
7 Post – 61 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

ic: @cat_wheezie on twt | NB they/them | happily married and vegan 🌱

It’s scary how greed has made the world so hostile. It’s hard to stay ignorant about these issues because it’s just one search away on a phone. Yet, people still choose ignorance. I feel a little lost and hopeless sometimes even though I try to do my part. Finding a safe space online seems crucial for my mental wellbeing. Glad I can be here

edit: grammar

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I think this is the first time that I saw someone's voluntary art work compensated after being implemented in a community. The transparency is surreal and very admirable. Thank you for compensating artists and valuing the art that made c:

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The potential is great but I think it’s better to rethink our current choices and be more conscious with the food that we now have. If we lessen our consumption of animal meat then we can focus on feeding supposed animal feed crops to humans. The use of land and water would be less alongside lower carbon emissions.

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The lack of unwanted rage bait posts and karma farmers has improved my mood by a lot. I gotta be honest though, I’m still scrolling through Apollo and giving myself my last dopamine hits before July 1st. Won’t miss that place

Well, first and foremost, break the barrier of lurking and start posting. I still have yet to do that because I feel like I don’t have a lot to post other than cute pics of my dog lol. Lemmy isn’t reddit so it’s not going to be as hostile. It’s still the internet though so expect a little pushback every now and then.

Comment more on posts and try to keep in mind that each comment is like having a real face-to-face conversation with other users. This community is pleasant and I feel very at peace interacting here compared to the other site. This is the first time I’m commenting so much on posts too and it’s been a blast!

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she found herself educating lawmakers on basic biology to get her point across. Maybe lawmakers should be taking basic empathy classes too because this is dystopian as hell. And they wonder why the younger generations don’t want kids?!

I get you and that’s why most environmentalists encourage people to go flexitarian instead of fully plant-based. Eating less animal products are no doubt better than doing nothing at all.

I committed to Veganism because it aligns with my personal ethics and so far, the mock meats have been doing great! Even when I was still living in a third world country outside US, I had access to delicious foods.

This is such a dream for me. Living in suburban hell has definitely impacted my mental health and overall health negatively.

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I had a lingering crush on a girl from the next class. I was 12 and I didn’t know it was a crush but she’d always steal my attention whenever she walked by. I got a little blue when she got a boyfriend but I just moved on and proceeded to have another crush on a guy from my class. It took me a year to understand bisexuality. These days I’m not sure what my sexuality is anymore because I’m married already. I can’t seem to find anyone else sexually attractive other than my partner

Doing great! Binged 7 episodes of Lost with my husband today after watching Mike’s Mic’s Appropriately Unhinged Recap of Lost S1. Had to get back to it after taking a break from the intense stories

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It really depends but as a non-cis poc, I'd rather not take my chances after seeing some of the flags that my neighbors hang

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Quick TLDR from ChatGPT for those who don’t want to go through it all:

The article discusses the decline in active user numbers on the Mastodon social media platform and explores potential reasons behind it. The author shares personal experiences and observations from using Mastodon and highlights several issues. Firstly, they argue that Mastodon does not offer a unique selling point compared to other platforms like Twitter, which are more feature-rich. The author also states that decentralization, a key aspect of Mastodon, is not a selling point for the majority of users who prioritize functionality and convenience over ideological considerations. They further criticize the user experience on Mastodon, particularly in terms of finding and following other users, and argue that decentralization hampers the platform's usability. Additionally, the article discusses the perspective of existing Mastodon users, who may be resistant to change and less attuned to the challenges faced by new users. Lastly, the author mentions the scalability issues of Mastodon and the lack of sustainable funding models due to the platform's aversion to advertising and corporate funding. Overall, the article suggests that Mastodon's shortcomings and its resistance to change may have contributed to its declining user numbers.

