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If everyone was being responsible, there would be a social net, a garbage sorter job, a garbage recycler employer, an ethical reasonable salary, and it would be a safe governed work environment, it would give dignity back to the downtrodden. People would reject corruption.

Garbage dumps get set on fire, the fumes are toxic, medical waste gets thrown out and mixed in, people who are living on garbage dumps are in HELL. NO ONE SHOULD LIVE ON GARBAGE DUMPS!

Set up NGOs and involve government orgs to regulate and oversee care and attention for these people.

These things cannot happen in India because the indian population will not care. FUXK YOu GOT MINE is a typical indian mindset.

I live in India. I have 3 sorting bins. 1 composting organic waste bin, 1 non-recyclable plastics/glass bin, 1 recyclable plastics/metal/paper bin.

I spent 3000 INR buying the composting organic bin ( to support the local business selling it and reusables about 1000 INR per year )

I get back about 200 INR every 6months for going to local recyclers with roughly 2 to 5 kilos of metal + plastics.

About 2 kilos of waste not-recycled every month total ( 2 people ) .


Im sad my fellow humans do not understand what responsibility is like.

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She aggressively enforced Marijuana convictions that had a pre-dominant predisposition against her own community.

Shillary Clinton will be the DNC nominee again if too many people complain about Joe.

Clintons are the "NEW-Money" in politics. Bill was governor and Hillary was a lawyer getting kickbacks from Bill and vice-versa. Nothing illegal but it was all "gray-area". People hated this type of double-dealing. Just barely-legal but completely unethical and morally-bankrupt. Then Bill got caught lying with his pants down.

Hillary never understood peoples sentiments that the Clintons smooched on the system and tax-dollars yet they still got away with it.

This is a problem of character meets long-term actions and tendencies.

Hillary never got "her turn" because dirty politicians are not loved. She forgot that hard-work pays off when you are clean. And she forgot to campaign in Michigan and other places instead wanted to take a break.

Hindsight 20/20. If she and Bill had come clean, told the voters that they wont be doing the old runaround and clean up the system and take responsibility and have Bill "SHUT THE EFF UP YOU PERVY IDIOT". There might have been a chance that Hillary could have garnered sympathies as a hardworking housewife with a screwloose husband.

Dems snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and all that.

Some meetings are for:

  • Project Planning

  • Roadmaps

  • Brainstorming

  • Project-Milestone-Task breakdowns

  • Issue-Triage work

  • Budgetary allocations

  • Priority item tracking

There are many many important meetings to have and to get done. The worst meeting you can have is a status-update call where you mark off items on a checklist. This can be done by automation and status-tracker boards.

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I read somewhere that Berkshire Hathaway HFT algorithm was to blame for the "glitch".

Jon Stewart isnt Republican but Republican voters fully understand and agree with many of his viewpoints.

It is possible to have reasonable conversations and discussions with people regardless of their political views.

The question becomes what does the Democratic Party have to do enough to convince people to trust and vote for them ?

A simple example would be the multiple rigging of the Democratic nominee against Bernie Sanders, while RNC does exactly the same kinds of rigging, DNC tried to make themselves seem holier-than-thou and did the exact same things as the RNC.

Guess why so many voters don't truly believe in elections and "hate"-vote for Drumpf ???

Have good policies and reasonable expectations while keeping almost as many election campaign promises as possible. RNC delivered on their promises by strutting out strawman shit like "Build-the-Wall" ... their real purpose was to defund the support networks for immigrants.

Where is the Dream-Act that guarantees citizenship after Military service ??? If the DNC can't even do their most basic levels of campaign promises, everything sucks and Drumpf wins.

"Evil triumphs when good men do nothing"

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Compared to barrels of crude oil, I am sure a SINGLE Block of Aluminium can be reused more than 1000X times with no environment damage.

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I can guarantee that a Rooftop Terrace garden cuts down almost 40% to 60% heat ever reaching the ceiling. If you have enough cover with smaller plants under larger bushes/shrubs/small trees then there will be a cool breeze around the terrace, provide nesting places for small birds and animals, a pocket of nature in an otherwise concrete heat jungle.

The problem is who can afford to maintain the Terrace garden is the bigger challenge. Constantly checking soil, composting, watering, maintenance and just time+expense is usually beyond a lot of folks.

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As long as they cut down their base by 1/10th I think the statement is accurate!

Duck season

CodysLab, William Osman 2, NileRed, BackyardScientist, Allen Pan, SafetyThird Podcast.

Bernie Sanders has already stated that it is up to the Youth of the nation to run against every single politician and win back their future. Young voters and young politicians must have each others backs.

What an excellent idea to force people to drink more responsibly and get alcohol back on the prohibited substances list.

Alcohol, Cannabis, Magic-mushrooms and other less debilitating "fun" substances should be regulated for personal use by adults. Scheduled substances should still be illegal but convictions should be mental health, addiction therapy and social servitude as punishments.

