mayo_cider [he/him]

@mayo_cider [he/him]
0 Post – 32 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

3 tbs of mayonnaise

33cl of cider

Mix vigorously

Commit white genocide

Serve cold

Most of the Wikipedia dramas are fantastic, pedantic and/or ideologically driven people fighting with other pedantic and/or ideologically driven people for pages after pages until some admin just unilaterally picks one side and locks the discussion

Trying to make mobile and desktop UI's identical, spotify's playlist section keeps getting worse

Also tied to this, unnecessary simplifying that leads to less functionality

Having red and yellow or red and black flags on their clothing/accessories

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I do it because I don't believe in IP

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Every time this was attempted we chose the language of the worst colonizer at that time

Add sponsorblock and you're set for life

I'd be more inclined to join if they started with "it's a bit illegal"

No, that's red, yellow AND black

To avoid any further confusion, red should be the base color, the yellow a cute symbol and black a triangle connecting three of the corners

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Should have thrown in an ableist slur to give the message a bit more punch

Doubling down on being a bigot makes you look so sexy and smart ❤️

Yeah, I tried to make a funny bit about red flags but avoiding sectarianism muddled it

I'm single, so I have to settle to annoying everyone else around me by pretending like I'm going to start talking about politics

Works every time

Great privacy (especially with addons), no chromium, ublock on mobile

Slightly relevant, install firefox and sponsorblock (works on mobile)

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I call them skeets like our lord and savior Lil Jon intended

I used to win games with this back when i was playing cs

Whenever i was the bottom of the scoreboard i would ramp up my shit talk and most of the times i got at least one opponent tilted

Yeah, even nazi germany had principled people

What's with the comparison?

Spotify is the last one I pay for because my phone has like 1gb of free space and no memory card slot, and I'm too lazy to setup a self-hosted streaming service and constantly pirate new music

Name-calling and abusing bigots and libs is the best discussion

We still don't have a reliable enough way to automate trains, and that's a (mostly) centrally controlled and closed system. The driving assists like automatic braking can at least be tested to a reasonable confidence, but I'd rather drive drunk than sit in a fully autonomous vehicle.

Made out with friend's gf

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Nothing pisses off people like making fun of their treats, the memes aren't usually even that funny but the reactions are gold

Leftist unity through political illiteracy

The funniest solution I've found was a service that offered secure transfer of passwords between devices through their "encrypted transmission" with a password field on their website

FYI, don't give any password to a service you aren't using with that service

Can I bum a cig?

I love Indian culture and food, back in university I lived, studied and worked with quite a few Indian people and they all were kind, smart and very hospitable

I feel like quite large part of animosity towards Indian people (besides the usual racism) stems from the outsourcing of jobs there, especially with customer service, and even then going for the lowest offer

I've personally had both good and bad experiences with Indian customer service, but even with the bad experiences it's obvious that the problem is a lack of resources and not the worker

Unfortunately people are quick to blame the service worker instead of the organization, and this gives an acceptable excuse for their internalized racism

You said to not base the response on the people we know, but anything that I see from the news or read online doesn't reflect the people, it reflects the system

The only way to form an honest opinion of a group of people is to meet them, and even if all of those people somehow are the exception to the norm, they still represent and reflect their culture and where they come from


For ad hoc transfers, easiest way is to pack it with 7zip (or any other compression software with proper encryption) and setting a proper password for the file

This is why I don't even ask for details anymore, just 5x my current salary with at least a 2 year contract

The only real leftist

Can't demand with a laddle if you are offered a spoonful