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Joined 12 months ago

Fuck that, the wretched thing doesn't deserve special treatment. There is nothing about the contents of the bible that are worth granting exception for. You want to ban adult themes? I can think of nothing more deserving of such a ban than the oldest book to incorporate rape, divinely ordained murder (all over the place), instructions on how to perform an abortion, incest, and the severly mixed message of "god loves everyone, unless you don't worship them, then you get tortured forever".

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What you're not getting is that it being that influential is a bad thing and that it's time to pull it from its podium. It's just a religious text and if you're censoring any religious texts, you should censor all of them.

They shouldn't be plotted that way technically. The big 5 are independent traits so they should essentially be sliders, not linked like that.

That said, it's way easier to see the points when you do that. Easy to miss when colors swap, for example, without the lines when you've been looking at this stuff for a few hours.

Bullshit. Source or it didn't happen.

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There are a bunch of posts of people recording the admins censoring it now.

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My money is on zero. They'll comment it out and then turn it back on when no one is looking.

It's a capybara. They look like that at all times, including when a pelican is ineffectively attempting to eat one. I'm sad I don't have that gif saved.

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My grandmother was the county coroner for a while. She was a pharmacist professionally. In those places, it's more "give it a quick kick and say they're dead" (she never did that) more than anything else. She only declared death, not attribute cause to my knowledge.

The other part of it is that, for whatever reason, in my county the only higher arresting authority than the sheriff was the coroner. It was her job to serve him with papers when he was being sued and, not that it ever came up, arrest him when it needed done.

Weird system.

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Which is why you double check your AI's output.

Proof for the curious. I'll let the bot relink to piped, I'm lazy.

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I'd do it even if I didn't want the feature.

Yeah. When a secretary of state positively asserts that there have been allegations that the sitting president of the United States has engaged in insurrection, making them answer "what did he do?" is the only next thing that should be asked and no deviations should be allowed.

I'd hazard it's both. There are plenty of microtransaction models that explicitly exploit addictive behaviors (see gatcha).

On top of that, some companies handle more benign models better. Grinding Gear Games will lock your account from buying things if you ask them to without question, to help people that struggle with that sort of thing. Many other companies (I want to say Blizzard, but I don't have a source) will throw up their hands and say "the system can't do that", when it's not hard to implement. One enable flag is all you need (I'm aware implementation takes more, but just one variable can control a users ability to make purchases)

And some parents are also more than happy to have kids out of their hair by any means necessary.

This smells like the McDonald's coffee story to me. A headline can make it sound absurd, but I suspect a deeper look isn't a bad thing.

Edit: as for non money based addiction, yeah that ball can go back to the parents court imo

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Everyone is biased and that's ok. It's better to know your own biases then pretend they aren't there and be affected by them anyway.

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Huh. I thought that was Sun Tzu, but google says Napoleon. Thank you.

It has a "accountant that's probably embezzling funds" vibe.

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I've seen this comment before. My counter: can you assure me that, for example, a new homeowner that doesn't know better won't disturb the scale? They won't have a leaky faucet and mess with the pipes? Or something like Flint doesn't happen ever again where necessary infrastructure changes necessitate disturbing the scale?

This 'solution' only 'works' if you leave it completely alone and never touch it. So don't get new appliances, never have a plumber fix some things, never update that water main that's gonna break down any time now. It's a very short sighted 'solution' to the problem. I'd hazard it's a good argument for triage. Cities that need new infrastructure anyway go first kind of thing. But fobbing it off as 'its fine' isn't ok.

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In Feinsteins case, she's on the narrowly held judiciary committee. If she were to retire (and she should for her own sake, though she may not be capable of deciding at this point), no more judges get confirmed till after the next election (to my understanding).

So not just any senator.

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Yeah. It's not a secret where the money is going. We put them on the covers of magazines and pretend that they are the peak of humanity and not rich sociopaths that stepped on every neck they could see to get more money.

If they weren't corrupt, they could've voted against them when it mattered. They didn't. They only speak up when they aren't in the game anymore. They are as complicit as the rest.

I think they're getting away with it right now.

And isn't this pretty explicitly evidence tampering?

Upvote for use of real interrobang alone.

Empirical truth can only go so far. I say this as an engineer. We only have so much evidence of anything. And the first thing they started teaching in my engineering classes was how to handle unknowns. Because they are what is dealt with every day.