NotJustBikes, Post10, BoyBoy, Ididathing, friendlyjordies, PrimitiveTechnology, thejuicemedia

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I wish Nokia N900 / N950 with Maemo or Meego OS. And full opensource, full MPL or MIT licensed.

I truly wish SailfishOS could be that replacement but I've been burnt too many times already.

Also have the Secret Service tackle themselves so that they dont follow illegal orders....

April Wilkerson Ashley Harwood Xyla Foxlin

If you mix rice with turmeric ( another attempted cash-grab-by-patenting ) you will get "golden rice". Not sure if it will have Vitamin-A so thats what supplements are for.

isnt XMMS a port of something ?


Upper Echelon

Mental Outlaw

Chubbyemu did a video of some dude doing permanent damage by bengay to the sac. I am not sure if survival but invalid or ded-ded.

DO NOT APPLY ANYTHING BUT SAFE SOAP + WATER TO SENSITIVE AREAS! Else You too "might make A recovery" or "might not make it".

I heard that during COVID lockdowns, couples in Paris parks were left-alone if they were caucasian while the non-caucasians we beaten by the cops without any warning whatsoever.

Including that entire party should be written off from the annals of history forever.

Your suggestion is not wrong despite people not liking it. OpenSuse Leap or TW and Fedora even SilverBlue can be good for Linux newbies.

I have got both OpenSuse Leap and Fedora 37 on old-people systems and they are happy to browse using Chrome and edit using Libreoffice. etc.

Windows or Linux is as much suitable for the people who can use it and need it. No need to force anyone to use anything.

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I got the smallpox vaccine, so I went through that. Hence my immunity to other cowpox, chickenpox etc.

Varicella-Zoster Virus (Chickenpox) is linked to lifelong shingles flareups decades later and cannot be eliminated.

A LOT of people seem ignorant about this recent medical fact. Its important and get vaccinated!

That too NT 5.x ! I wish we had stuck with Windows 2000 Professional.

Lab-grown meat might not have nerve-endings or nerve-endings that connect to nowhere. You will need a brain or spine for the nerves to connect back to for the nervous signals to get recognized and processed before the screaming and "conscious" state of the brain can potentially exist.

So in essense, the lab-grown meat will just be like tissue cultures kept artificially alive but not a living organism.

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Due to DNC and Biden inaction and corruption there is a massive enough majority who will set the world on fire and watch as it all burns down.

When Drumpf wins Nov2024 you will know who to blame for this fiasco. And it will be too little too late. Start planning for a mass exodus to Mexico or Canada.

When a large enough brain-drain happens, there is a direct national impact. So if enough sensible people leave after Nov2024, there will be enough stagnation and consequences that most govt operations should grind to almost non-existence. Come Nov2028 if y'all 'Muricans foreign or domestic can't take back the govt with absolute majorities, forget about it all for the next 50 years. Once enough SCOTUS replacement happens, maybe, maybe there will be a chance to cleanup all the damage and pickup the pieces.

Hence let the friend run Windows. End of story.

Young whipper snappers can run for the hills since all the elders are going to become Linux experts :-D

Go install Windows you ankle-biters! Get off my lawn! :-D

Too soon :-(

Happy that the Irwins are following their dreams and keeping their dad's passion alive!

Miss that dude his drive his passion his focus his spirit.

Now only to be found on LG TVs. :-(

I believe his book Primitive Technology: A Survivalist's Guide to Building Tools,.... by John Plant. So you can buy it if you want to. :-D

It is strange people support Disney which has extended copyright laws beyond reasonable to protect their ability to abuse said copyright laws, fail to pay any writers dues if at all in a timely manner, while having more privileges than Universal or Warner or any other entertainment company, and somehow Disney's "opinions" matter ? wut ?

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I heard somewhere that only the Top 2% of OF-"models" make 80% of all the revenue and the rest hardly make enough to pay for a meal a day.

I always wanted to see MORE interactions during and outside combat based on each characters intimacy levels.

For example, if you run around them, more than twice, they should say " Are you trying to spin my world right round right round ? " :-D

Also if in combat you use some special skill or spell of the character class, it should allow them to "auto-assist" or do a "follow-up combo" that works with your actions.

And if you run into bears in woods, they should choose you over the bear :-D :-D :-D

I think there is a lesson in there about adultery being very bad or something.

I didn't say anything satirical. "Put a chick in it and make her lame and gay!" HAS NOT BEEN SATIRE! ? :-( Disney, KK they really went all-in for that ESG and DEI scores ! They made "artistic" decisions in the board room to "pander" for ESG and DEI funding from "activist" investors / investment firms.

Disney has been abusing writers and creators for decades with anything and anywhere they touched.

Disney-BAD for many decades not just the last M-She-U thing.