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Joined 12 months ago

Jigsaw puzzles, the bigger the better. It keeps you constantly mentally engaged and the act of reaching for pieces and looking around is good physical activity too. I get back ache if I do a jigsaw session for the first time in a while. It really tires me out before bed and can prevent that rumination before falling asleep. Finally it’s really cheap, there are limitless puzzles in charity shops and even some libraries lend them.

The company that provides your banks phone system has full access to pretty much every piece of information your bank holds on you, including call recordings, phone numbers, addresses, debts, credits, and your phone password. We can trick our own systems into thinking it’s you on the phone.

Avoid calling your bank at all costs, and if they call you say “no thank you I’ll do that online or in branch”, as soon as you pass security the phone system is accessing all your data. If possible go into branch or do everything on a banking app which has far better security.

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What kind of backhanded EV misinformation bullshit is this?

Electric, gas, petrol, hydrogen, diesel, cooking oil or vodka; what you put in your car to make it go makes no difference to the tires or the wear.

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Which is fine… until YouTube premium gets a massive price increase to try and capitalise on subscription apathy.

Just in case you don’t want to go to the tabloid hell that is the Express Petition Link

I really thought they would wait a little longer after the Adblock crackdown. Oh well, Grayjay to the rescue!

First thing I thought of.

Let’s not forget Bayer doing the same to make it impossible to prosecute them for infecting thousands of people with HIV and Hepatitis intentionally.

2023 top 5 vehicles sold in USA and weight:

1 - Ford F-150 4069-5697lbs

2 - Chevrolet Silverado 4400-6947lbs

3 - Ram pickup 4765-6440lbs

4 - Toyota RAV4 3370lbs

5 - Tesla Model Y 4416lbs

Looks like the only electric on the list is below the average weight. We don’t have these conversations about the trucks.

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… and the users

Why shouldn’t it last be updated if it’s still working perfectly and capable? I have a 10 year old laptop and a 24 year old car. But my bank is not restricting me from visiting their branch or website because my car or laptop is too old.

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Emotional damage

Ditto: reading this on an iPhoneX

You actually want them to do this, it’s terrifying easy to set up a cell tower or call centre and convince banks and people you are customers or banks.

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But there is an element of fun about being defenestrated

Well there are contractors who need to tow heavy machinery around, so about 0.01% of the people that buy them need them.

Those are the most sold vehicles in the US, when you have heavy EV’s in the top slots you can say that heavy ev’s are a problem… until then it’s what you are buying is causing the problem.

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That’s a terrible thing to say!

…Only joking.

I tried to buy an EV for my parents a couple of weeks ago and the dealer had the EV misinformation playbook memorised and tried to convince us that EVs were a fad and that should get a hybrid until Hydrogen takes over.

I’ve decided that whenever I see these common myths, I’m not going to just let the misinformation go unquestioned.

In this case I think specifically focusing on EVs will generate more clicks for article writers, but it does also feed a common anti-EV narrative that they are somehow worse than ICE cars because of tire wear, which is not true.

I do see the other side that the tires being developed are specifically looking at EV owners, so this is a tough one to get the balance right on, but I do still think the headline is written to stir trouble and generate clicks.

One thing is certain, America needs to stop buying so many trucks!

I agree entirely, but the title of this post suggests that EVs are the problem, but actually it’s heavy vehicles.

Additionally when we say “problem”, particulate pollution from vehicles is 99.9% a diesel problem, and 0.1% a tire problem. (Not actual statistics but let me know how wrong I am with the actual stat)

That explanation is fair enough but the headline is red meat the the EV disinformation brigade.

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That is a list of the most sold vehicles in the US. Where are the people lining up to say the ICE trucks that are so popular are causing all this tire pollution?

Me! I need that. I use thermal imaging to fix things from plumbing, cars, to circuit boards. I use it to see if my dog is still at the end of the garden at night and to find draughts in the home. Thermal imaging is useful AF.

This is correct, i should have said “telephone banking password/passcode” but also the security questions are at best hash encrypted (so basically plain text). I had thousands of hours of call recording and millions of customer details on my work laptop all unencrypted. The security for enterprise telephony companies is seriously lax, I wouldn’t be surprised if a few unexplained leaks originated from these companies.

It’s the equivalent of $16.50 a month where I live and that is not an insignificant proportion of my monthly income. The adverts are constantly repeating and often for products and services that are actual scams. I firmly believe as soon as enough people pay… we’ll have to pay more or they will show us a smaller number of “specially selected” ads.

Ah I see, yes app/web OTP is one of the best methods, unless people are calling to report the app/website not working (a workflow I’ve seen many times) The industry has put hundreds of millions into voice recognition but the sample size required for AI to trick voicerec is really low now.

OK that makes sense, English is very hard to write like a native speaker, especially when phrases in your first language don’t translate well.

Not criticising, you write English better than I can write any other language, but that is why people think you are a bot. Some of the things you write just don’t flow correctly.

We just can’t tell if your first language is Cantonese or binary.

Aw man, why did you have to ruin it by being such a pessimist! An entirely accurate and correct pessimist.

That’s the stuff, serves me right for only half paying attention to a documentary. Either way I’ll probably steer clear of Teflon pans in future.

I did try to find ScotchGuard a few years ago when I got a new Sofa (Couch for the Americans) and I found it was discontinued because it was probably just PFOA in a spray bottle :)

Anyone else see Alex the Lion from Madagascar in that cliff?

*Contact Lenses

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Writing this on an iPX which got its last update this week, 6 years old now but I’m just waiting for my banking apps to require iOS17. People will blame development costs for excluding older phones but there is no reason iPhones should not get iOS updates for 10+ years to save App developers the work.

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Seriously this reply looks AI generated too, maybe it’s “a you problem”?

Just wondering, is English your first language?

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My dad still uses my iPhone6, still perfectly usable, admittedly that is a 9 year old phone but I’m not seeing anything making that one obsolete in the near future.

As you say modern phones are not progressing that fast any more, it’s time we made Apple and Google support OS updates for longer. Apple certainly charge app developers enough for the burden to be on them and not the 3rd parties.

There was that town in the US where 3M dumped PTFE into the rivers and it made it into the drinking water, I watched a documentary where people in that town have a cancer rate 169 times the national average. IIRC

PTFE is one of the greatest chemicals to ingest… if you want to grow some extra body parts.

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What phone do you have?

You only need one to be cyborg eye… the other one can succumb the way nature intended… to diabetes and television.

I think my partners car was 15 years old when it was recalled for an airbag replacement, and if there is a security issue with a car I have aftermarket options available which Apple actively restrict.

I get your point, but we are talking about pretty much the only thing a person routinely spends more than £/€/$1,000 that they can’t modify or update themselves.

Ha - they wouldn’t do that! It’s not like Waze puts a full screen ad up every time you stop at a traffic light… oh, wait. Damn you capitalism!!!

There are companies who paint AirPods for you like this:

I think my keyboard and mouse use Bluetooth 5 and they have been rock solid.

While I use cloud for automatic phone and picture backups just because it’s built in to the OS, all manual and PC backups are to NAS via RJ45.

I suppose it depends on your needs but a NAS/external with the smallest disk you can find would take a while to pay for itself if you compare it to a 99p a month cloud storage package.

Well it could work really well… but capitalism will always be capitalism.