1 Post – 60 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

c/AntiqueMemesRoadshow is that way, sir

It's actually disheartening that all communist countries become authoritarian. Theoretically with flat power structure, they should all become democracies. Maybe they ARE not communists.

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Anything that you want disappear will exist forever. Anything you want preserved will disappear tomorrow.

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It's funny that in one of civ games, this "wonder" is unlocked by... Fascism tech

When the company tries to be cheeky and starts to count characters instead

English is a pictographic language with 26 radicals

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This is why I never touch language setting in any OS. It's guaranteed I'll have some problem down the line because I can't search the problem or understand the solution if error crops up someday, because the menus are different.

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Meh, the worst it can be is being reddit (or lemmy), and I'm already well accustomed to them so no harm.

They just exiled the few Indonesian redditors out there, if any still exist

I have accidentally stumbled on "default" YouTube and it's horrible af. Clickbait and fake news all over. It could be better, but I'm very grateful for my current feed.

Cyberpunk wins something similar in TGA and while it's somewhat controversial, it still makes sense. RDR2 is just plain incomprehensible.

Is there any example? I've never heard an organism (fish?) killed by whale sound wave like this

It's my full time job handling it but I'm still not actually sure what "orchestration" is.

Well unless you somehow able to liquidate more money than the debt, the lender is the fool. The original founder practically got an exit that all startups wanted, you get the cheated money, but the lender gets nothing. You have to be able to fool someone into this position first.

Pfft just live in truly fertile region bro. Or invent green revolution.

Childhood is basically an Achilles heel for every single libertarian concept, and one which authoritarians exploit every single time. Until every single human is born with complete knowledge and faculty, this weakness will always prevent full individualistic freedom.

That's a much better description than some other cynical comments.

What are the odds that government "leak" totally legit document that exaggerates their tanks now

Well, if I want to build makeshift shelter in the wild, I'd also like to get nice corners to get instant two walls to protect me.

Damn I also read yours as SBF at first

Especially when enabling wsl is incompatible with running a VM. I want to run VM not only for Linux! Yeah just installing a full vm is better.

It's essentially a shibboleth, a way to confirm that you're in the "inner circle". Tribalism is still one of the strongest force in social science it seems, even if we start with lots of identical people they'll try to differentiate and discriminate between each other.

I learnt the rule of the game solely from this . Maybe not exhaustive but it teaches me that it's one of the game that really doesn't make any sense without betting.

Well then you need someone on the other side of the deal.

This may be a blasphemy but this is the sole reason why Firefox is not my main mobile web app. For someone with :D tabs, grouping or tab management in general is mandatory.

Yeah it's like docker++. Somehow networking between pod is also easier than between container. Also with k9s and argocd it's much easier to see the entire cluster.

Tbf it'd make even more sense if it's made by Dutch

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In mobile I unironically turns off the volume while ad is playing. Also minimize the video.

Or use vanced.

Exponentially better than any AI generated jeans

Any paradox Lemmy community out there?

I think if magic can sustain your modern equipments, there would be a more efficient native way to utilize it. Like the energy to construct and supply bullets to your AK-47 maybe better used as rapid fireball directly.

Yeah. This is the biggest one I think. Theoretically a community can be shared by all instances and each instance decide if they want to receive this post and this comment from that community. This way, there could be a community that have totally different meaning in two different instances, but it's still one name so it's discoverable.

Although it seems like it'll be too granular. But it'll be funny seeing "This post is banned in 69 instances".

If someone can tell me which direction to game specific communities i used to be part of (RimWorld, Souls games, Paradox games...) I'd be happy. Now I can only rely on discord.

And no, don't tell me to create the community and content myself. The audience isn't even high enough for discussing all games as a whole let alone specific games. This is what "let Lemmy stay small" crowd misses. Niche community can only be started as branch of (very) large community.

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I don't know what current Reddit looks like but old reddit is still irreplaceable so far.

::: spoiler spoiler In a way this is what Muhammad (PBUH) is for. This time the Romans will FEAR him. :::

Yeah rather than laying off a portion of the people it makes more sense to lay off everyone!

Magic circle transcribed in nano meter scale sounds even more magical than the magic itself

I stumble on a FoxPro tutorial book when I was a child and I just can't wait to try it on computer.

So the only ones not a united states is only as big as a single state.

This sounds like a setup for a challenge run lmao