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Joined 10 months ago

::: spoiler Hi! How are You? :::


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I use my blanket as a cloak in the winter

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I feel like that one instance not blocking threads should exist, like a common ground where people can interact and maybe convert threads user to leave big corpo and join us

My expirience is similar, I prefer Lemmy but I see the potential of platform like Mastodon or Misskey or Pixelfeld for interraction with artists. In that sense you can use list to properly organize your feed and don't clog your timeline feed. Plus for discovering new people you follow hashtags and some instances let you set up antennas to catch post with specific words (iceshrimp rules!).

The original artist, fallenchungus, made a lots of comic drawings with this style that went viral on twitter

John Fire

I remember my mutant compagnion telling me it wasn't his destiny to do it


This seems a right strategy, I usually block all unknown number but I fear to lost some calls that are important.

I didn't know something like that existed, I usually use a service as cloudhiker to explore interesting web pages, but I don't like the ads and the redirecting, so I am currently I am searching for alternatives.

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what is a CW? I'm new to mastodon

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Wow phanpy is amazing! Thanks for sharing!

Ok! now I get it.

I understand, I think I will stick with my old system. Thanks for the info

I have problems to get notification for live channels with rss, any advice?

You are cloakly much more than me

Did You find alternatives that You use today?

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