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Joined 3 years ago

I find pinning my WhatsApp tab sorts that out, it seems to autoload pinned tabs into memory on launch.


At this point if anyone believes anything he says is anything but a complete lie then they aren't worth arguing with, the evidence, the literal mountains of evidence are overwhelming.

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The most concerning part...

I asked the chef in the hotel to tell me the ingredients in the food so I could make sure there was nothing my son is not allowed to eat in it. He refused to give me that information. When I asked him if he would give this food to his children he replied ‘no way’.

So the food is probably not fit for human consumption, and there's not enough food generally either.

Turning hotels into slums, why are the government allowed to set this stuff up? If businesses can't be trusted to do the right thing then legislation has to be introduced to force them to.

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It's like they're trying to kill the platform

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Just gotta watch out for the old EEE tactics Microsoft has pulled in the past, if they manage to stuff content into ActivityPub posts against the spec which encourage people to move to their "compatible" service and making the normal apps seem broken. Google does the same thing with Chrome features against web standards set by the W3C.

The drives in the zpool, are they SMR drives? Slow write speed and disks dropping out are a symptom of I remember correctly

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I am, absolutely, less intimidating. Remember there are literally dozens of us.

So next I'd be checking logs for sata errors, pcie errors and zfs kernel module errors. Anything that could shed light on what's happening. If the system is locking up could it be some other part of the server with a hardware error, bad ram, out of memory, bad or full boot disk, etc.

It is a great game, wish the 2 player co-op was more like Pikmin 3 Deluxe though.

PS. Also that drawing's awesome 😎

It'd be interesting to know what actual protections apply to them.

All I can imagine is the police are overstretched and ignore it. Maybe there are other bodies that should deal with it? Do alum seekers have the same rights as members of the public stopping in the hotel under normal circumstances? I imagine that the government carefully didn't refer to them as hotels in the agreements drawn up to avoid legal issues.

Only now the government has earned a couple of years of interest on it all. I'd like to see that windfall paid forward to the people of Ukraine too.

Yeah ended up doing that in a couple of places, for me its not practical to have bundles of cable running from a central switch, because of having to run a cable through a hole in the wall, hiding it behind skirting boards (baseboards) and under floors (where there are crawl spaces). My work place is based in a really old building and theres just bundles of ethernet everywhere running across floors and loosely attached to walls etc, wish they spent the time, effort and money of equipment running fewer 10Gb runs to floors then having 10Gb to 1Gb switches for the workstations.

I had issues getting Prowlarr to connect to many sites at all. Jackett just works and has a huge list of working sites, however syncing them all up in the other arr services is a pain which is where comes in.

It'd be fantastic to get some drink brewing hardware together that actually supports this standard, that'd be the real icing on the cake. Are you aware of any people putting something together?

Keep it simple, use Miniflux

The co-op play isn't as good as in Pikmin 3 Deluxe though

Then the only recourse is malicious compliance, a mod team running the sub into the ground over a few months? Or let Reddit appoint wholely unsuitable mods and laugh as the sub is run into the ground anyway. Either that or they appoint Reddit staff to moderate, their staff are stretched too thin with the extra workload (many subs will need new mods) and the sub/s collapse, or they hire more staff to moderate and the company crumbles under the inflated wage bill (explains why they desperately want any sympathetic existing mods to take on as much responsibility as possible, free labour).

Basically I don't see this ending well for Reddit.

Criminal does immoral thing, imagine that! The issue is that the data isn't being stored securely in the first place. If it's not encrypted the game is over as soon as they steal it the data. More needs to be done to ensure the safe storage of this highly sensitive information, and sorting as little of it as possible in as few places as possible. Schools are not equipped to handle this data themselves it needs to be entrusted to an entity (private/government/whomever) that has the time and expertise to keep it securely and properly manage secure access when needed.

If they could just help big distros package binaries that'd be great. I was unable to use their handy dandy installer to install on Debian 11 a couple of months ago, been meaning to try again now Debian 12 is available.

Yeah the correct way to do it is to chisel a channel in the plaster and embed the cable in the plaster, but thats quite an ordeal to do.

For now though, just remember to vote at the next GE. If you have younger voters in your family, make sure they know how important their vote is. It is not something we can be apathetic about any longer.


Any advice for Victorian era terraced houses in the UK where every wall is solid brick :/

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How do people here feel about the lack of headphone jack?

I feel a phone that trades on being a bit more "free" and "open" should still have one.