28 Post – 285 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Wouldn't get used by corps probably?

That's just a bandaid on capitalism's issues. Urging people not to support the biggest actor will never work in the grand scheme of things, when said actor provides their best immediate interests.

Yes as it is almost the same category as mastodon

If we keep going back, Israel has committed far too many hostilities that were never responded to. Hell, they bomb syria most weeks without any retaliation form Syria. They commit horrors against west bank citizens all the time.

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Piracy is cool, but I prefer to use community-driven software rather than ones driven by corporate profits. I prefer a model where many can contribute to it, fork it, and for which making integrations is much easier thanks to its openness.

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Emulator devs should rly do their best to be anonymous

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Painting Israel as a victim just for having a small population / geography... I don't know about that. They've committed far too many massscres since their inception to be portrayed like that.

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This blog post explains it well:

Essentially, containers are means of creating environments in which you can run software, and those environments are:

  • isolated, which makes it a very controlled environment. Much harder to run into errors
  • reproducible: we have tools that reproduce the same container from an image file
  • easy to distribute: just have the container image.
  • little to no compromises on performance (at least on Linux)

It is essentially a way for you to run a program without having to worry how to set up the environment, why it didn't work as expected, what dependencies you're missing, etc.

I feel like this should be more about DE choice than distro.

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Reminder that paying Nintendo money is morally wrong and should be avoided when possible. Buy the consoles, sure, but pirate if you have to play the games.

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Not very clear to me that this is any more valuable than OG NixOS.

This sounds a lot like the forgejo vs gitea fork. I love the forgejo people but I am yet to see a sufficient differentiator.

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Unfortunately, I'm not certain it's in Israel's best interest that this doesn't escalate. They can probably do serious damage to Iran whereas the reverse is far less certain (evidently from this attack). And they knew very well that their embassy attack will bring Iranian retaliation. Now they'll just use that for an even greater response.

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Thanks for your advice. I am a programmer by craft so I can definitely do that. I think the only issue may be books with any important content that is not text, i.e. graphics and images (and unfortunately, many of the books I am interested in have that). If I understood what you said correctly.

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Thanks for the link. But is this really unseen in FOSS? My understanding is some FOSS projects do this so that it is easy to make major decisions without having to bring every person that has ever contributed to the project, kinda like how ZFS is stuck with license issues because they can't bring all contributors together to approve a license change.

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I have a couple of suggestions based on what you want!

Ocaml: A good intro into functional programming

The languages you've used seem to be primarily imperative style. Ocaml is not commonly used in the industry (with some exceptions), but it has a vibrant small community, and more importantly, because it's a functional language, it will be different enough from what you know. Even if you don't use it in industry, it will teach you a lot that would be hard to learn using non-functional languages.

Ocaml is a compiled language, with a very fast compiler and very good type system.

Scala: the only semi-mainstream language that blends OOP and proper functional programming well.

Although scala is mostly a functional language, it still has most of the gestures of imperative OOP languages like Java. It is also far more mainstream than ocaml and has used in industry.

Scala also runs in JVM like Java, and thus gives you access to most JVM libraries.


Intro into low level programming Other answers spoke enough about Rust so I won't dive here


similar to Rust in low-levelness, but less mainstream, better C interop, and other interesting differences

Raku: the result of 15 years of programming language design

Raku, formerly perl 6, was almost redesigned from the ground up to resolve complaints of perl 5. It has a very interesting design, with a gradual type system, a blend of functional and OOP paradigms, plus interesting syntax features like sigils and grammars.

There are many interesting languages out there. I could talk forever about this, but I'll leave you with the above. I personally would recommend ocaml if you're interested in functional programming or care about performance. Otherwise, Raku, since its very interesting but doesn't perform well (Raku's VM is still immature and under development).

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Any examples of this? PRs that are good overall but not for corporate sponsor?

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From my understanding, the issue is you can't run them as background script because it is promoting you for the passphrase of the ssh key?

