1 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Jesus Christ this thread is full of people who don't realize they're the judging hipster in the post.

Ubuntu isn't the entry level distro that you move on from once you've gotten your feet wet, and your not very subtle pats on your own backs for using something different aren't earned.

Does it do everything the user needs from it? If so, don't tell them that they need to "graduate" to a "better" flavor.

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I mean logically the kind of shit that grows on your dishes isn't much better for you than the literal shit that a toilet brush would scrub out of your toilet bowl.

First, what the fuck is growing on your dishes that you believe is "logically" equivalent to eating human shit? Second, this isn't a logic problem or a place for opinion. All the work was already done for you, just waiting for you to look it up instead of giving your opinion on bacteria.

Human shit also doesn't only contain bacteria. There's an estimated 100 million - 1 billion virus per gram of wet shit inside of us. Fungi are estimated at up to a million microorganisms per gram of wet shit and there's still around 100 billion bacteria per gram of wet shit. Let's not forget parasites like cryptosporidium which your body purges in shit.

Meanwhile either giving your dishes a cursory rinse or not allowing them to sit covered in food for days on end would minimize bacterial or fungal growth on your dishes.

This is a reminder for everyone: your opinion on facts that you can't be bothered to type in a search box are less than worthless. They're disinformation and in some cases, like telling people that eating shit is no more harmful that licking a plate, can cause harm.

Just say no to opinions on what facts may or may not be. Cite your sources.

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It would take a super genius to understand that they're either a non-native English speaker or made a simple typo/autocorrect issue. Also, since it's completely impossible to even guess at the point they're trying to make through the context of every other word in their comment we all owe you a debt of gratitude for calling this out!

Thank you,, for adding something incredibly meaningful to the conversation and the world as a whole!

Oh no.. I just saw this comment in a different thread from 2 hours ago, and it MAKES NO SENSE:

Doctors today face a demand form their services that, while we can't guarantee will get them.jigher wages, can give them more leeway against unwritten political rules of speech.

What is a doctor's "demand form?" And "them.jigher" isn't a term I could find anywhere on the internet! I don't understand what the author,, was trying to say! It's all just gibberish!

I feel good calling it out though. I'm sure that will be grateful for my much-needed help and not think I'm a dick for detracting from their point to assert my knowledge of English grammar over them.

Neat, there's a second epilogue update in the game that I can't get past the second level.

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There are very little, if any, benefits to using a VPN service to browse the public internet.

This is why it's often best to just avoid the comments completely

Or Ubuntu could perform every task they need it to and never switch to anything else.

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On the contrary, if another pandemic killed a bunch of people, many of their homes would be bought up by the same hungry corporations that created and perpetuate the housing crisis.

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But he is a bad person.

People like that don't deserve patience and understanding.

These black and white statements won't do you or anyone else any good. We understand that an inconsiderate or rude act doesn't define a person when we can believe that about ourselves and love ourselves despite our many mistakes and cringe-worthy incidents.

When we love ourselves we begin to offer others the same grace and understanding we allow ourselves. We see the myriad reasons we don't think or act how we'd like to and realize that everyone else's life is just as difficult and confusing, and often for reasons we'll never see or understand.

Braver than most western journalists, who regurgitate the corporatocracies narrative and manufacture consent on their behalf.


Hopefully she's given a good job and granted asylum somewhere in the west ASAP, so she can go on with her life.


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I don't get the aggression people have for someone using different brand.

People identify the business decisions that Apple makes to be anti-consumer. They then feel frustration and anger for users of Apple products as support for their products only emboldens Apple to continue making anti-consumer decisions, such as the subject of this article.

Apple is a microcosm representation of the evils of capitalism for many people and they project their feelings about it - powerlessness, disgust, anger, etc. - onto users of Apple products. People associate support for iPhones which enjoys a 61% US market share as support for the boot of capitalism on our throats regardless of whether the Apple user doesn't know, doesn't care, or doesn't agree.

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Greed and lack of empathy

That's what keeps capitalism humming along. It's why a few people own most of everything and the "lucky" Americans will be forced to work until they die. What point were you trying to make when you attempted to correct them by saying that's not capitalism?

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FontMasterFlex, you're clearly missing the point. It's an unjust law that exists to keep people like her out of office. It's another Christian right wing - sorry, I mean government - tactic to keep the other team from being allowed to play.

It's the same as the laws that were passed requiring abortion clinics to have 18 ft wide hallways. "We're not banning abortion! We're just concerned about the rights of all the 18'+ women seeking treatment!"

Fuck unjust laws that keep people from getting into positions to overturn unjust laws.

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He undoubtedly has more information about what's going on than most people who aren't there but he also has different motives. Where you or I might view genocide as unacceptable under any circumstances, he's viewing it through a lens of constantly needing to maintain and grow American power and resources. He believes that the US relationship with Israel furthers that goal so Israel performing genocide gets a pass. He rationalizes it by believing that whatever is (capitalism's definition of) good for America is good for all Americans.

I've blocked exactly one person on Lemmy and it's Yothgos or Yogthos or whatever the fuck their name is. They're either a propagandist in China or just a very sad person who posts prolifically about how amazing China is, dismissing any criticism against it. It's weird, sad, and annoying seeing them pop up in any thread about China. I assume they have or will pop in this thread but I don't know as they're blocked.

That's 86 F for all you freedom lovers, or the front seat temperature of a Ford F150 with 312 fresh Big Macs in the extended cab.

