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While I agree those are major issues, the other big reason is that we have a lot of countries doing a lot of PsyOps on our nation. That’s what happens when you’re the “world power” and people want to bring you down. The Chinese outnumber us 2.5 to 1 and the Russians and North Koreans are happy to help. As are the Iranians, half of South America and a number of middle eastern countries. It’s sort of inevitable. The problem is that when we started making and deploying this technology we put zero safe guards in place to protect the average American from this.

Pussy in bio ☝️☝️☝️👅

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A cyber truck had a major malfunction and stopped working because it went into a car wash without being in “car wash” mode. The joke is that Cybertrucks cannot get wet.

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My guy in the bottom right. Just admit you’re gay.

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Commercial displays cost more because backlight testing and ratings double or triple. You’re paying more for longer uptime since your display is likely to run 12+ hours a day straight and not for 1-2 hours a day with an occasional 8+ hour usage. You’re also paying actual cost, but a lot of it really has to do with testing and materials that are built to survive consistent and frequent usage, plus centralized management. Lots of people assume it’s the same shit, but it’s completely different and it shows when you buy a consumer off the shelf display and put it in production.

There have been half a million casualties on European soil. Do you suggest we simply let more people die? Or that nuclear powers can simply bully smaller countries and do what they want?

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Yeah but less pollution in the sky means people can see the clouds, and that’s where my data is stored. 😡 I don’t want people seeing my data.

I don’t even live in Florida and I’m desperate to get away from DeSantis.

It’s unfortunate that some woman took a shit decades back and now we’re all still having to listen to the wet farts after.

I’m a politically aware person. I read a lot of news, I enjoy my American polling to find out what people align with. That interview of Tuberville is horrifying. I’m use to disagreeing with these fuck wads, but this is a whole new level of stupid.

Tommy Tuberville is one of the most dangerous politicians in America and that man doesn’t have two fucking brain cells to rub together. I’m not sure if this is a mark of the average Alabama voter (probably) but holy fuck is this man an actual idiot. Green, Bobs, Johnson, even Gatez are all incredibly stupid, but Tuberville is dangerous, stupid and mentally deficient with actual power. He’s crippled our military, made a mockery of our political system and put god over party and country (and if I recall he’s even said the system in his view goes God, Party then Country).

It’s basically the dot com bubble all over again. These companies survived for years off free money and venture capitalists with seemingly endless pockets due to low interest rates. Now that rates are up the money is dry. Now that investors don't have free money they want to see a return. Since these companies never could be profitable they’re now collapsing under their own weight.

As for who was wanting to shut it down… basically any government agency dealing in child abductions, any mom group, “family” organization, incels/people mad at others for just being social. Just my guess.

A lot of guys have started calling themselves sigma males, but i just approach them and tell them I'm a Smegma male which is over a sigma male. 😤 these are facts that cannot be disputed.

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I don’t know where you live, or what reality you’re choosing to live in, but that’s just such a bad take. I live in liberal ass California right in the thick of it. I have plenty of black and white (among others) friends, fat friends, and gay friends. The only thing I’ve ever had some things around word choice is when someone identifies as a different gender. Even then I’ve called people by their wrong gender and they’ve politely corrected me and I change it.

They’re recouping the costs of hiring an in house orthodontist to fix all them buck tooth grills they made.

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Shit was going pretty good until Russia fucked it all up. Biggest mistake in the last 50 years in Europe was allowing Russia to Annex Crimea. That set a tone that landed us on this path.

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You do realize under the Biden Administration this is the first time the US has ever even abstained from a vote on the security council against Israel? We’re actually seeing a moment where the US and Israel are legitimately talking about working together less… Real progress is being made. Sometimes politicians get stuck constantly supporting something that was once popular but no longer is. Voting for Biden doesn’t mean supporting genocide. It means trying to push the US back to out from this far right hellscape it’s slipped into. It means trying to end Trumps attempt at running for office and it means trying to put an end to MAGA fascists.

Biden isn’t a great president, but he’s at least a decent one that is trying to pay student debt off, cover more Americans with healthcare, and improve infrastructure around the country. All of which are things Trump didn’t remotely do. That’s not even including the obvious Trump destroying LGBT rights, or taking away women and minority rights, or abolishing mechanisms meant to help POC escape the cycle of poverty due to a broken system.

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As is often the case with technology the answer isn’t to ban it or lock it down when it comes to things minors shouldn’t be accessing. It’s up to parents. Evidence is now coming to light that human eyeballs are changing shape as kids stay inside during crucial eye development time and spend more hours in front of a screen than outdoors. It’s up to parents to be the enforcers of what content their children access and ensuring that they don’t become reliant on technology.

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As a former K-12 sysadmin who maintained 10,000 chromebooks on my own I think that either of you doesn’t fully grasp how crucial these devices are. Web access is 99% of school device usage and for the few random CTE/STEM products or PASCO devices for science I’ll get a dedicated laptop locker with 10 laptops in it for checkout that run Windows with a base golden image and (preferably entune, but let’s be real) apps in SCCM Software Center so I can quickly wipe them when inevitably a student with more free time than myself either breaks it, deletes system32, or loads it full of porn or Counter Strike.

