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Joined 3 months ago

Ü50, Linux User, Jazzliebhaber, Zappa Fan, Gitarrenspieler, Serien- und Bücherjunkie der gerne mit seinen Freunden ein Bier trinken geht.

Linux user, jazz lover, Zappa fan, guitar player, series and book junkie who likes to have a beer with my friends.

Flatpaks require more storage space as all dependencies are combined in a flatpak. For me rather 2nd choice.

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INOTIFY a GUI for monitor file changes.

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@Dust0741 sometimes this can help -> in a linux console: ntfsfix -b -d /dev/sda1 oder ntfsfix -b -d /dev/sda2.

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I'm using hstr since some years and it works perfect for me.