8 Post – 19 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Because the liberal Supreme Court largely supported democracy, while the conservative one isn't even trying to hide its promotion of fascism. There is no both sides here

It's only political if you think human rights are political. For normal people who care about other people, it's a light hearted comedy

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Ukraine isn't asking anyone to go to the front and fight for them. They're asking for this aid. Anyone who cares about Ukraine as much as they claim will listen to what Ukraine asks for.

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Conservatives are so dramatic, Jesus

Who are these people who have so many choices in friends that they can afford to vet them?

I've seen them actively celebrate that they don't suffer from "Trump derangement syndrome" like liberals (supposedly) do. The longer you watch them, the more pro-fascism you see slip through

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I know, right? I can't believe someone is still unironically citing the twitter files, as if they did anything but prove that musk and his acolytes were just creating drama

Red fascists: claim to be leftists, behave like Nazis. Leftists: "Fuck off, Nazis." Red fascists: :surprised pikachu:

Nothing about that changes the fact that Bolsheviks aren't leftists. You guys have never seen an argument that you didn't dodge with a red herring or straw man.

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Trump derangement syndrome is where a person believes that Trump can do no wrong, is exceptionally strong and intelligent, and has been anointed by god to save the world from liberal vermin. It is rampant on twitter and among musk fanatics.

"We will rebuild!"

Red fascism playbook: when there's nothing bad to accuse leftists of, make up some future offense

On a less philosophical note, I find it immensely annoying how Snap creates mounts for its apps bc of how it clutters up disk management tools

Is Aramaic word that references dying words of Jesus

That's a ridiculous idea. If I buy a computer with an OS that has an encryption key to protect the hard drive, and later I need that key to remove my data to another system, I have an entirely reasonable expectation that I'm allowed to do so, regardless of how much the computer manufacturer doesn't want me to.

I wonder what the trend of homicides by police looks like

"Bolsheviks aren't leftists" is an argument, bud. And what you're supposed to do, if you want to respond, is address the argument, not something else that you find easier to attack

To add to what others have said, Signal's server code is open source, but they took the anti-spam module closed source last year

It's not