It’s for students. It’s cheap, it’s effective, it has minimal vulnerabilities that cannot be quickly resolved in 1 minute with a power wash. It has an easy admin interface for techs so I can have them manage smaller details, and it allows me to quickly get them repaired, or cheaply replace them.

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Ah yes, the places without people that people often go to. If they were already this dangerous the situation would have simply been worse by putting them in non-residential areas where other innocent people could have been caught in the crossfire.

In my city, we made national news because the cops served a warrant on a guy while he was driving. Next to a park. Which he proceeded to run through and grabbed several hostages and then killed them. The best area, and worst, is their home. They could be armed and ready to fight like this, but it’s better than facing off with them in shopping areas, businesses, parking lots with others, or anywhere else.

The better question is why is someone who continues to be so dangerous for society that we need a response like this allowed to both be out freely, and have access to firearms.

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While you’re in what looks like a 90s Honda, for newer sedans that are at the same height I always tell people I’d rather be in my small car in an accident than my giant 2500. Humans are real stupid and think that bigger = safer, but for cars and trucks it’s basically the opposite. The worst vehicle in the states to be in during an accident is a truck. Often SFA trucks have steering columns without much of a shear making for a giant harpoon aimed at your body during a crash. In every category the best these trucks can muster for accident ratings is “poor” and that’s if they’re lucky.

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Charging network doesn’t matter anymore for them since basically every manufacturer (save for VW as of this writing) has signed on for the NACS. You should be seeing fords charging at Tesla chargers by either late December or early January.

Battery tech they’re mid on. They haven’t seemed to improve the pack much compared to rivals. Some Chinese manufacturers are even producing better packs.

FSD is something they should continue to pursue, but Elon needs to pull his head out of his ass and accept that things like LiDar and Radar are important additions to the car so that it can continue to “see” even when the cameras aren’t seeing perfectly or at all.

Build quality is their biggest uphill. It could be systemic, but I also suspect there is a bit of “move it along” coming from upper management and Elon. So that’ll never get fixed.

This take is hilarious. Apple, which has phones that are the longest lasting with the longest updates, is somehow the worst company? Have you ever worked on tech before? Dude, I cannot tell you how many shitty ass galaxy S3-4s I repaired that had “pillow pack” where the battery dies and inflates. Or how many LG phones got stuck in a boot loop, or how many HTC devices had broke ports that were soldered to the mobo so it was either charge to solder (yeah ok) a new one on or buy a new phone again.

When I was working on enterprise systems it was the same story too. MacBooks only ever had problems if someone dropped it and broke the screen, otherwise those things lasted upwards of 8 years and that was 10 years ago when laptops didn’t last for shit. We threw out thousands of Acer and Asus Chromebooks every 4 years back in the day because Google and the manufacturer would stop giving them security updates so they couldn’t test with them. Or god forbid it was one of those crap Samsung Chromebooks at which point the little DC pin connector just basically broke and it was again a port soldered to a mobo.

I get that Apple isn’t perfect. I can shit on them for their monopolistic behavior, their longstanding hatred to self repair, and their walled garden systems that make it impossible to administrate over as a sysadmin. However to say they’re the worst offender in an industry with peers like Samsung, LG, Acer, Asus and others is laughable. At least we can get 8 years out of a device. Hell the iPhone 6 received almost a full DECADE of security updates with 6 solid years of full system updates. Sustainability is beyond just repairability. It’s also how long a device can actively, and safely, be in service.

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It’s not about better, it’s about quantity. Russia fires a shitload of artillery and needs ammo. NK sits on a lot of stockpiles. Plus NK has the old tooling for a lot of the ancient Soviet equipment.

There’s also the fact that China, through NK, can funnel help to Russia. Whether that’s “true” or not. Additionally there isn’t much we can do to NK at this point so they have more to gain by dealing with Russia.

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Lenovo is at the top of the enterprise devices game right now. I always say they operate in cycles and usually each brand trades every 2 years who is at number one.

I still will always shit on HP. And HPE Aruba switches are absolutely trash.

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Ohhh this is what the thin blue line flag is supposed to be. They just have the rest of the colors missing.

I’ll bet that tune would change if we stopped subsidizing corn. I find it hilarious when “farmers” (read just land owners) talk about land usage being wasted like that without even thinking for a second about the amount of subsidies corn gets or the random AG pay to not grow. Which is the most wasteful of land usage.

Excuse me sir, but Bad Company 2 is one of the greatest FPS games of the last 20 years. Honestly stellar gameplay and multiplayer and the building mechanics are amazing. Still looks good too considering its age.

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As opposed to completely unmanaged devices with software and hardware that I have zero idea what exploits are available for it?

If it’s because you’ve had some dumbass BYOD policy then that’s a you problem. I always tell my users to not put company policies on their private devices. On company devices, and especially government, I want my capacity to control my domain better.

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Don’t take what PrincessEli says too seriously. One quick look at their profile shows you they only have consistent garbage opinions.

