 5 years old, this was my surprise of this year! Shout out to the few CrossCode fans here on Lemmy, we exist!

Elden Ring with the seamless coop mod at night with my friends when they're available. I've already got all the endings with multiple characters but I keep playing because it's extremely fun with homies, and also because I just want another excuse to keep playing it lmao

Don't mind me, being a single crustacean hasn't been thaaaat bad eh? Hahahhshhjkfhhhah :(

Dude I had CrossCode on my wishlist for years and forgot about it, until I watched a video praising it and saying to not let indie games like this one die in obscurity when they deserve much more attention.

So I bought it on last Steam sale and fuck, I wholeheartedly agree with that video. I just beat my first dungeon and it's such a beautiful and fun game - the characters being one of my favorite aspects.

It's painfully sad how severely underrated CrossCode is. It needs more praise and love so I'm doing my best to raise awareness of it lol.

Wouldn't be surprised if this one becomes one of my favorites.

I bought CrossCode because I heard great things about it and I'm enjoying it so far. The movement and combat is sooo fun and the main character's expressions are pure gold

Welp, time to change my diet, as if they didn't have it rough already by being lonely. Sorry little dudes

Oh man I'm so ready for this, I can't wait. I purposefully stopped playing elden ring for months just to experience a fresh run when the dlc comes out. I even have a character ready in NG+ so I can play it all over again and reach the dlc. I'm so damn happy, it's finally arriving!

"Lucky motherfuckers"

Didn't know Monet was your gf. Oda would be proud 👒

Listening to this beautiful song that honestly needs more love! Hope you like it:


Do you prepare them somehow or you just buy the carrot and cut it? Sorry if it's a dumb question, I love hummus and I'm curious about eating it with carrots, it's just that I've never eaten them raw

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Air popped popcorn with salt or nuts/peanuts with raisins