I’m not under the impression that the Fediverse is directly competing with mainstream social media. At least within the spaces that I belong to. I’m just tired of all the clickbait ragebait easy engagement posts online

I really wanted a name that starts with the letter 'M' because it just felt right. I then looked up "nonbinary/genderneutral names that start with the letter M" I found one with a slight association with my deadname

Cute animals are an easy start! Maybe asking for some food recommendations or even just posting something you’ve made. The possibilities are endless! It’s not a popularity contest anyway. People will see it and go ”hmmm” and maybe drop a comment. As long as you’re within the community and BeeHaw’s rules, you’ll be fine c:

It was more fun than expected! We spent 4 hours straight just figuring things out because the colors were just that confusing. Nice pun btw lol

I was born and raised Roman Catholic and attended Catholic schools up to college. I feel very disconnected from the religion because of how it upholds discriminatory views against gender minorities. There was also a lot of fear instilled in me when I was younger and I just grew out of it eventually. It didn't make sense that I would do good just because a higher being promised salvation when I die. There well also too many hypocrites around me who would go to church religiously but never practice the teachings from the priest.

I now try to make sense of life as I see it and I still practice spirituality through Tarot. It's brought me a lot of peace but I still struggle every now and then

That’s a lifetime companion fr

I know this is overused and cliché but it gets better eventually. I had a very similar family situation and I knew that it wouldn’t get better until I move out so I essentially masked and became what they wanted me to be. I particularly have a narcissistic mom and she often projected onto me so I just had to perform to satisfy her delusions. Being two people at once is exhausting but you eventually compromise with yourself and bear with it until you can get into a situation to stop pretending.

There will always be a niche online community with your specific interests. The people you will meet online will stay as long as you make an effort to keep in touch. Even the low maintenance relationships are valuable. Maybe shoot a message to one of your old friends and see where that goes. Wouldn’t hurt to say hi every now and then.

Life is what you make it out to be, given whatever resources you have. Granted it’s not always going to be good and a lot of times it will hurt. Learning to accept that pain and sitting with it for a little helps a whole lot. There’s only so much that you can control. You can try to make your learning joyful again; try to reignite or find the passion in new knowledge. You can try and lessen your impact on the climate by eating less animal products and choosing plant-based options more.

Antidepressants aren’t meant to be a magic happy pill. Start with the small things. Maybe a good depression room cleaning and rearranging things around. A walk in the park. Less time on the screen. Sitting with your emotions. Venting and crying it out.

Yesterday, I would’ve agreed with and just wallowed with you but things got better today. You’re not alone. I believe that you can pick yourself up again one step at a time.

I’d wear that! Looks amazing!!

Off topic but how can you easily spot AI generated text?

I haven't looked into it because I wasn't able to find anything on Facebook and I stopped using that site already. Also, It's so car-centric in our area that it takes a 25 minute walk to get to the nearest bus stop. I can't even drive but I'm currently studying our state's driving laws. I'm fairly new to the area and I'm not accustomed to American socialization

As much as I’d love to have some soy sauce eggs, I unfortunately don’t consume eggs anymore. I’ll keep in mind to increase my protein though! That means more tofu soup in the morning :D

Well this was way before I went vegan but when I was younger, my dad would buy me balut. Balut is a delicacy in the Philippines and it’s basically boiled fertilized duck egg. One has to crack open the top part of the shell and drink the juices first. Then the whole shell is peeled off. The yolk would be the most edible part and I’ve known many Filipinos who just drink the juice and eat the yolk. Sometimes they’ll even eat a white part which has similar texture with very tough cartilage. Others go a little bit further and eat the tiny duck embryo. It’s commonly dipped in spicy vinegar or salt to give it more flavor. It’s definitely the furthest thing from healthy and I definitely wouldn’t eat it ever again

I’ll definitely hydrate better. I might just try doing a good sip every top of the hour to make sure I get enough during my shift. Guess I need to do more stretches throughout the day though

I know it's been 5 days but I just want to thank you for believing in me, a random person on the internet. I have been stuck in another spiral of wallowing in self-hatred and overall negative things. Typing down this reply is making me anxious already but I know that I have to power through it and just start doing things. I'm preparing for a reset come July 1. Since 3rd party reddit apps will die that day, I can finally get rid of the main stress bringer in my life. I'm also going to set better achievable goals this time around. I will make it work.

