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Joined 1 years ago

Then there's Haskell that would remove (well, used to at some point) your source code file if you made any errors:

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The context seems to be missing.

Not an nvidia dev, but so far all my cards been nvidia, went over a quite a few of them, both laptop and desktops. In my experience they just work once you install proprietary drivers and the only type of a problem is when ubuntu silently decides to upgrade it behind your back - in this case you need to restart the machine so kernel modules match the drivers.

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Canonical make it hard not to use snaps so only those who took extra steps are not using them.

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Don't use it - vote with your feet :)

Too many ads and bad UX? Right. This article is a great example for both:

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It's strange that they suggest Ubuntu rather than

Do they agree on the definition of the false information?

Did twitter consider to affiliate with @musicfan, @musicmusic, @music123, or @musiclover instead?

urxvt. It works good enough and doesn't use much memory.

  • xmonad - tiling wm because I'm too lazy to place windows by hands
  • firefox - since a lot of things I'm working with is web based and I like my adblock and don't want google spying on me
  • urxvt - a terminal that is fast enough for most applications yet doesn't use as much memory as fancier ones
  • tmux - a terminal multiplexer - terminal tabs are not as nice plus lets you leave stuff running remotely
  • neovim - I need a text editor and it works great for that purposes covering all my needs

Yea, not with firefox, at least not without switching to some third party repo.

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Been using it since forever, no reasons to switch. It works. Got a bit upset at them when they killed xul/pentadactyl though.

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Urxvt, slight colorscheme changes to make background dark gray and foreground - light gray. alacritty might be "blazingly fast" but in my experience if terminal is slowing you down - you are doing something wrong. On the other hand urxvt uses 20 times less memory.

If you want more of the same, about what was before ASCII and after it - there's a great talk by Dylan Beattie

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Makes it much more attractive for actual developers to package since it’s only done once.

I maintain a few apps that are included into some distributions with no participation from my side apart from tagging what I consider releases in my git repo. How is doing something only once is more attractive as not doing it at all?

systemd had problems when it was first introduced, but it works much better now and it's not going away. I would suggest to revisit it again. - this to monitor and poke, there are also a link for a sample wrapper that might or night not help you.

What PPA was it? I'm using this one and it seems to be still native.

That said - I'm experimenting with NixOS to move to.

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You don't need a car in Singapore. Very good public transport and affordable taxis.

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Thank you good bot.

Moving to a different distro :) Experimenting with nixos right now, already got native Firefox working :)

I'm using tiling WM mostly to have shortcuts and more controls about window switching but I rarely have multiple windows visible at once, but when I do - tiling is more convenient. When it doesn't - you can always make that particular window floating.

NixOS. I'm going to migrate to NixOS by then.

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If you open to do some research - you should be able to stay on Debian and use nix the package manager

Comes with some steep learning curve, almost a learning cliff though. But once past this - it's good.

For more brain flipping try looking into hardware description languages (Verilog) or proof assistants (Coq).

The what now?

Biggest package repository, a very strange package manager that lets you reproduce exact environment for any package. But also takes a bunch of time to understand and you basically have to learn a whole new programming language to use it if you don't want to copy-paste examples.

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Kind of like flatpacks but it's done with symlinks and fancy changes to the build systems. I think it fits better for the developer environment.

Absolutely, trying out a replacement as we speak :)

Proprietary nvidia driver consists of (at least until recently) from two parts - closed userspace part and open kernel part. Those parts talk to each other with some protocol they change every once in a while and the only combination they support is that kernel module and userspace part must be of the same version. When they mismatch you still get video, you don't get acceleration. And reboot fixes the problem.

Using snap is your own fault.

Ubuntu forces you to use them more and more.

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Been using Ubuntu for quite a while now, trying to move to somewhere else because Ubuntu moves to a strange direction with snaps and other stuff.

That's what I'm using, but it's not a fully featured replacement.

So it's not your browser that checks your age but a third party. This raises a few questions:

  1. What kind of IDs are accepted? Say I have one issued by Singapore...
  2. How often should it check that a person that uses my browser is still me?

the browser decides if you can see it or

Yea, no. I decide, not the browser.

undefined> Ubuntu

With each release unsnapping gets more annoying... Now I have to get Firefox from alternative sources...

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(the best one so far is that the browser itself checks your age

How? As a user I want to have total control over my browser and Internet is an open platform - any browser should be able to view any website even though google is trying to change that with their DRM.

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$ flatpak run org.gimp.GIMP

They still haven't figure out how to make console experience not miserable, maybe one day...

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Uses KDE and not available to general public.

Well, at first all I had to do was to uninstall snapd and related packages. Next LTS release I had to uninstall snapd and install Firefox from Ubuntu repo. Next LTS release I had to uninstall snapd and install Firefox from a third party repo. According to news Ubuntu is planning to introduce a snap store without support for native debs, so I see a pattern here. I know that if I decide to stay until the next LTS I'll probably will be able to stay snap free, but is Ship of Theseus is still Ubuntu at this point?

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