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I was thinking it was just a right wing, anti-immigrant politician, not an actual Nazi. Then I went to check.. holy hell.

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Lemmy is more than worth it just for the lack of "he gets us" ads alone.

Your Democratic vote is the only thing preventing this country becoming a theocracy. We had one term of Trump and look at the damage he caused. Imagine what a second term would look like.

I think that everyone involved in the search already assumed it was an implosion. The sub lost comms and navigation simultaneously which strongly suggested a catastrophic event.

Just to add to this, a Prigozhin government would likely be far worse for Ukraine. While Putin had few qualms brutalizing civilians and committing war crimes Prigozhin has none. He's a ruthless, murderous thug. The best outcome would be that he is defeated by the Russian military but that they have to withdraw troops from Ukraine, allowing the Ukrainians to seize the initiative with their offensive. The worst outcomes don't bear thinking about.

I'm just waiting for the class action suit for back pay.

Absolutely no way in hell that a plane carrying Putin would be broadcasting ADSB

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Cuba was removed from the list during the Obama administration and put back on the list by Trump. This has nothing to do with terrorism and everything to do with appeasing a large and vocal group of Cubans in Florida.

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Both Russia and Ukraine have been using Soviet-era cluster bombs. Ukraine has asked America to supply dual-purpose improved conventional munitions (DPICM), a class of cluster munition that could be fired from howitzers or from the himarsrocket launchers that Ukraine has been receiving for around a year. They have the added benefit of fewer duds so that risk to future civilian populations is reduced.

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Turkiye doesn't care about a second cold war. Erdogan is using this as leverage to try and force Sweden to get tougher on Kurdish militants. In other words Turkiye cares about Turkiye and nothing more (which is fine .. most countries do that).

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Citizens of authoritarian countries often trust their governments more than those in liberal democracies. This apparent paradox is easily explained by the tight control these governments maintain over what people can see and hear. Since Tiananmen the Chinese government has ramped up it's campaign to eradicate any opinions that are contrary to the government line, and now a whole generation has grown up in this new, hermetically sealed environment.

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Except that with the USSR falling the transition of power for Russia was a bit more peaceful

At the time that wasn't a given. Gorbachev was under a lot of pressure from hardline communists within the party to crack down on the uprising and no-one really knew where the loyalties of the military lay. As it turned out Yeltsin won the day and the transition went peacefully but it could very easily have turned out differently.

It means that if a Christian asks you to design a website with messages that violate your religious beliefs then you can refuse. If I as a satanist believe that a woman's right to abortion is sacred then I can refuse to design a website with an anti-abortion message. I can't simply refuse to design a website for a Christian. Not saying I agree with the ruling, just explaining what it means.

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I don't know how "Liberal" came to be synonymous with fragile snowflake. People have been misusing the word for ages .. especially in the US. The original Liberal (and I'm proud to claim to be one) puts free speech front and center of their world view. It's the cornerstone of democracy. And free speech also means the freedom to offend .. it's a price well worth paying.

From what we've seen recently it sounds like Russia doesn't even know when Russia is attacking Russia

It ends with Russia losing. As long as NATO makes it explicitly clear they will not attack Russian territory nor violate Russian sovereignty Russia has no basis to escalate beyond Ukraine. A nuclear war between Russia and NATO would result in the total destruction of Russia (and everything else of course). Russia wouldn't start one unless they felt their existence was threatened.

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The big advantage of these weapons for Ukraine is that they can be fired directly from the western -suupplied Howitzers and HIMARS they already have without needing modification. Ukraine's problem is that they are running out of shells. Cluster munitions go further since they are area weapons.

No-one in the comments seems to have read the ruling. The discrimination is not "based on the client's sexual orientation" at all. It's based on the specific message that the client wanted to display.

If I, as a devout Satanist, believe in a womans sacred right to have an abortion I could refuse to design an anti-abortion website for a Christian group, but I couldn't simply refuse to design a generic website simple because the client is a Christian.

I'm not saying I agree with the ruling, I'm just explaining what it means.

It's only a problem if you allow your personal worldview to affect your moderation.. a tendency that sadly most moderators have. I've found to be one of the more permissive instances where viewpoints of all sides are permitted. Unfortunately many others (you know who you are) are in danger of becoming walled gardens and echo chambers.

Apart from a front end language like Python it's always good to know basic SQL. A lot of engineering software uses some sort of relational database and it's handy to be able to query the data source directly. If you're going to be doing any kind of data analysis then look at R also.

The people involved with the search had assumed this was the case all along. Sudden loss of both navigation and communication strongly indicates a catastrophic event.

