2 Post – 146 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

After moving from the US to Europe there is something magical about walking around the city and town centers here. Not just the tourist traps like Rome and Paris but smaller towns and villages with tiny narrow streets lined with shops and restaurants and people walking around. So much better than the souless shells our downtowns have become in the US.

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The airline didn't do this to try and humiliate the passenger.. they did it to make sure the plane doesn't crash. What the hell is wrong with people? I've been weighed many times for flights in small aircraft. It's absolutely normal.

Shows that the $60 oil cap is working. The Russian central bank will likely raise interest rates to halt the slide. Unless Russia can boost it's exports or reduce it's imports there are no other options. Putin is unlikely to reduce spending on the war so in the end it is ordinary Russians who will bear the brunt of this.

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It seems we've come full circle. I remember early adverts for Android phones showing a line outside an Apple store waiting for the latest iPhone. An older couple ask the youngsters in front of them if they're excited and they reply "oh no, it's not for us .. it's for our parents. We use Android".

And God help you of you ever try to browse the site using an older, low resolution monitor. It borders on being unusable.

"In the future, write the scientists in a paper published in the journal Science Robotics, drone swarms like this could be used for disaster relief and ecological surveys.".

Yeah sure, tell me another one

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My wife owns a small business and I work for her. I get all kinds of perks including being able to sleep with the boss.

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The next step will be to blame Ukraine.

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A law that prevents someone from burning a book counts as a major restriction on free speech as far as I am concerned. It's a book for gods sake. The fact that burning it causes offense is immaterial.. simply causing offense to a group is not sufficient ground to place a restriction on an act that otherwise harms no one.

High on my list of important attributes is an instance that specifically does not defederate from others. If I see something I don't want to see anymore I just block it myself. But I'd rather be treated like an adult capable of making my own decisions about what to see and read. If you're also looking for this I suggest unilem.

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The key to getting progression policies passed is voting for Congress. Having a democratic President, whether it's Biden or someone else, doesn't matter if we only have a razor-thin majority. We just get held hostage by people like Manchin. We need solid majorities in both House and Senate to achieve anything.

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I agree. But automation has made air travel safer by an order of magnitude. The problem with the 737 Max debacle was trying to use automation as a band aid to avoid costly recirtification and pilot training. They didn't inform pilots about the new pitch control system and they didn't train them on how to deal with runaway trim. Oh and relying on a single sensor to detect ACA was also a bad move. So, many mistakes .. for which a lot of people died.

Notwithstanding that, every day hundreds of planes rely on automation to help keep passengers safe.

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Something similar happened to me with my first wife .. I read an email meant for her that was quite descriptive, not to mention x rated, and it left me pretty devastated. I was in a very dark place after that. But now, many years later, I'm very happily married to a partner who is perfect for me in every way. My advice to everyone who goes through this is hang in there, it hurts like hell but things will get better and one day you'll look back and realize it was better you found out and got out when you did.

I was taught that my job is "to make sure all my bosses surprises are pleasant ones". 15 years of working as an engineer and that never changed. Now I have my own business and that's the thing I look for employees.. someone I can leave on their own to do a job. It they have problems they can always ask me. If they screw up I expect them to tell me immediately and to have a plan of action to fix it and to prevent it happening again. And I never ever get cross if someone does come to me and say they screwed up. Far better that we tell the client about a problem than wait until the client finds the problem themselves.

Reading all these comments makes me realize how lucky I've been in my career. I've always had great bosses who defended me and backed me up.

Yes, because they keep children indoors so they don't receive enough vitamin D. There's evidence that reduced time spent outdoors has precipitated a dramatic rise in myopia for the same reason.

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I run around 50 miles a week and swim 5, so if I didn't eat plenty of carbs I would just crash. However, a long time ago I decided to stop second-guessing diet vs mortality. "Eat food^1^, not too much, mainly plants" - is still as valid today as it was twenty years. Perhaps more so.

Along with this you need plenty of exercise. That needs to cover:

  • aerobic exercise to increase your cardio endurance,
  • VO2max (short spurts of high intensity that elevates your heart rate to near maximum and leave you breathless),
  • Strength - weights or resistance exercise to work your major muscle groups, and
  • Stability - specifically for core muscles

Don't smoke or take hard drugs, and if you drink alcohol do it in moderation.

That's it - then you can sit back and relax knowing that you are doing the most you can to be able to enjoy a healthy life. We can't always control how or even if we will arrive at old-age, but we can swing the odds heavily in our favor by the choices we make when we are young.

  1. Food - something you grandma would recognize as edible. Generally if you can't pronounce it easily it's not food.
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There are two main reasons to conscript citizens. The first, to fight wars, has largely faded into irrelevance (barring exceptions for those waging war, like Russia, or those defending their country, like Ukraine). For the most part wars are better fought by paid professionals.

It's the second type of conscription that I will discuss. Many governments promote a system of national service for reasons of social cohesion, (the so-called Scandinavian model). It has much to recommend it. It creates a shared experience in otherwise fragmented societies, breaking down barriers of class, race and gender. It can be used to instil the values of a country in its population. It builds respect for the armed forces, teaching civilians that their freedom ultimately depends on others’ willingness to kill and be killed. And it subjects a pampered population to a bracing dose of spartan clean living, away from iPads and alcopops.