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I work in education so this obviously hits close to home. However the video from inside the school with “the sounds of children’s screaming has been removed” at the beginning is still one of the most haunting lines. It truly makes me angry. That these fat fucking bastards sat out there. That they did nothing for an hour plus. That they could clearly hear children screaming if the camera can pick it up. The audacity of them to lie and say “the kids were so quiet we didn’t know they were in there.” When the video they released says otherwise.

What made it worse was the 911 call of the little girl in the classroom. She tells the dispatcher that there’s lots of injured kids. How she’s hiding by covering herself in the blood of other children to try and “appear” dead. You can hear the little girl telling classmates to stay quiet and telling them the police are there, but we know they don’t do shit.

This wasn’t a failure. A failure is something we could fix. All 116 officers need to be charged and held responsible. Parents of the dead and injured should be allowed to vote on what they think is fair punishment for all 116. This shouldn’t have happened, it shouldn’t have lasted as long as it did, and these lazy, pathetic excuses for humans that stood around and did nothing should be punished.

My only wish is that they would release the video with no editing. The people need to hear it. They didn’t do shit after Sandy Hook because they didn’t release the crime scene photos for fear it was too obscene. Clearly the American voting public wants dead kids, so they should be made to hear them and see them. Their inaction on gun policy lead to these actions in classrooms.

She wasn’t bi, she was buy. As in “you could buy me.” which we often found her happily being bought.

They probably have automated sell of dates or automated sell of prices.

This is part of a consistent pattern over the last year.

He probably hasn’t bought any stocks due to receiving stock as part of his employment contract.

It could be insider trading, but considering how companies have been doing pricing structures and rapid shifts from free to subscription based and then seeing sales/profit increase I imagine it’s worth it for them to simply keep the stock long term, but an initial sell off was put in place at a certain price. Sometimes there’s smoke and there’s fire, and sometimes it’s just simply the fumes of capitalism creating a system that’s uniquely imbalanced for everyone else, but isn’t really insider trading.

At least here in Cali we do. My HD truck gets an extra $500~ a year tax on top of the Gas guzzler tax I paid when new. Plus the fuel costs/taxes for that. Compared to my other cars I pay about $600 more for newal on it. The Average car is like $245 a year but the truck is like $840.

Definitely fine with paying the extra taxes though. I use more infrastructure and I also require additional strengthening of crash systems and cause road damage so I’m not opposed.

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There’s actually a reason for it. The western Supreme Court (the court you go through before the US Supreme Court) made a ruling about a decade ago that all unhoused people can’t be removed from somewhere if there aren’t enough beds in the city for all unhoused people. So basically we can move guy #5 because there aren’t enough beds in shelters for 2,752 homeless people. Recently even Gavin Newsom was asking them to repeal the decision and was banding together with other western state governors and city mayors as they all say the ruling is unfair.


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What’s funny to me is how fast the Korean car companies learned “metal bending.” They went from generic easy shapes with little forming to adding in creases all over the damn car just to prove they could do it and replicate it, and they did that in the span of a couple decades at the most.

I’ll always repeat this to everyone as my go to.

For starters don’t count yourself out. If it says college degree or cert required and you don’t have it, apply anyways. I ignore them every time and 99% of the time I get an interview.

For resumes/CVs make sure to copy and paste some of the language they use in the job description or post. Try to blend it into things you have done or the hobbies you do.

Don’t forget to also use references that are actually pertinent to the job. Your previous boss is a good one, but so are people who work in that field that can vouch for you. Don’t be afraid to actually ask people you know and name drop where you can.

Interviewing is a skill. Take notes, take time to answer questions, drink some water. Acknowledge interviewers and their questions and always try to stay on track of their question. Sometimes I have stories for my answers and at the end I like to bring it back by repeating the question and then explaining how that story answered it.

Lastly be reliable and helpful at your job. People don’t care if you don’t answer work calls or texts after hours, but they do care if you take initiative to help and ask occasionally if there’s something you can do to help. Don’t over work yourself, and remember to shit on company time, but do try to make an impact on key people so you can keep crawling up this shitty capitalist ladder.

Also, checkout Etsy for some good Google doc templates. I paid like 99 cents for a great resume and CV template that looks way better than I could have done in a few hours. I keep my resume, reference letters, any important job docs, and a spreadsheet of references in a Google drive folder (OneDrive, Dropbox, other cloud services work too obviously).

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They might not have “paid” that kind of money as much as they’ll owe that kind of money. It’s sad, and horrific that someone takes advantage of others like this. However for many this is an improvement over their current life and situation in their home country.

We subsidize literally every other state. Fuck outta here.

Not NATO necessarily, but trade blockades on Russian ports accessible through European waters, hard sanctions, actual seizing of Russian assets, and potentially coalition troops from various countries with approval from Ukraine. NATO isn’t an offensive pact, only defensive. However those countries could form coalition forces to strike back at Russian military assets in Crimea. Instead we just lightly slapped them on the wrist and said “don’t do that again” and then they straight up murdered civilians and attacked a non-aggressive border nation.

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Dope, steel mills always seemed like a cool place to work. The large mechanical machines everywhere and the way that Liquid Metal pours is always cool AF.

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