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Joined 1 weeks ago

Must be planning on actually shipping something


1 more...

absolutely no charisma and successfully rizz someone up

That’s my strategy - rizz’m with the tizm.

It's not that these images are perfect - it's that they're close enough.

The "problem" is that these images look amazing with a minimal touchup - something which would happen anyway to a real photo.

An extra hour to two fixing some AI artifacts (the ol' droop-eye and derp-hand) is a LOT cheaper than getting actual people out to an actual location and taking an actual photo.

EDIT: I just realised the tent is on fire 🤡

Is this their way of asking Google for money?

I'll have you know all of my code is stringly typed.

policies that make small adjustments to the current system, as opposed to fundamental, large scale change

The word you're looking for is “conservative”

The eyes see what they want to see 🤷‍♂️

Winchester? 🤷‍♂️

All I want to know is what do these Temu people think my life is like?

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I think Zuck is right about this, insofar as the comments in the article are concerned.

OpenAI have done a brilliant job of selling the dream - but there will not be one "god model," - there will be many specialised, smaller models.

You can already see it going that way with new hardware shipping with NPU's. These workloads are expensive to run and shipping them to your device is a top priority.

If it’s a public repo do they need permission?

Not saying this is good, but you can’t really argue that it’s not a natural consequence of open source.

21 more...


Oh wait…

This can’t be real?

First of all it’s almost certainly torture and human rights violations.

Secondly, never mind freedom of speech - now you can’t even have your thoughts to yourself.

Fuck. That.

Iceland figured this out some years ago, and now they make heaps exporting computing power to international AI compute buyers.

They do it with a naturally cold climate, and loads of geo-thermal power.

I'm running Ubuntu on a Surface Laptop Studio. I really like it, though I have not yet gotten the touchscreen and pen working.

If I figure it out (and I remember) I'll let you know.

For me it's a pragmatic desire to share information with as few megacorporations as possible.

I deal with MSFT for so many other things, not all by choice - and Edge does everything I need it to do.

As with many such questions, it's about the trade-off you are prepared to accept.

Why does my open source browser need proprietary SaaS products stuffed into it?

Isn't this what extensions are for?

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Oh man, I remember so many people defended 8GB since the M1 first came out (and since).

I always argued it would significantly reduce the lifetimes of these machines if you bought one, not just because you’d be swapping a lot more on the (soldered in BTW) ssd, but because after a few years of updates it would become unbearably slow, or hardware would fail, or both.

Didn’t stop people constantly “tHe aRchITecTuRE iS cOmPlETelY diFFeRenT!!!”

Sure it’s different, but it’s still just a computer. A technical person can still look at the spec sheet and calculate effective performance accounting for bus widths etc.

Disclosure: I bought a top spec 16GB M1 Mac Air on launch and have been extremely happy with it - it’s still going strong.

The real problem is robots.txt is an honour system in the first place - It's never been a defence against bad (or even simply poor faith) actors.

“tHATs nOT tRuE the aRCHiteCTuRe iS cOmPlETlY dIffErEnT!!!!!1!11!!ONEONE!!!” <— Apple fanboys when this was predicted on launch of the M1 🤖

Lots of tech people who don't know or care about the r1 device are going to get a jumpscare from this post 😁

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They can meet up with the Cameroonian and Iraqi olympic teams for lunch.

RabbitMQ is used internally by a lot of applications and is often referred to colloquially as just “Rabbit”.

The same critical thinking should apply as all other platforms.

A link posted to an article on a company's public blog published in the last 24hrs? Almost certainly viral marketing.

They’ll just put surgeon general’s warnings on public schools.

Remember kids, bribes are a sometimes food 🙃

Will be interesting to see how this plays out - really feels like it’s been in a holding pattern for 5+ years.

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As in, will the USA be still after him? What role will he play in the public sphere now that he is free?


Unfortunately they care more about spying on us themselves.

I get what your saying, in that open source projects normally have a licence that applies to how it’s used - but this has always been open to abuse.

Nothing has ever stopped things like this happening - see how industry has taken advantage of open source for decades (often productising things as their own in the process).

Do you know if there people who have gone this far analysing the TikTok and WeChat apps?

What about a mimetic polyalloy though?

Seconding this. Why not allow people to run llama3 or other open source models?

Can they dump mine please?

For years this demographic crisis has been coming (it was taught in schools in my country over 20 years ago!), yet we still harp on about overpopulation.

Population collapse is coming if this doesn’t change.

There’s the great trick - you really didn’t.

Yes, install Linux and the end up using O365 in the cloud anyways 🤡

I see no evidence of these “girls” you speak of 🤔

Admit it, you zoomed.