The problem is in the implementation. Social service should not be confined to the young. One of the biggest divides in society is generational, and national service only for the young would not change that. Moreover it would do many older folks a lot of good to learn the value of inclusion and diversity.

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I can't answer your question but it's particularly annoying for me because I travel a lot for work. Sending me an SMS message when I'm in the middle of Africa isn't going to work. (In fact I found a way to make it work by enabling wifi calling with my US cell provider.. but I shouldn't have to jump through hoops to verify my identity)

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The problem in South Africa has nothing to do with state owned companies vs private ones. It has everything to do with corruption. Not just the mild, occasional bribe here and there but rampant endemic corruption at almost every level. Corruption is like a cancer and in South Africa it's been allowed to fester and grow unhindered for decades, so removing it will be a monumental endeavor .. there are too many vested interests at stake now. I'm not optimistic any solution will be forthcoming anytime soon. Privatisation without fixing the underlying rot won't change anything.

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My parents were from the UK and although I never lived there I was surrounded by the culture growing up. My Mom used to make fish and chips with mushy peas, steak and kidney pie (sometimes she had problems finding beef kidney .. people asked her if she had a cat). We went back to England a few times as a child, always at Christmas, and I remember the wonderful atmosphere. They played Christmas carols everywhere, even on the bus. The metro (Tube to Londoners) tunnels were filled with buskers .. it was so nice to walk round a corner and find someone playing Jingle Bells or Silent Night. And the food .. Christmas pudding with brandy butter, pork pies, mince pies (actually dried fruit pies).

Now my folks are gone. I miss them all the time but I miss them most at Christmas.. it's just not the same here and without them.

Next thing people will be pronouncing SQL as "sequel" and then where will we be?

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Russian oil revenues are at near record highs though so we're still a long way from any kind of collapse.

How does this help them gain their land? On the contrary it will harden public opinion against them. The only person that benefits from this is Netanyahu. I'm stunned by the stupidity of Hamas.

You would think that Verizon had learned something from their purchase of AOL (2015) and Yahoo (2017) and subsequent 5B write-down but apparently not.

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Renewables suffer from intermittency .. production depends on whether the wind is blowing or the sun is shining .. and they can't be ramped up quickly to cope with increased demand. So you need a baseline source to take care of that and the only options we have are fossil fuel or nuclear.

Our company is like that, but you're not going to get a call every night. Each person in our (small) support group does a rotation of standby one week every two months. During that week you need to be available after hours and have your cell phone on. The upside is that we get time off for working after hours and we get extra days off just for being on standby which more than compensates, plus we get good overtime pay.

You're not missing much. It's a soulless place, not to mention remarkably racist. Sure it's clean and safe, but there's no vibrancy. I live in South America, in a city that's considered dangerous by world standards, but I walk out my door and there's music and life.. the city buzzes. Some people like living in a sterile bubble I guess but not me.

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These are the movies I can always watch again.

  • Gladiator.
  • Casablanca.
  • In the Mood for Love.
  • Lord of the Rings.
  • Matrix (first one only).
  • Sin City.

If I'm on a plane scrolling to find a movie to watch and I see any of those I stop right there.

“If acid reflux is not controlled well, it can cause a variety of complications, including cancer at a later stage,” said Desai. So people should not be ditching their heartburn medications en masse based on alarming headlines.

While that's true, it's also apparent that Doctors in the US massively overprescrbe medicines for conditions that are often better addressed through lifestyle changes. Acid reflux is one.

Another drink couldn't hurt

57 million users a day

Damn poor people.. always demanding services like water and electricity /s

"You can't have your cake and eat it too". What is the flaming point of having cake if you can't eat it?

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Guy Fawkes wasn't just killed though. He and his fellow conspirators suffered greatly before they died, and even after death their executioners inflicted torment on the corpses.

"They were to be "put to death halfway between heaven and earth as unworthy of both". Their genitals would be cut off and burnt before their eyes, and their bowels and hearts removed. They would then be decapitated, and the dismembered parts of their bodies displayed so that they might become "prey for the fowls of the air".

GPS jamming is trivial. This is spoof which is a lot more complex and requires sophisticated kit. I imagine there is Russian involvement here.

When Ukraine began drone strikes deep into Russian territory the Russians were forced to pull back some air defense units from the front line. That might be part of the reason Ukraine is able to mount attacks with TB-2s now.

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It's the internet.. we should question everything. That's not to say this is false or that racists don't exist. Just that being skeptical should be the default position.

While the transfer is unlikely to alter the battlefield it is an important political statement of commitment. It also integrates the Ukrainian air force with NATO systems and allows them to use the same ordnance without modification. The aircraft data links can connect to ground based systems such as Patriot which should improve defense against Russian cruise missile attacks. But the planes lack stealth capability and are highly vulnerable to Russia's S-400 anti-aircraft batteries. So no game-changer but welcome nevertheless.

I can appreciate opposing views, including conservative ones, if they are grounded in reason. In fact I welcome them .. they sharpen my own arguments and make me question my beliefs which is seldom a bad thing.

What I cannot accept is any argument based on a supernatural entity. If you want to make laws because your holy book tells you to then I'll do everything in my power to block you. You have the absolute right to follow your own beliefs but you have no right to force those beliefs on others.

Great strawman but no, this is not free speech, this is illegal content and laws exist to prosecute those who disseminate it. Free speech allows you to offend others .. it doesn't give you a pass to break the law.