My parents were British and they used to have two washing bowls. Pile the dirty dishes into one and fill with warm water and dish soap. Clean water in the second bowl for rinsing. After a while the second bowl builds up residual soap so it needs to be emptied and refilled. I figure I use the same amount of water rinsing under a running faucet. But the soak thing is a great tip - leaving dishes in water to soak makes cleaning them so much easier.

"Vested interests create “checks and balances” primarily to make political systems non-responsive to demands for social reform.".

It is thanks to checks and balances that we don't currently have a dictator Trump running this country. Anyone who thinks checks and balances are a bad idea need only take a cursory glance at the world over the past few years to realize we would be far worse off without them. From Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil to Boris Johnson in the UK, would be autocrats were thwarted in their quest to remain in office by these same checks and balances.

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U.S. joint military training is not only aimed at pressuring China, but also combatting revolutionary and progressive forces inside the countries that cooperate with the U.S.

All of the countries and territories in the region that cooperate with the US are democracies - unlike China. Their governments can be voted out if they act against the wishes of the people, which suggests that the populations of these regions support being friendly with Uncle Sam. Could it be they feel more threatened by China than by the US? Taiwan certainly thinks so.

I closed my Facebook account in 2016 and haven't looked back. Hoping I feel the same about Reddit

Hopefully the whole debacle will focus people's minds on the real problem. The US government is spending more than it is taking in, and that's a problem with only 2 possible solutions (continuing to raise the debt ceiling doesn't count as a solution). We must reduce spending or increase revenue by raising taxes. There is nothing else to discuss.. kicking the can down the road only hurts us more in the long run.

Every April 1st by tradition people posted actual anime titties.

In Israel the right-wing government is currently using the same argument to try to muzzle the supreme court so it can push through legislation. It's always a bad idea. Anytime we Democrats remove these mechanisms it always comes back to bite us. In 2013 Harry Reid led a vote to reduce the Senate supermajority requirement for bench appointments from 60 votes to a simple majority. The direct result of that was the Republicans removing the supermajority requirement for the Supreme Court which culminated in the mess we have today.

The founding fathers built in these safeguards to force us to seek compromises. The alternative is rule by the extremes which is what we see today.


I just tried to post a comment in the Colombia community and I got the error "language not allowed . Does anyone know what could cause that? I tried Spanish and English and same thing.

Both Russia and Ukraine have been using Soviet-era cluster munitions since early in the war. The US made versions have a lower failure rate so it's preferable that Ukraine use those instead.

Spending money on worthwhile endeavors is a good thing, but you have to have the money to spend in the first place. If you don't and you just kick the can down the road it puts a much heavier burden on future generations. We need to get serious about raising taxes on those who do not pay their fair share.

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This is what the voting system is for .. upvoted comments become more visible. Downvoted comments disappear. The war inflames people in both sides .. yesterday a Russian missile killed 11 civilians. So it's understandable people will react like this. But I'd far prefer reading these kinds of comments than have some kind of behavior code. If they introduced that in a forum I'd be out very quickly.

Shadow banning is Orwellian . something you might expect from the CCP instead of a supposedly progressive online forum. If you're going to ban someone at least have the decency to let them know they are banned.

China made a smart decision decades ago to massively ramp up investment in technologies related to sustainable energy. For example they are now by far the largest producer of refined rare earth metals and other green minerals. That decision today seems prescient.

The problem is that their environmental record is spotty at best. The metals they produce are extracted and processed as cheaply as possible, mainly to undercut competition. There is a considerable negative environmental impact to doing so with which they will one day have to reckon.

If you are so fragile that you need to be protected from a troll then maybe the internet is not the right place for you.

Russia has used cluster munitions from the start of the war and Russia is the invader. Ukraine should be allowed to do the same in this case.

Mali was the first African country to give away a tld for free. That's probably why it was used.

No matter which side you are in the statement “The Taliban’s successful opium ban is bad for Afghans and the world.” is objectively true. The shortfall in opioid production will easily be made up from other sources, likely adulterated with synthetics that cause more harm. As for the Afghan farmers who grew the stuff they've not been given another alternative..they just had their crops destroyed and have no other sources of income.

So if corporate greed is responsible for things like high oil prices what happened on April 20, 2020 when oil prices touched 0.01 per barrel? Do you think the oil companies were suddenly overcome with a spirit of charity?

It's true there may be some profiteering during times of economic instability but those are exceptions and they certainly don't account for the high profits experienced after the pandemic..those were a result of supply chain bottlenecks and a release of pent up demand. Corporate profits are now trending back down, at least in the US. Do you think the companies there have suddenly become less greedy?

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