15 Post – 123 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Which bit is uncanny to you?

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When you say 'pretend' did you physically huddle together in a car-like shape and make car-like noises or did you just walk up and try to order?

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Hey sis, I'm just going to expose myself in front of your kids. You're cool with it right?

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In case you haven't seen it there's a great documentary from 2005 about the anti-war movement within the ranks of the United States Armed Forces during the Vietnam War.

Sir! No Sir! on Vimeo.

Sir! No Sir on YouTube.

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Shawn Fain speaks at UAW 2024 National CAP Conference 1/22/24.

The UAW is calling on all unions to set their next contracts to expire on April 30, 2028 and for a general strike on May 1, 2028 to reclaim May Day.

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What a time to be alive.

I don't remember where I read it but some Zionists do not consider non/anti Zionist Jews to be real Jews. So yes, they would consider this antisemitic. If I find the source I'll add it here.

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There's only one chart that matters when it comes to Primer.

I think the major hurdle is that they can't just rebrand the existing app, they have to release a new one. Keeping the K-9 app around will help the user transition long term. The folks in this thread follow Thunderbird and Thunderbird for Android development but my guess is the majority of K-9 users don't. At some point when or if K-9 installs drop they will probably revisit the issue.

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No we really miss doing the fascism thing. Cann we do it again for an little while?

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I hope the folks laid off land on their feet.

I'm starting to think FF is being deliberately run into the ground by the higher ups. It would be good to hear from some of the devs about their thoughts on all this.

Capitalism won't overthrow itself.

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Heirs are finite and have a shelf life. Guillotines are reusable.

What's with the eyebrows?

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Excuse my ignorance but how will the fediverse defend itself against email spam?

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Very coherent comment considering your shitfacedness.

You mean Minecraft is a survival game by default now?

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Why would you use Gentoo for criminal activity over any other operating system including Windows and Mac?

If you want to keep your installation and save a little bit of time updating it then use the binary repo.

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AntennaPod is great.

Straight to the top of All, no lagging.

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Is anyone here using this? What do you make if it?

It's possible that replied to an earlier version of my comment where it said 'for many Israeli's' or something like that. I edited my comment before I saw their reply. Anyway, I edited my initial reply for clarity but I don't think it will help because my phrasing makes it sound like I'm the one who thinks the director's comments are antisemitic. I don't.

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I think I get it now, it's like the way Disney or whatever draw female counterparts. You take a cow and you go, 'hmm, what can I add to make this a sexy female cow?'

Boom, eyebrows and so on. I think that's why this cow looks so weird.

For anyone wondering this is from RoboCop 2.

It would be great if there was at least once instance that was federated to most of the other instances (except Nazis and porn) just so lurkers could keep track of what's being posted via 'Recently added'.

Does anyone know of an instance that does something like this?

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Is that a headless photographer?

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Nice phone/camera reflexes you have there. I would have fumbled this opportunity for fame and fortune.

Two issues I notice:

The beak looks like a wide open mouth. It does not look like a beak.

The middle icon colour scheme makes it look like it has a different expression to the other icons, like one of those squinting/extremely pleased anime faces. The expressions should match regardless of colour scheme.

Perhaps mention the article contains graphic images in the post body text.

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Why have you listed K-9 Mail as 'No donations/premium possible' when it's possible to donate to Thunderbird of which K-9 Mail is a part of?

Reminds me of the Psychlos from Battlefield Earth. Awkwardly walking slowly through every scene they are in because of the boots/stilts that were part of the costume.

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Crontab generator was my gateway to all things 'generator'. Looking for a quick way to construct something? Google it + generator to see if someone has created a generator site for it.

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This is the coolest thing I've seen in a while.

Thanks. I see their hair now. But I still don't see anything between thier shoulders and their hair. Except what looks like a banana with a frilly collar.

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If you have headphones on make sure to turn the volume down before playing this video.

Apparently she was once a 'spiritual advisor' to Oprah. Take that with however many grains of Wikipedia salt as you feel necessary.

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Is anyone using one of the Hisense e-ink phones? How are they?

I think Collabora Online uses or is built on LibreOffice. It's a subscription service but you can host it yourself for free (I think for personal use). I've not tried either. I'm pretty sure the Collabora team are big code contributors to LibreOffice. If I got anything wrong I hope someone will correct me.