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Joined 8 months ago

Why does the title focus on AI? It looks more like advertisement for AI that can produce porn than the fact that a psychiatrist got photos of naked children under their care... Not sure how else can you teach an algorithm to generate naked children.

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Not probably. First they announced their exit scam, this is the next natural step to save more money.

Ah yes, lists of lists is my favorite programming language.

They also can get away with a lot of terrible behavior simply by being attractive.

I use Gentoo actually, thanks for asking.

Any ffmpeg based media player like mpv can play pretty much any video format that you will ever have to watch.

PDF viewing can be done even in your browser if there's no PDF viewer to your liking.

Handling word documents is going to be a big problem... But even running Linux, then setting up a virtual machine to run windows on for some tasks, is better than running windows.

And Photoshop in QEMU runs better than Photoshop on Windows... Don't ask me how that works, I don't know either, maybe MicroSoft can explain this one.

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No, and I think MicroSoft should actually do this, because I find it funny. People who still use Windows and Apple OS deserve whatever comes their way.

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It's one of those things where "work hard" isn't the wrong answer. Only hard work forces your body to build muscle.

Oh do please give me an email that would show me how much of a linux professional you are when I filter linux repository commits by the author.

Because they let themselves to get locked into proprietary bubble.

Have fun with your CNC machine that doesn't work unless you program it with version 113 build revision 7 of proprietary firmware that cannot be loaded unless you run Windows XP SP 3, because CNC machining software is totally something that needed to be windows based...

Just remember, Therac-25 didn't need to kill people.

If they're going on inappropriate websites then that's their problem. I'm sure any good parent would teach their kid about actions having consequences...

I mean, realistically we all did, unless you grew up during time when there was no internet. My mother was concerned about it when she found out I had watched porn when I was 13, but nothing more. Funny thing is that my mother brough it up to my father and he was like yeah ok he's a teenager. Lmao. But here I am today, I find porn extremely boring and didn't watch it for over a decade, maybe I could have porn addiction if my parents decided to block internet over it instead.

The thing online that traumatizes me the most is the thought that people turn off kid's internet instead of teaching them how to deal with strangers properly, because believe it or not, outside world is a lot more scary than internet.

A 11 year old can know to stop replying if someone asks their home address online, same kid can get kidnapped and have it be beaten out of them in the real world.

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Ah yes, I don't know what I'm talking about it's just that guy happened to have real images just like they do every time because it's impossible to get your garbage model to produce cp otherwise.

You cannot reason that life shouldn't have evolved because any argument you can make is thanks to the fact that it evolved.

Copyright trolls, because they can. Maybe Z-library should do better so this cannot happen in the first place.

And while you can use anything for servers, even Microsoft refuses to use Windows Server for their own servers and uses Linux based OS, so go figure.

What else is there, your favorite flavor of BSD? Unless someone else already ported everything necessary, it will be a DIY project and you will be the one telling people about it.

There aren't that many options that just work out of the box other than Linux, it's most popular, and practically just works for anything you can imagine self hosting, of course people will be talking about it almost exclusively, because using something else is a pointless duplication of effort for what purpose exactly?

MicroSoft uses Linux. Every single webserver of MicroSoft is powered by Linux, because Windows Server 2022 is just so good.

MicroSoft's main income is Linux, their own OS makes up just a tiny part. The way they do business today ("intelligent cloud segment" making most of the revenue), couldn't be posible if Linux didn't exist.

The only ones who still use Windows is gamers and Offices that are too stuck up to automate their boomer accountant's job.

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When you live to experience "majority rule". Would recommend to avoid.

So true.

Yeah, everyone knows that everyone who can see how pathetic catholics are is a federal agent.

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I don't understand why people are so against this. Literally anyone whose relative died from a "rare" disease wouldn't care if instead they were born in a time where it was prevented via genetic editing removing the offending genes.

Genes... Blood who cares? Total strangers from opposite sides of the globe can love eachother and two family members from same parents, of same blood, can kill eachother, it's irrelevant.

Humans did this sort of thing to everything around themselves and it has done nothing but benefitted us. You think apples have this much flesh to bite into because god made them that way? No, literally we made them this way.

Selective breeding is very primitive form of genetic editing, it's still done today even, for example in dogs, and everyone loves dogs for some reason, even those that can't breathe properly because of how they're bred to be.

What is it that causes people to think it's an abomination only when they're the subject of it?

Keep us posted.


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So true.

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So true, on lemmy, you're only supposed to reply to friends.

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A fed would be more likely to be a moderator on here.

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Couldn't be more true...

Not your guy though.

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The only thing that's here is your crippling obsession.

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I don't remember lying about anything.

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Not sure why you're lying.

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Don't remember any of this happening.

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So true and relevant.

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So true, chasing off an animal with a broom is basically trolling in real life and therefore bad.

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So true, I forgot I'm the one following your posts.

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I see, making fun of clowns who don't understand why centralized database for books is retarded is "trolling".

Goodluck with your eggs in one basket idea, don't tell me that I didn't tell you so when Z-library fails, and it will, because it can't even keep few domains up, lmfao.

Ah yes, I could just make millions of torrents by DDLing one by one through their shitty web UI because retards who have database and files all on their servers aren't willing to do it.

What an amazing idea...

You clowns clearly don't care about preserving books.

Unless you take a broom and chase an endangered species away, then they will be sure to tell you how horrible you are.

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He's obsessed with me because everything I say is true and truth makes brainlets mad.

It's amusing that on a Piracy community, someone will go ahead and block me, you clowns are no better than companies who screech about piracy in the first place.

Maybe I should go contribute in working to get Z-library taken down because it's a piece of shit that tries to monopolize books via DDL's instead of making it a decentralized effort because even bypassing blocks must be monopolized...

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I can't help myself but laugh at your obsession even if it's caused by a mental illness and you need serious professional mental help which I hope you will manage to get.

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