Christopher Masto

1 Post – 33 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

He tends to dawdle away his time and accomplish nothing.

That’s how it’s made. They melt cheese with emulsifying salts, squirt it into a plastic envelope, and it cools into the shape of the wrapper.

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You have disabled Safe Browsing. That prevents files from being checked for malware, so all downloads are blocked by default (nothing to do with Firefox). As you noted, you can override the warning to download anyway, but it is an extra step to try to reduce the chance of someone accidentally running a malicious program.

This will not be a popular thing to say in Lemmy, but I don’t think self hosting those things is going to reduce your headaches. I have worked in IT all my life, and I have lots of experience running services of all kinds, including my self-hosted home stuff. Nowadays, I am very mindful of the cost in time and hassle to DIY rather than let someone else handle it. When it comes to calendars, everything I see has an option to integrate with Google or Outlook, so I can’t imagine how sharing and syncing are going to be better if you move to some obscure open source thing. I fought that exact battle for an entire decade - you don’t want to get me started talking about CalDAV - and my life got so much easier when I gave up and moved my stuff to a standard provider.

At the risk of facts getting in the way:

  1. You can install ad blockers
  2. Apps are not able to do that
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Not being able to exit your home in an emergency without a key is a serious safety problem. In most places it is not permitted.

International Residential Code R311.4.4 “All egress doors shall be readily openable from the side from which egress is to be made without the use of a key or special knowledge or effort”. Most local codes are derived from this.

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I've never been happier and more productive than when I was working in Perl. It's a language that, at its apex, had a community of incredibly smart and creative people evolving it and its ecosystem. It's a practical, powerful, multi-paradigm language that let me get work done with a minimum of fuss.

Perl was a language that felt like an extension of my thoughts, like it was working with me and for me. Most other languages feel like I am working for the compiler rather than the other way around. Or at the very least, spending unnecessary effort satisfying some language designer's personal pet peeve, which constantly takes me out of the flow of the job I'm trying to do.

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Stopped eating so damn much.

I read the The Hacker’s Diet by John Walker (who recently died, sadly) and followed his advice.

I have ADHD.

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There are plenty of home gamer quats too (just look for active ingredient: yadda yadda ammonium chloride) My favorite is Formula 409. I buy the industrial refills and just top up the sprayers.

One thing if you’re actually trying to sanitize: they have a contact time. You need to let the surface stay wet for a minute, or 10 if you’re trying to kill the andromeda strain.

Not at all. This is not a moral judgement about anyone else. Just answering the question.

I guess I've reached a point in my life where I can easily afford to buy something if I want it, especially in the price range of a video game or book. I used to do all that stuff, not to get back at the man, but because it was the only option that was accessible. Eventually the hassle factor of piracy kept going up while just paying for it became an accessible choice.

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This post is basically what the Lemmy community has become, in a nutshell. I thought there would be a mass exodus from Reddit but it seems like the only people who came here and stayed are far out on the fringe. Between this kind of stuff and “I refuse to own a car because the infotainment system is not open source!”, I find myself more and more gravitating back to Reddit for some normality.. which is a hell of a thing to say.

Nah, you're good.

Leaded gasoline.

  • Roderick on the Line
  • Risky or Not?
  • Penn’s Sunday School
  • This Podcast Will Kill You
  • Reconcilable Differences
  • Accidental Tech Podcast

I've made this cake a couple of times. It's quite good.

I guess I didn’t understand what you were describing. When we moved in to our house, the previous owners had a deadbolt that locked with a key on the inside instead of a thumb turn, and it was the only way to lock the door. This is a pretty bad idea since it creates a potential situation where you’re stuck inside your house, or have to find another exit. In some emergencies, seconds count. Even if you know how to open the door, you might have someone over who doesn’t, which is why fire codes are the way they are. Someone unfamiliar with the setup, panicking, in the dark, in a room full of smoke, needs to be able to escape without solving a puzzle.

