0 Post – 15 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

1st & foremost, I'm a truth seeker, and skeptic at heart. Also, a retired pensioner, widower, from Toronto. #FOSS #Cannabis #Debian #Geopolitics #NoBots **NoToGenderPolitics** BS.


'Alta Vista' now that's a name from the Internet past! :-)



#Fedilab is great, a true mobile app that works with Mastodon and most other Federated apps quite well. I've used it with Pixelfed too. Buy the developer a beer too. ;-D



Ah, Unfortunate!. Looks like folks are trying to persuade the developer. Might help to add your voice to the chorus!



Essay? It was a wall of text without any paragraph breaks. Very hard to read, so I gave up trying to understand what the heck the OP was talking about. What Drama? This is the Fedi, like another poster says, there will always be drama on the Fediverse. It's not corporate, thankfully.


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@Blaze Very cool! Thank-you.


eh? Mastodon here ...


BTW, great avatar, haven't seen the Netscape Meteor shower for some time, probably Netscape 3.x days.

@HawlSera Me neither and I was a paid subscriber. Good luck with their pending IPO, hope it fails miserably. @MrFagtron9000


Count me as one, tried to setup 2Factor Auth, but it wouldn't take the number from my token generator and didn't generate any error message.


@shagie OIC well I'm using TUT a tui reader which renders rich text. Dunno why that post is any different, but thanks for stating what you see. ;-)

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No, it seems to work with my Mastodon instance - regarding Lemmy servers only. I just ttied It works spectacularly. :-)


Yes the latter seems likely, it's the only post from Lemmy that I've seen displayed like that.

@JackbyDev Yup perfect paragraph breaks. Tut and toot are very mature mastodon clients, so it's more probable the issue is on the other end, somehow. Also the first time in many years I've even seen such broken formatting as the OP.

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Good for you! They cloak not only in that, but in Human Rights and Democracy. Yeah, right, sure Sleepy Joe. :-) My gay daughter hates Putin and loves the war because Russia doesn't accept homesexualtiy. I think that's a very poor reason to go to war, especially when the raesons stated aren't true. It's colonialism all over again. Russia has all the raw materials and rare earth metals that the west covets.


> I live in the US and it’ pretty bad for LGBT people here. I don’t feel the need to cheerlead US interventions because they have a coat of rainbow paint.