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Joined 1 years ago

I mean, if they say "you have to pay 3 bucks a month to use 3rd party client" I would be annoyed but I would understand, and I would still be on reddit.

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Care to elaborate? Sounds like an interesting story.

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Okay, it isn't just me who find YTM buggy.

As a music player, could it please play music? Jesus.

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Russian spies. Nice try.

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You gonna do better? Then go into politics. Otherwise take your pick.

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You didn't know? Covid vaccine is now an annual vaccine, the new one is 2023/2024.

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Some people can be very well educated but choose not to follow reason. For example polititions appealing to a voting base. Point is these things certainly say "what a twat" but doesn't necessarily reflect poor education.

Does it? I personally would not buy anything from CDPR ever unless I got no better option. Many would think the same.

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So about an hour ago I was showing this to my wife, we both saw white and gold and thought this is silly. But now somehow I am seeing blue and black and she is still seeing white and gold. Fuck me.

Well no, because all the other things you do will make that face look a bit different.

Follow Putin's order to not join Prigozhin isn't very smart, but most people aren't.

Gullible people are partially to be blamed.

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I wouldn't go as far as citizenship. Work visa, at least. And you know why that won't happen. Stealing out jobs and all that.

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Like, I am on lemmy 4 hours a day minimum, I can't restrict myself to 30 minutes reading only.


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Top of the home page there should be a switch to select showing all comments vs posts.

I am only 90 hours in, can't really comment.

So far so good.

Do you really don't know why, or are you being sarcastic?

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What's there to take? Like, these guys are working for free running on their enthusiasm and passion. You make them question whether the community is really worth their time, even if they relent for now, how does that do reddit any good? It isn't like reddit has any actual power over the mods on their ultimate decision of quiting.

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but if cheesecake factory hired him and supported him to make this discovery, you would look at the menu differently.

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I don't think he even consider people not right around him his employees.

Time won't solve how people are. Most people will treat free as free of charge instead of freedom.

GUI is hard to build right and expensive to build at all. CLI tools is much cheaper to build and can be scripted. Microsoft is rich that's why they can build GUI, and even then sysadmins have asked for Linux type of CLI tools so they can automate. So generally unlike consumer tools, sysadmin tools focus on utility instead of ease of use.

The Kremlin acted forcefully, decisively and with foresight in real time to scotch the coup attempt within hours.

Yeh right. Guy clearly speaks very little English.

I am not being serious.

Check out ground news. It is a news aggregator, but with a twist: it aggregates all articles on the same event from various sites so you can see how the event is portrayed by different sites.

Hey I am sorry you have to learn it this way, but yes, you do get a party hat too. I got my right here.

Holy shit I am laughing so hard.

Music would randomly stop playing. I can just continue it, no error or warning. Spotify doesn't do that, nor does other background media players.

It is probably best addressed by strictly enforcing immigration laws in red states so we can see what happens. Red states rely on undocumented workers even more than blue states.

Why do you think it didn't go into devs? Maybe you are being cynical, but managers and CEOs are definitely devs too, they need their extra motivation to convince themselves the game is gooder.

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What are you talking about, we are going to breed our generation of evil motherfuckers.

Where did you get the sense SE is like that? Or their new CEO operates that way?

Don't underestimate them. They do hold the most number of patents in solid state battery. They weren't exactly sitting idle over the past few decades.

Did RedHat say that? This is a pretty problematic statement so I would really love to see the exact text in which they set their position.


I support Ukraine and I just don't have much of a view of Palestine. Fight me, you can't make me stop supporting Ukraine just because I don't care about Palestine.

On a sunny day walking on a trail, one can't help but to contemplate all they are going to do when they are out of the woods and back home. By that point all they are going to remember is the thinly veiled threat. They are not going to last long.

Reddit was fun. That was really the only thing everyone need and everyone want. All the utilities that comes with the scale is just derivatives. With the way they decide to go forward, modding for reddit will never be fun ever again.

If I am on a 20 minutes drive I need the damn thing to keep playing music for 20 minutes, not just randomly stop playing halfway through a song. YTM does that. Spotify doesn't. Nor does my other background players.

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Which is fine. Do you really think a bunch of people who don't care will build a thriving community after Reddit hammers them once, twice, three times, over and over?