1 Post – 71 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

No ones mad at you for voting you dweeb, some people just wont vote for him, the debate changed nothing.

I'm a tAnKiE and I dont even get a vote, pretend youre voting for me, have at it.

Lots of child abuse going on related to O9A, theyre evil fucks

Dating apps have landed me in abusive relationships more often than meeting people organically. Join a community group, meet people, work with them, hike and make art, youll meet people fall in love and get your heart broke, but theres no subscription fee

hey so this might come as a surprise to some guys but actually most of the time women put effort into their appearance for themselves, so they feel confident, and comfortable in their bodies.

this post is reeking of Jordan Peterson's women wear makeup because they want to fuck me energy

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the post quality sincerely feels reminiscent of when I started using reddit a decade ago, might as well be posting rage comics again. so much vile shit is making it to the front page too.

glad I finally got the kick I needed to jump ship, i'm really enjoying what I've seen on lemmy and hexbear

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Remember that this occured during a strike, and Baldwin brought in scabs to fill the positions, and then pushed one of those scabs to be the fallguy, despite baldwin being both the one in the position of power, and the one who fired the gun without checking it was loaded.

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I dont care for this, no cap

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I got shouted down pretty intensely when relay announced they'd be doing this, and I mentioned it'd been a good run but I was jumping ship, especially vitriolic against the mention of lemmy lol

i'd used relay for a decade, was a bit sad

hbomb also included a playlist of smaller queer creators that i've really enjoyed!

I will not be shedding a tear if people no longer have to work in such a soul crushing menial job. Fuck around and findout what happens millions of people lose their jobs all at once.

but anyway this is just some more ai hype stock manipulation shit.

I actually have it on good authority that sexiness correlates with dryness, checkmate losers, facts dont care about your feelings

source, Benny Shapiro

folks, y'all, youse

friends / friend

comrades / comrade

those are jeakers sorry OP

a fall guy to the producers who brought a bunch of non union workers on set during a strike. obviously she fucked up, but this isn't just on her, she was at work.

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Jerry is unfortunately a lot more interested in fucking underage girls than you, rip

hello I will not be creating art if it does not generate a profit for me personally, the artists I work along side of, are only useful to me so long as I am making a profit. I cannot wait to replace the people who work for and with me with computers.

seriously you're there fucking employer, you're just saying you can't wait to fire them.

you know how you constantly see little reminders of how bad cryptocurrancies are for the environment, blahblahblah, yeah? imagine how much energy goes into generating each chatgpt response, or each 30-60 second AI video, I think I've only seen that mentioned in one article and it was on some independent outlet.

someone create an AI that washes dishes so I dont have to work anymore.

Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.

it's just not a good time guys, maybe next year when things are better!

wow friend, your folks are shit I'm sorry you went through all that. I know it was a while ago but that kinda stuff really lingers with me from my own childhood, I hope you're doing better now

hbomb included a playlist of smaller queer creators that i've really enjoyed!


I think people would probably call me a tankie

here's a good write up about why federating with threads is a bad idea, below is just a tidbit, I read it ages ago so just picked some dotpoints.

Less emotionally, I think it’s unwise to assume that an organization that has…

demonstrably and continuously made antisocial and sometimes deadly choices on behalf of billions of human beings and allowed its products to be weaponized by covert state-level operations behind multiple genocides and hundreds (thousands? tens of thousands?) of smaller persecutions, all while ducking meaningful oversight, lying about what they do and know, and treating their core extraction machines as fait-accompli inevitabilities that mustn’t be governed except in patently ineffective ways…

…will be a good citizen after adopting a new, interoperable technical structure

you can use foobar2000 (and likely other programs, its a bit fiddly but not hard) to change the music on an iPod classic fyi, but I also understand its totally fine to be listening to the same 200gb of music you had in 2009, rockon

They wont release anything because the design is being sold to black&decker, yay

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oh no, I appreciate the ironic 'wow look at this cringe old posts', I couldn't hack reliving 2013

Boeing makes the minuteman missles, directly profiteering from nuclear weapons which could destroy humanity many times over. They're evil.

there's almost 8billion other people on the plenet, go to events, meet people, move on with your life, it's for the best x

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Typically police will try 'well no one complained so we must have done okay'



delete your account, fascist

A doctor just told me my adhd symptoms are real but its also probably trauma related and prescribed me blood pressure medication and antidepressants (even though i already take antidepressants and go to therapy for trauma)

this isnt a tip sorry I just feel hopeless lol

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I've finally started learning to use krita, I'm enjoying it a lot (begrudgingly)

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People of Colour

they also dont recommend anything on your homepage when you're signed in if you don't have your watch history turned on (as if they're not tracking it anyway)

lol, who cares

worth keeping in mind that it would be just as easy to have employees set up a twitter account to submit 'oh yeah sick make this' and post a cherry picked video that way, but i've not seen anything.

I wont be checking twitter lol

my self esteem is so low I dont spend money on myself, tomorrow I will be a rich man

This looks a lot like antisemitic wojack to me

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Yandex is working

the newest season was actually pretty good, if you get a chance i'd give it a whirl

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you can request your reddit data, and they provide every comment along with edits as far as I remember, it was uncomfortable but i'd never posted anything regrettable at least

imagine getting your hands on u/spez's reddit data

Kyuss was an American rock band, formed in Palm Desert, California,[5] in 1987. The band disbanded in 1995,[6][7][8] and since then, members of Kyuss have gone on to form or play in several notable bands including Queens of the Stone Age, Screaming Trees, Fu Manchu, Dwarves, Eagles of Death Metal, Mondo Generator, Hermano, Unida, Slo Burn and Them Crooked Vultures.