You're right, nuance is everywhere and life is complicated. But asserting your only bias is toward truth is probably the biggest lie you tell yourself. I get it, I'm a big fan of capital T Truth as well and in certain fields, like science and (good) journalism, being perfectly unbiased is held as the gold standard (it's an impossible one). And being honest with yourself is hard. But disbelieving your own biases is a great way for them to take over your life and you'll never know.

I apologize for being harsh. Text is a blunt medium. I would just encourage you to really look at your day to day interactions and try to spot when you're being judgemental. And you'll miss most of it, that shit runs on autopilot and it takes practice to notice. And most importantly, don't think that having biases is inherently bad. It's human.

It's a metaphor for getting back up after you fall down, which is the kind of shit people who actually use LinkedIn as a social media eat up.

I was also suspicious, but it looks ok.

It was a term du jour back in the Jim Crow (read: hyper racist) era. That particular phrasing has baggage.

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Ooooh. I have a story for this.

I was a student at Purdue and one of the freshmen "engineering hype" lectures had people from industry come say why they're so cool, etc. Now, this was specifically an electrical and computer engineering course, not the whole engineering school. These are the people who tore apart their various electronics for fun and made cool stuff using parts from RadioShack (RIP).

Apple came to one. First red flag: she started with "don't tell anyone we were here". Weird, but whatever. She proceeded with her spiel and, after however long, got to the Q&A bit. Someone raised their hand and asked this: "why does Apple solder RAM into their devices". This woman said, and I quote, "It is the position of Apple that the consumer has no right to change the product after it has been sold". With a straight fucking face. Jaws dropped. There was a solid 10 seconds of silence while all these nerds (I include myself here) processed such a blatant anti-consumer (and anti-us if we're being honest) statement. This was in 2010 (+/- 1 year).

She finished up and left a few minutes later. No doubt some of my classmates went on to work for them, but it set my passionate hatred for Apple in stone right there. Don't care how nice their devices are, even if my husband uses his apple devices all the time (the walled garden works well for his needs), I will never purchase an Apple product for myself.

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Luckily, most people are 9 to 5ers. The vast majority of people have simple taxes that a trained monkey could handle if it weren't for the Intuit cabal.

Let not perfect be the enemy of good. This is a good step and from here, we can improve the system by steps until the only people who can't use it are tax cheats. Over optimistic? Yes, but I'm taking my wins to go.

That's when I stopped. I think the only things I missed were Halo 5 and 6, and I understand I missed very little.

I'm using game pass on PC now, and when they start fucking around with that, I'll turn them back off.

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Doing a data science degree right now. No. No they do not.

This pointless comment brought to you by poorly optimized flashbacks.

Incremental progress is unsatisfying and better than nothing. And this one is a little satisfying so I'll take it.

It was a crime. Defamation. Though I don't know how that plays out internationally, spez definitely committed a (very difficult to prove) crime.

Back in my day, they did have negative values. I want to say the EA Star Wars Battlefront fiasco was about the time they switched to hiding how very hated a post/comment is.

Because it is quasi-infinitely replicable. There is nuance and debate to be made, but that's the difference at its core.

They are not referring to detransitioning (which is real though a minority to my understanding). They are referring to the blatant lie that doctors force patients to transition.

Edit: He -> They. Feels really inappropriate to assume gender given the context.

Two light town here. It's not just social services. Hell, with sizes, sometimes (not always) they have it a bit easier in certain regards for the common services due to reduced workload (YMMV: it's been a while since I've been back).

The bigger issue is lack of exposure to anything non-conforming. Not enough people simply being people in slightly different ways. Makes it easy to fall into tribalism, as well as no one wants to shake the boat when someone says something racist (for example).

Bonus points, odds are you will have a really hard time re-meeting your partner. You're probably a totally different person than you were when you met. The chemistry that got you started is now not there and who knows how you mix now. It may still work, but they might be weirded out by how much you know about them.

For both your sakes, the best option may be to never meet.

I'll take the red door thanks.

A bit of a scale issue. You're seeing the top 0.001% of people. And they derive some kind of pleasure from their passions (probably) and are really specifically wired to chase this thing. It's ok to be mortal. The only thing you should excel at is being you and finding satisfaction in your own life. For every person with a world changing invention, or what have you, there are millions of people just living, and that's ok.