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Joined 1 years ago

Calgary boy.

I doubt they put out much power at all compared to modern panels. Solar back then was a pipe dream, we didn't have the battery technology to store the energy and the panels had a lower voltage and could supply less current.

I have a 100w foldable panel for camping that at >= 20% efficiency is probably double what the 90s panels could do.

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You posted where you and your content were obviously not welcome, and you got banned. I don't think that is the work of a bad faith actor at all.

I had a psychotic break. Of course, I did not know I had developed a mental illness. I thought the Russian mafia was coming to kill me and my family. That made for a very crazy year before I finally got treatment.

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Is it surprising to you that posting this right wing shit got you down voted? Denying the lived experiences of residential school survivors?

It's a Marxist lenninist server, hence the ML. The developers of lemmy are m-ls.

I use a depilatory that is designed for intimate areas. Cream goes on, sits for 5 mins, then the hair wipes off.

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She actually said something along the lines of "your brother's company is killing people the sauce is so sweet" in response to a comment or so I read in another article this morning.

It's exhausting. Lemmy isn't so bad. Threads is absolutely terrible. It's like the MIL subs on Reddit, only for every negative topic imaginable. I just stopped opening the app because all it shows me is content on sexual assaults and rapes and people being victimized and having all sorts of troubles.

In Quebec a lot of people use it so it's not unheard of on North America.

I have used a lot of stuff over the years but my favorite would have to be a little command line program called cowsay. It takes whatever text you feed it and puts it in a speech bubble above a cow, hence the name.

I just can't stand the lack of hibernation or hybrid suspend on laptops with Linux. Otherwise I'd much rather have a Linux distro on my nice laptop and windows in a VM if at all.

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Do post a link for my review if you ever do that. 🤤

I think Lemmy is coming along nicely. There is lots of content for me to consume. I am on so I haven't seen any of the bugs other people are talking about, it just works except for subscribing to places on the busy instances which shows pending for a while.

People will get used to how this works and I think it snowballs from here.

Its ok but I regularly have to swipe the app away and re open it when it displays a blano screen instead of the website.

You can buy depilatory that is made for intimate areas but you still can't put it on the vagina or the butthole. It burns.

I am so sorry, you are going to be miserable for a few days. Lotions and balms are probably going to make it sting even worse.

The shrink said it was triggered by stress at work. I was also on ADHD medication which can contribute but they didn't think it was the cause or anything.

No, no interest in the Russian mafia but the guy who lived in the apartment below me where I first heard the voices was named Wlad so that's where my mind went I guess.

Psychologists do not prescribe medication. No one is being prescribed Adderall after one visit to a psychologist, because all the psychologist can do is refer to a psychiatrist who then might make a prescription after confirming the diagnosis.

Stop repeating your opinion as fact. You are confidently incorrect.

I use this stuff. link

You could also try this stuff if you can't find the men's version. link

Whatever you order you are looking for something that says bikini or intimate.

Apply everywhere but balls first and then apply to balls. Wipe off in the order you applied after waiting however long. Rinse REALLY WELL with water but don't use any soap. Soothing lotion optional afterward, I don't need it.

Keep it off the anus itself if doing your butt crack or you're going to have a burning sensation.

That's not a distinction that users care about, or should need to care about.

Apple (and Google, Microsoft, etc) are checking signatures of all files on their services to detect illegal stuff. They do it for copyrighted content and they do it for CSAM.

Let's not forget CUPS which is how everything that isn't windows prints.

I would be very surprised to hear that your distro does all that by default.

Here in Canada it's the opposite. Isreali flags everywhere, pro-isreali counter protesters attending every Palestinian event.

Oh no, what you describe is definitely illegal here in Canada. CSAM includes depictions here. Child sex dolls are illegal. And it should be that way because that stuff is disgusting.

I have a 4060 TI and it crashes constantly on low. Runs fine between crashes so not a performance issue...

Most distros ship with hibernation disabled and they have since Ubuntu 10.04 or so if my memory serves correctly.