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I'm not. The US Military is sneakily a very large commercial partner in Hollywood. They frequently loan out equipment, bases, personnel, and more to movies that depict the armed forces as good guys. Top Gun, Battleship, Goldeneye, Iron Man 1/2, The Day After Tomorrow, and the Transformers movies are all sponsored by the US Military. So it makes sense they'd be at a movie/culture festival. Not to mention it's a target rich environment for their core demo: men between the ages of 18 and 25

A Wells Fargo spokesperson told Bloomberg that the company "holds employees to the highest standards and does not tolerate unethical behavior."

I mean the jokes write themselves

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Why don't their liberal counterparts get it?

Because they don't exist. I do not believe it is possible to be truly progressive, have left leaning morals, and be a billionaire. The only way to aquire enough money to control the media narrative of a country the size of America is to be a massive piece of shit. Even the "good" billionaires got there by stepping on as many fingers as possible while they climbed the ladder. Our system inherently rewards people with bad morals, and then enables them to control the conversation for everyone else. Which they obviously use to further their shitty ideas

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It's so annoying that this has been politicized into such an all or nothing situation. Vaccines work so well because of statistics. No vaccines aren't 100% effective, vaccines aren't 100% safe, they do have side effects. However, in the unbelievably vast majority of cases vaccines prevent or reduce the symptoms of a disease, lower the amount you transmit, and the most severe side effects are often still better than the worst of the disease. There is legitimately a population that cannot get vaccines for various reasons (egg allergies and immuno compromised people primarily) and it's our responsibility to get vaccinated to help protect those people

As a stats major I'd like to blame math illiteracy, specifically people failing to understand orders of magnitude, but honestly even if you suck at math a simple pro/con list of each should still make it obvious. If the odds of cardio problems and death are equal with the vaccine and covid respectively (death from covid is 44 times more likely) then you should get the vaccine. If the odds of getting autism from the polio vaccine and ending up in an iron lung are the same (not even comparable because there's no evidence vaccines cause autism) then you should get the vaccine

Also finally, rugged individualism is such an awful way of thinking. The whole "I've never had a serious illness, so my immune system is strong" is just stupid. You have no way to know what will and won't kill you until you're dead. Or in a coma. Or incapable of walking. Or on oxygen for the rest of your life. All of which are significantly more likely to happen from getting covid, which is almost a statistical certainty for everyone in the world at this point, that you should just get the vaccine

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American tax forms have an "other income" field. That's where you can report any money you've made not covered by the other fields including any ill gotten gains. That section doesn't require you to list a source, and even if it did nobody expects you to list "$7,800 - meth sales, $32,200 - crack sales, $50,000 - robberies". You'd just say "Other income - $90,000"

The logic being that if the government never gives you the opportunity to pay taxes on something, then they can't charge you with tax evasion. Plus there's a lot of money in crime! If the US can get a piece of that pie they will!

Finally, the IRS is an already underfunded organization and contrary to the popular narrative, is very easy to work with. If you make a genuine good faith effort to pay your taxes and they find issues, an agent will work with you to resolve it. They'll set up payment plans, defer payments, and more if you're cooperative. All this is to say that reporting people for crimes besides tax ones and terrorism (the only one they're legally required to report to outside agencies) just makes their job harder, so they don't

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"People whose job is a popularity contest shocked that their unpopular actions put their job at risk"

I just wish their actions actually caused their support to drop proportionally but they just keep gerrymandering harder and harder to prevent themselves from facing consequences

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A perpetual problem I have as a Scrum Master in the tech field is the business people's inability to understand that nine women can't make a baby in a month. There are just certain things where throwing money at it won't give you any faster of a return on investment. More money doesn't make better games faster, if anything it adds bureaucracy that impedes critical work. Most great video games aren't capable of being produced on an annual basis and trying to hit your Q4 results over and over won't magically produce high quality output

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I understand and obviously agree or else I wouldn't be vaguely gestures to everyone around him

But let's not live in fantasy land. Capitalism rules the internet and like it's old predecessor Feudalism there's one rule. Bigger Army (bank account) diplomacy. None of the other rules matter if you're big enough to write them. Nobody will willingly give up their level of control of the internet and everyone who takes it will do so with the objective of replacing them not dethroning

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I have no mouth and I must (rule)

I just watched a video where the director of John Wick was talking about how hard he had to fight the studio to kill the puppy right at the top of the movie. People wouldn't stand for a dead dog, it's too evil, etc...

