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Joined 1 years ago

Berlin, Germany: we drink water straight from the tap. It's free and delicious. If you don't feel like drinking tap, just drink a "Berliner Rohrperle". It's the same thing with a fancier name, because our tap water is awesome.

Nowadays we even have public drinking fountains dotted around the city.

1 more...

Yes you could, but (and it's a big but): performance will be bad, performance for all other TOR users will be impeded, you won't be able to open an incoming port, it'll be a bad experience for everyone.

Additionally it's quite easy to leak identifiable info in such a setup.

Never repeat anything.

They are still developing and selling Sailfish OS. They just stopped making their own hardware.

  • uBlock Origin
  • uMatrix
  • SponsorBlock
  • decentraleyes
  • Cookie Auto Delete
  • KeepassXC-Browser
  • Tampermonkey
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Before clicking the link I thought there was a new restic clone/fork out there...

It's not that difficult to build your own kernel based on the official debian one:

Yes it has. But it's still working fine for me.

There are some forks that might be better, but since I don't experience too much issues I never looked for alternatives.

Yeah that gets turned into a phone link

Did the same in python. Ages ago. And again in python half a decade ago. And again in python a few months ago.

Around 10 years ago after the radeon xorg driver broke for the nth time on my arch install, I decided to just ditch Xorg altogether. I used screen for multiplexing, mutt for mail, irssi and some other messanger and w3m with (framebuffer support for images) for browsing the interwebs. I also had a videoplayer. I think it was mplayer. I rocked that setup for almost a year during college. Fun times.