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I assume that the user that you are responding to was probably referring to Manchin, Sinema, and the various old school Democrats that engage in insider trading and the like and refuse to fix such issues in our laws.

In addition to the more extreme examples like Manchin and Sinema who exist as spoiler votes, the majority of the Democratic party also enable the Republican party by constant attempts to compromise resulting in a rightward Overton window shift. Because Democratic politicians refuse to confront Republicans when the latter refuse to engage in good faith arguments, agreements, and debates.

Outside of that, they also tend not use what power they have to do good. Like how Roe v Wade was never codified, even during times when Dems had control of the house and senate.

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There is a pretty obvious difference between accidentally misgendering and maliciously misgendering.

Exactly. I don't care about tiktok (I'm more concerned with the parts of this legislation) but this'll be interesting. The bad news is that if tiktok wins this, other corporations will definitely start up with some new shenanigans

Not here to fight you, but this line of thinking might be why people downvote you for being a language/grammar nazi.

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“It doesn’t make a lot of sense to be conditioning a military campaign engaged in by an ally,” he said. He added that “there’s no question if there are allegations, they will be the subject of scrutiny and review,” but said he doesn’t think the resolution is the right approach.

"Hey, I just saw your brother murder someone, we need to call the cops!"

"Oh no, that's not good! But we can't call the cops, I've always supported my brother, I can't stop now when he is in trouble already!"

Even as someone against the death penalty, hard disagree. Sometimes when a bastard fascist shows you their colors...

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Why do you think they shifted their policy? It's because dem voters are threatening to not vote for them if they are shitty. Yeah, democrats have a problem with not voting together leading to 2016-like elections, but that type of event causes the party to correct themselves a little. It'd be better if they would actually learn the lesson though.

They won't because they are corporatists and reactionary, but maybe one day.

To be fair, why do you think they're antisemitic? Could it be the years and years of oppression under Israel, who have conflated themselves with Judaism the entire time?

This isn't me saying that antisemitism is good, but the same reason you were confused about the ties between Judaism and Israel (and lack thereof) is probably the same thing going through their heads.

Consider that gender is a made up concept and one can actually pick and choose any part of any gender norm to apply to themselves.

Also consider that your friend might not be ready for a potential next step in their gender discovery journey and you should respect that. Just be a safe person to come out to when/if they're ready. Choosing their pronouns for them is both rude as fuck and potentially dangerous for them.

While your snarky comment is technically right, you seem to be intentionally ignoring this person's actual point.

Sure, they'll still genocide without the US' help. But that doesn't mean we should continue helping them?

Besides, having a country that tends to ally with Israel stop providing them weapons might actually make them consider their actions more. Doubtful, but still infinitely more useful than continuing to give aid.

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Yikes. I don't like Trump or Trump supporters (or Republicans/Republican supporters for that matter), but you've gotta calm down, my guy.

These people have spent their lives gaslighted by bad people, that's no reason to kill them. One of my favorite people was raised VERY evangelist, another friend raised Mormon, and they've educated themselves out of that.

We don't euthanize people with stubbed toes, nor should we abandon those that are being gaslit and lied to constantly. They already get their just desserts by living under the policies of those they voted for.

Also, ableist slurs? Do better.

Hell, I'd be fine for in-game adverts in sensible and relatively unintrusive spots (like a Spiderman 2 ad on a times square billboard in Spiderman 1/Miles Morales). But that won't happen.

I really enjoy cooking and enjoy reading about the science behind it. So chemistry/biochem, I guess? For any interested J. Kenji Lopez-At is a good and approachable source.

Also for those that like astronomy and also beer, look for an Astronomy on Tap chapter near you! They are an org that puts on presentations about astronomy in bars. Dunno about other chapters, but my city's chapter is free to attend.

You asked what it would accomplish if the US stops giving Israel money (which I read as aid in general)

The accomplishment would that the US would no longer be giving money and weapons to a country committing genocide. I did not say that this would stop the genocide, I realize that Biden has no intrinsic ability to stop it. But we can absolutely blame him for contributing still. It is absolutely Biden's fault that he is using his 60 days discretion for funding military action before the senate weighs in, and it isn't some logical fallacy to say that we should not be doing that.

Also, Biden could actually start guiding US diplomats to pressure Israel more by not vetoing UN resolutions that would aid Palestine/attempt to curb Israel's genocidal action.

Just like with any other issue, multiple layers of effort can help reduce said issue. Masks, airflow, testing, and vaccines don't stop COVID, but they do a pretty good job at reducing risk and illness. Although the US cannot unilaterally stop Israel from bombing the hell out of innocents, the US can certainly do a few things to make it clear that they should stop.

Bg3 and The Finals, depending on my mood.

Bg3 is great, super happy that they fixed some of the worst bugs in the last patch (like being shot at by enemies through the floor when you are on the 2nd floor of a building).

The Finals definitely needs some balancing changes made, but I'm still enjoying it. Excited to see how the game grows, it will probably replace Apex Legends for me if they keep fixing it.

Calm down, it's for primaries.