Anyway now we're discussing if a puppy killer should be in a position to run the largest military in the world if an obese, confused, incontinent, drug addicted, 77 year old man kicks the bucket

Who needs to make America Great Again? We're already here baby!

Congrats, you've discovered the appeal of cruises and all inclusive resorts

Never, ever, ever, ever, put Rick and Morty in your bio. I legitimately think you'd have better success putting your preferred porn categories. I like Rick and Morty, I live with my girlfriend, and I still don't watch it around her. There are very few popular things that actively repulse women as much as that show.

In the realm of more useful advice, Tinder bios are worthless, your pictures do all the work. Hinge, OKCupid, and Bumble will be a little better for profiles. Depending on the games you like maybe focus on board games or something a little more expressive than Fortnite and Minecraft. Books are great, put something you're actively/recently read, put your favorite and ask for suggestions. It seems you're metal adjacent in music tastes so maybe put some more general metal to hook other metal heads but not scare off everyone else

Finally, pick something goofy or weird to stick out with. I am great at tetris so I put that I have a standing offer to buy drinks for anyone who can beat me. Nobody will ever actually take you up on it but it gives you a way to stand out while also showcasing your interests

Feel free to post your profile for critique. Making good dating profiles is hard and getting unbiased internet opinions is harsh, but helpful

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More specifically the IRS field book discourages reporting illegal income to other agencies for basically everything besides terrorism. Also, when you file taxes there's a reason there's an "other income" field. Nobody expects you to list "MS-13" as your employer. You can report money earned from illegal activities to avoid additional federal charges being tacked on

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Party that hates women, young people, and treatments for preventable diseases wonders where their supporters are going

Wow, I hope we get to the bottom of this mystery

I'm assuming the downvotes are because you're asking lemmy where you can seek out advertisements whereas the general consensus of this website seems to be fuck advertisers

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Movie trailers ARE the advertisements

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It appears this person signs off all of their comments with a creative commons license for fair use, presumably saying how you're allowed to use their comment. Which I'm relatively sure has exactly the same legal power as a boomer posting a Facebook picture saying that they don't consent to having their data collected

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Major Dune spoilers:

Isn't that pretty explicit in Children? Leto II frequently chastises his genetic memory father/actual father for being a coward to afraid to commit to the golden path. Paul saw where the golden path led and couldn't do it so he becomes the Preacher whereas Leto saw what was needed to guide humanity and thus sacrificed his to become The Tyrant

It was, the minions were canonically frozen during WWII presumably so they wouldn't have to say they worked for Hitler

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I would like to remind people that this is corpo speak. This is likely counting mobile shovelware monopoly, my little pony, trivial pursuit, clue, etc stuff. Plus there's Transformers and we don't know if they count only their own games or do they count something like the Fortnite crossover as a video game project? Hell I can name 4 active magic the gathering video games off the top of my head. It's entirely possible they count certain magic expansions as their own thing if they're complex enough (MH3, Assassin's Creed, Final Fantasy)

My point is that this doesn't say anything of substance, don't read it as a reaction to anything in particular

What happened to freedom of speech? Freedom of association? Free market capitalism?

America has none of those things. We have clear limits on what is and isn't acceptable speech. We routinely see protest groups beaten, jailed, and killed for protesting things the police like. Finally, you have to live in a bunker if you think we have a free market

If an American citizen wants to use a Chinese platform, why don't they have the right to?

Because part of the government's job is protecting its people. If China gave away a blowjob and cocaine robot and all you had to do was walk it around and give it detailed tours of civilian infrastructure that'd be banned too despite being hugely popular. If the government desides it's in the best interest of the people to not do something then they have the authority to prevent people to doing it

I think the data collection stuff is a red herring. Real reason is that war is coming and they're preparing the online information space so they can more easily manipulate it. Sort of how they did a test run with covid. Banning misinformation and such.