The vertical line next to the text means it's a quote

Nintendo Power would disagree

Multiple things are true at the same time. He's better for humanity than his alternative, he's not a reality show fuckwit, but doing his job is not a positive as it almost entirely entails keeping everyone firmly under the boot of capitalism. He's made improvements within the totally broken system and also done nothing to change the totally broken system.

I am in no way glad that he's our president but I'm glad it's him over the orange monster.


With the chosen name of "sheeple" I'm guessing you get upset at just about anything a majority of people enjoy.

Marijuana is a schedule 1 drug and therefore "more dangerous and prone to abuse" than fucking prescreption meth. I'm not going to put much weight into drug classifications written largely by companies that stand to profit from their own and their competition's standing.

And he knows how many seconds it'll take to kill a room of armed thugs

Agreed. This is what I was implying by citing their OS market share in mobile devices in the US and I could have clarified better.

That's definitely plausible, though I don't think it's the most likely scenario. Intentionally choosing that extremely hateful Nazi code without any other context or understanding would only serve to grab the attention of Nazis or people who know that it's a code used by Nazis. Using this thread as anecdotal evidence, it's not mainstream and many people don't know it exists/think that is a big deal. I don't see CBS advertising their new show which otherwise makes zero reference to white supremacy or Nazis by using a Nazi code.

I find the most likely reasoning to be that it way placed there intentionally but with plausible deniability to the graphic artist. "I just used a picture of an elevation map because he goes and finds people in the wilderness!"

Not everyone of course but there's way too many people over there who will justify anything the Chinese government does or just ignore criticism by saying, "what about what the US does?!!?!"

How they cannot understand that the US and China are both dystopian hellscapes is embarrassing.

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It's both a blessing and a curse to be so unaware of what's happening around you. To think it's "insane" that a white supremacist placed 1488 on an elevation map says that you neither understand how incredibly easy that would be to accomplish and that you aren't aware of the rising tide of racial hate that was invigorated in 2016 and hasn't felt much pushback since.

It's so not "insane" that it could easily be the most likely reason for splashing 1488 across TV screens around the country during the last regular season football game of the year.

Nazis and racists are everywhere. They work everywhere. They live everywhere. And they're feeling incredibly emboldened and inevitable. Whatever reason you choose to believe that led 1488 to be displayed so prominently for everyone to see, an inescapable fact is that every racist that saw it BELIEVES that it was intentionally placed there and got a jolt of dopamine feeling that their message is spreading, that "their time is coming." That's the actual insane part.

I'd I hadn't lived through the last 8 years, I would absolutely agree.

Unfortunately, Nazis and white supremacists have felt more emboldened and accepted than they have since WWII. Their talking points and ideologies are becoming "just another opinion" instead of a poison that must be excized. Their codes - like 1488 - are becoming more mainstream so that real Nazis and edgy teens alike blast it everywhere.

Sure, it's not impossible that it's a random number on a elevation map that shows no other elevations and displays the elevation prominently right above the lead actor's name. At the very best that's a huge oversight by a graphic designer and anyone else charged with reviewing the ad before it's played across the country.

I find it to be more likely that it's intentional and someone slipped it in to a part of the ad that flashes in the screen for less than a second to promote and strengthen their movement.

1488 is a white supremacist/modern Nazi dog whistle. The 14 stands for "the 14 words:" "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." The 88 stands for the 8th letter in the alphabet, H: heil Hitler.

If you've never heard of this, know that I'm not a numerology weirdo seeing messages where they don't exist. 1488 it's how they self-identify and it's used as a dog whistle to each other. It's easily searchable.

This is the correct answer

Have any sources?

What knowledge do you have?

Thank you for the explanation. It's a term I've only seen recently and I've waited a little while to see if I could figure it out by context but that hadn't happened yet.

I can't agree when we're talking about the state of the world. Yes, the world will go on and see better days, but it might take millennia and the extinction of humanity to get there, which isn't something that any of us will endure.

I don't know if you understand the point. I and other users have tried to help. If you have any more specific questions, just ask.

You can't fix the problems caused by capitalism with capitalism. Those homeless people employed by that beautiful company in your made up example don't have a home because companies and the governments they write the laws for value profit over human life. Homelessness is overwhelmingly a mentally health issue which becomes an addiction issue, but here in the US all health care, much less mental health care, is a for-profit venture. And the open market that you seem to respect so much has made renting and home ownership unattainable for countless millions.

You sound like everyone else who believes everything they learned in econ 101, that capitalism rights itself because it's in people's best interests to do so. You're out of touch with the reality of so many peoples lives, and you only emphasized it with your fantasy about "good capitalism." You can blame all of Lemmy or all the "brainwashed" people who tell you how far your perception of reality is skewed, but I hope you can continue learning about what life is like for people who don't have your privilege or luck and are moved to reconsider your stance.

What is a gift link?

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If labeling it helps you to understand it, sure.

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I don't know what "brutal science" is but I do know that the scientific process was used in many peer-reviewed studies to understand what lives in our shit. That holds a lot more weight for me than what an anonymous poster feels might be right in regards to the same subject matter.

Furthermore, the greater concept here is that we as a species have access to actual information by powers of magnitude more then ever before in human history and yet a significant percentage of the population believe that vaccines cause autism because a washed up Playboy bunny repeated what she read from a discredited "doctor" and it caught on like wildfire.

People in general too often believe what they hear or read without legitimate evidence. Disinformation exists at best because people unconsciously believe their opinions are just as valid as peer-reviewed research, and at worst to weaponize information for personal gain. Whatever the intent it's a plague on humanity and I won't apologize for calling it out when seen. If that's too "brutal" for you I hope you can get to a place where reading cited information in response to opinion doesn't disrupt your sensitivities.