I'll keep the "easy, comfortable, gradual and sustainable" in mind. This is really helpful especially because I've been raised in a very pressuring environment where mistakes were condemned and the shaming penetrated through the bone. It's been a year since I got out of that environment but I still can't shake off the unrealistic expectations put on me. I should be in charge of my own parameters of success and happiness.

I was born after 8am. In astrology, it determines several zodiac placements on your natal chart. The chart is then used to predict your certain characteristics and future happenings in your life. I don’t take it as seriously now but it was fun getting my natal chart read by an astrologer. Whether it was the Barnum effect, cold reading, or just pure coincidence, I don’t really care much lol

Thank you for your rambling! I really appreciate it and it's made me realize that I do love structure but sometimes being too strict makes me hate everything I do and I eventually spiral down back to square one. I need to be more flexible and just learn how to enjoy my day to day life by doing things that I know are good for me and by making those things fun.

I was also scared of doing the same thing but I just really had to rationalize that this platform isn't reddit and therefore it wouldn't be as hostile as reddit. I was scared to comment anything on the previous platform because of the same sentiments. This place is very chill tho

My husband was gifted a powerful Ninja blender and I constantly use it for some vegan cooking. I made plant-based cheese sauce, hamburgers, deli slices, and copycat just egg with it yesterday. Also very handy for quick smoothies!

Looks amazing! This makes me want to borrow my mother in law's sewing machine

Uy kababayan! Sometimes, my dad would get a sack of Maharlika rice from his work and I always thought that it tasted a little sweeter than Sinandomeng and Dinorado. I feel like cooking rice is a coming of age task back at home because the elderly finally trust you around the stove.

I do some breathing exercises using a colorful blob on the screen and do some journaling. I also do tarot readings to assess my energies for the day and to ground myself better since I'm an anxious person. I guess I should really get back into it because I'm getting really antsy these days

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Sorry for the late reply I've been stuck in a reddit binge before Apollo dies. Anyway, every tarot practitioner views it differently. For me, it's a way to connect with myself and the energies around me. It's very grounding since it's just another tool for me to assess my actions and possible outcomes. It's not something that predicts your future per se. I avoid personal bias by evaluating whether the reading resonates with what I feel and what is objectively happening around me.

In a nutshell, it's a bunch of cards (78 cards) with different symbolisms and meanings. Pull as many as you need, interpret it based on the basic symbolisms and key words on your guide. Decide whether it resonates or not. Do it again as you please. It's hard at first since there are a lot of cards but it just takes some practice to get better as with any other thing. Sometimes it takes me weeks before I grab my cards again, sometimes I need it on the daily.

Posted something about keeping consistency. So many people commented great advice. People are so kind around here c:

I’m not sure if this is eccentric but I have a junk journal and I try collecting little bits of day to day life like receipts, tags, paper, fruit stickers, fortune cookie fortunes, and more. Most of them carry little memories and I just like having them in one notebook

People value different types of relationships in their own unique ways. Some people value friendships over romance and that’s fine. Maybe it’s tiring to see people looking for romance but if that’s what they need to feel fulfilled, so be it. It doesn’t have to matter to you for it to be valid. Same way that someone can see this post and say “so what?”

I’d love some Darn tough socks too but they’re made of wool and I’m an ethical vegan so it’s pretty much out of the picture. I saw that they only had a few selections for synthetic socks 🥹

I unfortunately had a surgery a few years ago and I recently got bursitis on my right foot. The only relief was wearing the orthotics so I thought I’d benefit a lot from wearing them while standing long hours. I’ll look into better posture, dynamic stretching, and more you’ve mentioned below. Thank you!!

I read your advice this morning and caught myself in bad posture several times today. Bending knees and feet apart were comfortable while doing all my prep work. I think I still need to work on my knife technique so I get a good use of my shoulders instead of depending on my wrist alone. I do always sharpen my knife though because nothing’s more frustrating than a dull knife. Thank you so much for this!

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