This is just pure conspiracy talk. Occam's razor says the simplest solution is usually correct. What's the simple answer here? Data is becoming one of the most valuable "natural" resources. You don't hand valuable resources for free to rival governments. You charge them, or you prevent them from taking it. It's all about money

If the sale doesn't go through, I don't see how this will eliminate whatever little bit of credibility the federal government has among the younger generations. 18~25 or so

Call me naive but I like to think young people care about more than just the apps on their phone and are capable of holding a more nuanced view of our government than you clearly are

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Late judicial tinkering with election laws can lead to disruption and to unanticipated and unfair consequences for candidates, political parties, and voters, among others.

I wonder if there's anything else that'd be unfair? You know like making the votes of citizens not reflect their demographics

In 1615 only a third of men would have been literate and less than 10% of women would be. So statistically she would have learned about the Bible from someone else

Would you use your VP position to do exactly what I would do and screw everyone around you for power or will you be a good little boy like Pence and let us threaten your life for supreme Executive power?

Gee, what do you think they want to use the presidency to accomplish?

The short answer is that we don't know. It has long been a legal grey area when depicting porn of underage characters that are clearly not real. There's the classic "she's actually 1000 she just looks 6 years old" and "all characters depicted are at least 18 [despite all of them being in various stages of high school]". American politicans are by and large way out of date with modern technology and cannot be expected to rule competently on the subject. Is the AI nude of a real person "revenge porn" or constitutionally protected free speech? People have been drawing fan art of underage celebs having sex with high detail for a long time (see Harry Potter/Twilight rule 34). Ultimately congress will need to make laws about this or courts will have to interpret a previous ruling as applying to these images. Unfortunately due to the Streisand Effect whomever is at the unfortunate center of this shitstorm will be forever made into pornographic material so we understand the general hesitation to get involved

I'd have a little more sympathy if companies were actually hiring people and not doing absolutely everything in their power to not hire real employees. Restaurants refuse to pay people minimum wage, corporate jobs only hire contractors, airbnb, lyft, and Uber all claim their workers aren't employees, and if someone sneezes and it sounds like the word union they're gone. We can live in magical fantasy ecomnics land, or we can discuss reality. Harsh regulations need to stop these companies from shafting regular people and if they decide to hold the economy hostage like 2008 then we forcibly make the company public property

Obviously this will never happen in America but let's stop giving them lip service and call them the greedy leeches they are, and not holy job creators who bestow the gift of a prosperous economy upon us

Man who has never been the most popular person upset that he still isn't popular

Man I'm glad I outgrew high school

Eh, I think you'd be surprised. It really takes a lot of time to get someone from new hire to productive member of a team. Even with the money to just shotgun hire new people and keep good fits it still takes time for them to understand the vision, tech stack, workflow, and culture. I honestly think software is an environment where finding and investing in good people matters more than money and that no amount of venture capital will fix that

Highly motivated developers with passion projects will always exist (Minecraft, Stardew Valley, Undertale, Dwarf Fortress). However producing high quality art in a corporate environment is possible, repeatable, and scalable if you acknowledge the inherent reality of creative development

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Yes. They spent years fighting Roe V. Wade with inane bullshit until one stuck. They fought student loan relief, immigration changes, and healthcare reform. Republicans in America have clearly demonstrated that they are dogs chasing after cars, and when they catch them they don't care or realize what the consequences are. We need to stop excusing their behavior as if they're "making a statement" or "posturing". They tell us what they want to do, we say "nah, they don't mean it", and then it happens

Sure, but we're all people posting on Fediverse content. We are not the vast majority of the population. My advise is to help make this dude as generally appealing as possible. We should not pretend we're the average people on these apps