Because I already had experience with having to replace that lock with an appropriate one for an exit door, I jumped straight to the assumption that when you said “lock on both sides”, you were talking about a key, and not just a childproof latch of some kind. I have the privilege of not living with anyone who is a flight risk, so it’s easy for me to just dismiss it as unsafe. I looked at some of the solutions out there and they seem to be designed to stop toddlers with no dexterity, not an autistic person determined to turn all the things. Sorry if my answer was unhelpful; people are injured or killed every day because they created a situation they didn’t realize was hazardous until it was too late. My intention was only to prevent the downsides of locking the door this way from being overlooked.

I haven't left the house in months.

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Instacart and Uber Eats, mostly.

Waiting out this winter's covid surge living in the hot zone.

What do you do for entertainment?

I am confident my parents did not do that.

Risky or Not?

Each short episode discusses one amusingly named food or situation (e.g. “ Unopened Carton of Heavy Cream Almost 3 Weeks Past It's Expiration Date”). Hosted by two food safety experts with good banter.

My subscriptions are public:

Kind of a mix of well known science and tech stuff, and some out there things.

I flipped through and grabbed a few from different genres:

I was around pre-Internet, and it wasn't any better. In fact, this "virtual world" has been a huge positive for me and has given me many opportunities to expand my social group and have a more fulfilling life. I don't see the value in fetishizing disconnection.

Mostly silence, but when I was in high school (some decades ago now) I had a CD of Mozart music I would put on while doing homework. I still associate Symphony 40 in G minor with grinding through tasks.

That, but I actually get a lot out of my hobbies and personal unfinished projects (they're always a learning experience).

It's more about the cost of struggling with things and thinking I'm lazy or a failure, and the real-world consequences of not having gotten any help until my late 40s.

People are downvoting a simple, literal fact.

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They're more than great coats.

Zeiss wipes.

The 6502 was from MOS.

Browser bookmarks. My trick is I make a new folder every month, for example “2024-01 Bookmarks”, and put it in the bookmarks bar. Whenever I realize I’m leaving a tab open because I want to look at it later, I put it into the current folder. That way I know it’s not lost and I give myself permission to close it.

When a new month comes around, I stick the previous folder in an “Archive” section and make a new one. It costs nothing to keep them forever, but avoids the current list getting out of control.

I'll give you that they didn't get the numbers perfectly correct with the 95-99% thing, but I don't think the accurate numbers change the point they were making -- if anything, it's a stronger comparison. According to Wikipedia (, honey is 82% sugar and 17% water. HFCS is 24% water (, which makes it 76% sugar.

When I say facts, what I'm referring to is that honey is basically straight high-fructose sugar, in the same way that high-fructose corn syrup is. Wikipedia: "The average ratio was 56% fructose to 44% glucose". The HFCS that people freak out about in most food is 42% or 55% fructose. So these are very comparable sources of carbohydrates, which is one of the reasons it's so easy to fake honey with corn syrup.

I'm not making a value judgement here, and I didn't see one in the GP post that was heavily downvoted. Just pointing out that honey has a very similar composition as HFCS, do with it as you will.

As a bonus, my favorite use for honey is to make honey mustard dipping sauce for chicken tendies. Here's my not-so-secret recipe: Gulden's spicy brown mustard, honey, and mayonnaise. (adjust the ratio to your taste) And if you haven't tried Mike's Hot Honey, I say seek some out. You can use it in the honey mustard sauce, but I like to make myself a little yogurt, granola, and fruit parfait for breakfast and drizzle hot honey on it.

This is how it should work. I don't want to have to sign up on every different service. If people I want to follow choose to post stuff there that I want to read, I can do so from my Mastodon account.

Not the question you asked, I know, but I have been buying my tea from since before they had a web site and you had to call in from a printed catalog. Loose leaf tea is economical and gives you a wide variety of choices. I’m drinking my go-to Kensington Breakfast Blend right now.