1 Post – 31 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Both have issues, just that X11 has old issues that rarely someone is workin on, while Wayland has new ones and people are fixing them. So Wayland for me, thank you.

NixOS is a Linux distro that does a lot of things differently (for the greater good), and gaming is heavily Windows thing, which is hard to do even on conventional Linux distros (its getting better tho). That said as for your points:

1a. One of the things that would help you, is programs.nix-ld.enable = true; (for more info check , but its integrated in NixOS already)

1b. UE5 pull request has some things that might help (eg: you could just try running it with steam-run):

  1. Depends how you are building them, I am not a gaming developer nor tried to build a game without packaging it with Nix. But if you manage to run the UE5 I guess the procedure would be the same as long as you have all of the dependencies available for UE5

  2. I am using qemu/KVM on NixOS to run games on with quite a good performance, so that should not be a problem

What are you talking about? What nonfree programs? Can you give an example? Btw, for VPS you normally just need ssh, and that is free and even OSS.

I am not particularly good at math myself, but I like to program stuff... If I am any good at it... decide for yourself: ... anyway, if you have interest of doing something, stop the doubt, just do it.

Indeed, well:

  • SearxNG is a meta search engine, can aggregate search results from a ton of other search engines (like DDG, Google, Bing, .... and a lot more)
  • Whoogle, looks like a proxy to Google

I cant remember anymore... Let me explain ... My first computer was with at-the-time-very-new windows xp, using primary for games, after some time it got bloated with stuff so i had to reinstall again and again over time. Then i discovered redhat,centos and debian... I started heavily distro hopping. My passion for software grew to the point that I was installing new software on daily basis, just to explore new things. But nothing seemed stable enough, ubuntu, fedora, sabayon, gentoo, arch... And their derivatives all broke under my fingers to the point that i had to do more fixing than discovering new software, I took it as a challenge and continue. At around the time of university I discovered NixOS, as with any new technology I went head on with it. It took a lot of trial and error since at the time there were no documentation for any of it. I spent months reading the code, but I never gave up, since what I have found was a gem. I found the OS that is resistant to my curiosity, I just cant seem to be able to break it. Now I use NixOS everywhere that I can, even on my work computer. I do not need to reinstall after initial installation. Well... only when hardware fails...

People usually forget that home machines for server require:

  • stable internet connection
  • stable electricity supply
  • hardware maintenance
  • upgrade of hardware

I had all that when I was a student, it's wonderful to learning opportunity. Now I grew up, I use VPS in cloud and pay for all that with ~16eur/month and could be even cheaper. But considering my work hour, I can pay for that amount with half an hour of work with my job.

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I was a distro hopper once, then I saw the light of NixOS...

Are you using HDMI? Try display port. (Its an old post but maybe related)

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Is it still necessary to reboot if you install/update/remove some system package?

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In i3wm/swaywm, hyprland, ... You can assign workspaces to outputs (monitors)

I knew that takos have a lot of output energy, but I did not knew that takos can power a whole car!

(I wish that someone would already posted something like this so I could just upvote it.)

Thank you, integration with activitypub is what i was after!

I use Sway to great success. Gnome extensions are quite limited. Hyprland seems ok but the time that i was trying to use it (several months back) it had severe issues in release and trunk revisions. Specially with multimonitor setup, like the screen locker that they recommend in documentation is crashing after sleep if on multimonitor setup, i lost trust in Hyprland after that security issue.

All those points assume that you would have compatible apps for both platforms. For some small subset of applications might work... Like VLC player, Firefox, Chromium browsers, ... You could try to run Windows apps with Wine, but that can be done on app basis and will not be generic

Zsh and on top with few extra minor things. I like my shell fast and clean.

Yes, if you run a non optimized VM everything will be slow. It took me few weeks at start to discover all optimisation options for qemu/kvm and then years of perfecting it to make it run very close to bare metal

Edit: the key is to pass through one of your graphic cards

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Dont know where you are getting this. Nixpkgs is a breeze to manage compared to apt repo. Also it does not matter if you are on nixos or non-nixos system, the only difference is that nix does not take care of services on its own. What kind of docs do you miss? Nix has its own extensive nix docs page, and for packaging you also have nixpkgs documentation page - also official and not much related to nixos itself. Also nix has quite good man pages.

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Looks intriguing, reading a bit ... some concepts look like they came from Nix

Yes the immediate cost is lower, but when drive fails? You need to consider some RAID setup then so that means at least 2 of them. Well depends how much your data is worth...

Also consider that computers need external battery power for short power shortage and lightning protection. At least battery requires replacement every few years.


  • firewall, no inbound and do outbound restrictions
  • use immutable OS
  • full disk encryption (keep in mind that in many setups you will need to be beside the computer after restart)


  • put it in the trusted datacenter (home stuff is not safe from teenagers and people that need computer's electrical socket for a vacuum cleaner)
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Depends, does your CPU has already one?

As an ~10 year old NixOS user I appreciate your take on image based distros. My start into NixOS was not based on immutable OS, it was survivability of OS. I was searching for NixOS before I knew what NixOS is. I wanted some system that would survive me and my constant discovery of new software. It was impossible at the time and I had to reinstall whole distro every few months. I started with NixOS like with any other software - I started using it because ... Curiosity. 10years ago there were no documentation or guides on the internet, everything was in the Nix code, i was reading the code until my eyes bled, for months. Eventually I figured out that even if i play around with kernel modules, I simply can not brick this OS.

Some time back (a year or two) I was using Fedora Silverblue on my work pc... because I thought that will be more supported in terms of software that can run on the system. Boy oh boy I was wrong. For every system package i had to reboot, package management UI was for Flatpak, to install userlevel packages I had to use some other way... And to make things worse... It died on me some day after upgrade... I switched to NixOS. Smooth sailing ever since...

Hey, I do not think that this is off topic at all. My instance is

What do you mean, what do you think is so special about Photoshop? I play Starfield on Ultra on Windows inside Qemu/KVM virtual machine on Linux.

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I used to have Silverblue for my work laptop OS, I broke it quite fast, multiple times, got annoyed, switched to NixOS like on my home setup. I am the person that tinkers with everything, and NixOS just wont die. I need to install it only once per computer's drive lifetime.

Your title says lemmy instance and in your description you are asking for kbin instance. Which one you truly mean?

Lemmy is already packaged in nixpkgs and its options for NixOS are:

But I do not see kbin packaged yet.

I haven't used it, but here is my first web search result: Also:

First of all you are probably talking about NixOS and not Nix as a server. I was using servers in cloud as well as machines at home, using Debian, Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, Fedora, Arch and even FreeBSD.

In the cloud I was using mainly two types of setup: Kubernetes and as a normal VPS and then services on top. Over the years I discovered that my favorite setup is NixOS on VPS for my services. You might ask why NixOS and not Kubernetes, does not K8s ecosystem supports all the world's services and you might be right. But the my argument is that NixOS is way simpler, cheaper, and with less hassle, even if some services do not exist yet for NixOS, they are simple to integrate. Also my setup is reproducible with just backups of /etc/nixos/ directory and /var/lib/ both of which can exist as storage volumes. At the end, I am very happy with my setup, and do not miss conventional OS-es and other cloud solutions.

Stop making a list and start with eg: Nix Pills