The easiest way to solve this is to use a ssh key that has no passphrase. Yes it's possible and it won't prompt you for it. Whenever you create a key, it asks you to enter a passphrase. If you hit enter without entering anything, there's no passphrase.

But if you just don't want ssh at all, you can use rsync daemon. Someone else mentioned it here. It's not as hard as they said, especially if you're in a local network where you're fine without encryption.

Then I suppose I am looking for a download resources that aren't repacks, or at least aren't so heavy and convoluted on the way they pack.

What I liked about fitgirl is the reputation. A resource I can trust and quality is consistent.

How are you complaining about having to delete with 70TB? I have 5 TB drive and I haven't had to delete anything yet.

Download is usually higher quality, more customizable (subtitles, video player client, audio refinement, etc), and is more censorship proof model in the grand scheme.

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I use foot because it's wayland native and the developer is a very nice person. Only thing missing from it for me is ligature support.

A close second for me is WezTerm. It is very full featured, although I do not use a lot of its features. Developer is also extremely nice and helpful. It does have ligature support.

I personally use tiling window managers, so I have no need for built-in tiling / tabbing features.

More in the news: government official complains about matters within their jurisdiction.

17 more...

You have to be some kind of moron

idiots and delusional fools

Do not respond to my comments again with personal attacks. If you do this again, or respond before fixing this comment, I will unfortunately have to report you to the community moderators.

Until you fix it, your comment is not worth addressing.

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Did you read my post? Where did I say that I don't like living in a society? I said the exact opposite.

27 more...

Not self hostable and not secure by default.

Podman is slightly better, but most tutorials are for docker.

So, podman if you're comfortable looking through docs, man-pages, scarce Internet resources, and trial and error for finding things out. Especially if you care about having better security with rootless mode.

Podman also has a different way for managing many containers at once, and the interaction between them.

Emulation may be legal on paper, but in the end, we are rarely ever a match for such massive corporations, and a legal system that lets them get away with outspending you on legal fees.

OOP is one of, if not the most popular programming paradigm. Surely understanding it at a theoretical level isn't useless. It would be the first step to understanding its benefits and trade offs.

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Searchability is bad.

Growing a new community is hard. I wish people used lemmyverse more often.

Having a fully customizable feed algorithm would be a killer feature.

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For your use case, debian. Ubuntu is based on it, it's stable, it'll feel like home.

I personally use Gentoo (since you asked what we all use), but based on your reqs, you wouldn't wanna use it. And I'm probably in the minority anyways.

Misleading reporting. For those who understand Arabic, it is clear that what they mean is that Israel bombing gaza is threatening the fate of hostages.

Hamas has repeatedly said they are treating hostages better than their own, protecting them and giving them food and water. Many of the released hostages reiterated this.

Whether you deny how they treat hostages is one thing, but this reporting here making it sound like Hamas is threatening the hostages is bad journalism.

I'm happy to read reviews on goodreads and bookwyrm, but write reviews only on bookwyrm.

When I thought about this question, I decided to ditch both sudo and doas entirely. I am certain this is an unpopular opinion, but I preferred setting up a granular permission + user system instead, and keeping root privileges for only a handful of use cases (primarily for system updates and package installations).

For anything else, a dedicated user is created, and given only permissions to do that exact thing only. Many of these users have no shell access at all, and for the ones that do, I use a password manager so I don't have to memorize passwords for all of these users.

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But if a non-CCP controlled company wants kernel level access, then I would love to give them that control!

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I do like open source games, but that's a very different and unrelated thing to this. Whether the reviewed game is open source does not matter too much from the review perspective.

I don't really understand why Google needs to wait to release.

I agree on this. Unfortunately this is for a gift to someone who I tried to convince to get a desktop but wouldn't change her opinion.

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RSAL seems weird and I need to research it more. But I don't mind SSPL at all. It only hurts companies who hope to use open source without wanting to give back. From my perspective that's good.

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Honestly even Reddit is better. Reddit still has a r/piracy

How? Security is one of its selling points.

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I had no idea about this project. Is it like a better search engine for libgen etc?

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