Are there women who like Rick and Morty? Of course. If you're on a dating app it's all a numbers game and Rick and Morty is one of the easiest ways to get the largest amount of women to immediately dismiss you. I would struggle to find someone who suggests associating yourself with it to increase your chances at going on a date. OP is asking Lemmy for dating profile tips, so I feel you need to make certain things very clear about how to succeed

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Just give them Mexico and they'll be appeased, they won't go to Guatemala next! There's no reason for them to keep going south, it's not like they've previously used their power to overthrow democratically elected leaders in central America before

This is the exact same logic used when Germany invaded Poland for fuck's sake. These dipshit aren't even original

I'd probably bring this. It's the actual award that the Movie V for Vendetta won for being certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes

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In the early days of Rift there was a mage build that used a bunch of attacks to target what the tank was targeting and would build your crit chance to 85%+ and then crit heal the tank for their entire bar. The tanks absolutely hated it, but it was the most fun healing I've done across 10+ MMOs, MOBAs, and arena shooters

As a resident of one of the states that has been involved in those suits (NC) I do like that they prevented things from getting worse. However those cases won't overturn already gerrymandered districts. In some cases courts have ruled that districts were gerrymandered and demanded new maps so every time republicans submitted even worse maps just gumming up the system until they were looked in for the next election cycle and there were no consequences

Sorry but that's not accurate. It is definitely his son. There's evidence Paul considers it but Leto II is the one who actually merges with the worms

A kinda raunchy stand-up. I generally like her stuff. Here's one of her bits I like:

I went from a manual '08 wrangler to a' 23 model 3 and I gotta tell you, I'm so much happier with it. Granted, I live in the city now and driving a stick shift in and out of parking lots daily was a major pain in the ass, but I still think I'd be happy back in the suburbs. Here's my first thoughts:

  1. Electricity is wayyyyy cheaper than gas. Plus you can charge whenever you aren't using the car if you have a garage.

  2. I know jeeps aren't sporty cars but my model 3 feels 100x more responsive than a jeep. Consider that electricity starts working immediately. To start a manual you need to take your foot off the clutch, push in the gas, let that gas get to the engine, ignite, and then the car moves. Sure that process takes less than a second but it's hard to overstate how fast electric cars can go immediately

  3. Electric cars are all inherently newer and have a lot of cool new features. Auto parking, self-driving, adaptive cruise control, voice activated commands, driver profiles, and more made it feel like I went from the stone age to the industrial revolution overnight

That's not to say it's all sunshine and roses. Some downsides:

  1. I'm definitely a worse driver now. Manuals keep all 4 limbs focused on driving and make it really hard to get distracted. This is kind of a wash because the self-driving feels way safer on the highway than a human driver

  2. Recharging is not as easy as refueling. As long as you plan ahead this isn't an issue but you can't lazily say "oh I'll get gas in the morning on the way to work" and you have to spend longer on road trips. During my day to day I actually save time because I just plug in when I'm going to be home anyway. Plus some places have free charging

And lastly this is kind of medium:

  1. People can borrow my car. I like having a car my girlfriend can actually drive when it's relevant but other people want to try to drive my car and sometimes it's a little annoying

I don't think we're ready for everyone to go electric but if you're the type to not drive everyday and live in an area with decent access to chargers I think it's worth considering

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As a Scrum Master myself this isn't a question anyone outside of your work flow can answer. I've worked at organizations where we expected people to complete 8 points of work per sprint, and some where we expected people to do 30. Additionally, from a pure philosophy stand point, points measure complexity/uncertainty not time needed to complete the task. As such, you should be both reducing the average number of points per feature and increasing your average velocity over time.

OK, semantics aside, here's some useful advice: jira has free accounts for individuals (check with their licenses before you sell any work) and is obviously built for software development. You can also install addons like Clone Plus that will let you clone epics and the stories within them. I'd recommend making a shell epic that contains the maximum amount of work a project would take, then appropriately size, sequence, and relate all stories to each other. After you have that template epic you can clone it and all the relevant stories underneath, then using Jira dashboards put them in the order they need to be done and use your estimated weekly velocity to see what you can do. Then you'll have a list of tasks, how many points they total, and a rough timeline of story delivery