1 Post – 21 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

It didn't load completely at first, so i saw something like this and i think it is even better that way:

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How many combinations and levels of italics, bold and strikethrough, combined with escaped chars like * can your program handle?

How many combinations and levels of *italics*, **bold** and ~~strikethrough~~, combined with escaped chars like \* can your program handle?
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you can even have a case where you return the first element of the list if the list is not empty, and it will still be O(1).

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My threat model is not that big :)

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you can use flatpak remove --unused --delete-data to remove all unused dependencies and delete their data.

I have the backup codes for the accounts on paper. This is not the same as the initialization qr codes, but it should also work.

What clients will you use for xmpp/prosody?

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Over the year, the starts shift position. They rise about 4 minutes earlier every day. So some stars you can see now will be invisible for you in a few months.

For me works, but the new interface doesn't. Ps: i am in germany

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Just out of interest: Is that an AI generated image?

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Aurora is still great. Arc 2 just started last month.



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Most apps worked out of the box. It feels like gimp is a little bit (very tiny) slower at starting. For OpenTTD i had to manually add the x11 access in flatseal. And for osu! it is the only way i can play the current version, and that just works.

I already wanted to switch since i disliked the privacy issues, and then once my laptop got too slow for windows (1 min in a call/video before i got sound), i replaced the hdd with an ssd and installed linux mint, which i still use.

Is there e2e encryption available for mattermost that normies can use?

My dad suggested me this after i told him about the new upload filters the eu is thinking about. Here is a link to a german blog post about it:

For me the link works. :(

This is one time i know God was involved. Other times things i did had negative consequences just because they were objectively bad decisions from me.

md_inline and md_compound use each other, and not only at the end xor the beginning of the rule, making this a non-type 3 grammar.

Sorry for the late response, i wanted to do a better response but don't have the time for that currently.

meta-; for commenting marked lines (not in vim)

For me its a combination of learning it since childhood and experiencing minor things that i can't explain differently.

For example once i had a thought in my mind that i should go home that evening when i see the clouds. Later at the bbq i remembered that and looked into the sky and saw some clouds in the distance and just knew that these were the clouds. But it didn't looked like it should rain, and the weather forecast was also clear. So i stayed. Later when i went to the train, a huge number of people from a heavy metal concert that just finished came, and enough people wanted to take the last train that day that some didn't make it inside. If i had gone home when i saw the clouds, i wouldn't have been in that overcrowded train.

Also for me my faith looks consistent internally and with other stuff that i see.

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