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Joined 1 years ago

Is TruthSocial just not up your alley?

They don’t need to sell to realize gains - they take out loans against the stock value from banks for almost no interest. If they choose to, they could get large amounts of that paper gain in liquid cash through just a handful of steps.

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Supposedly they have experts and think tanks at their disposal to help them in these sorts of endeavours, for what?

Experts aren’t hired to craft or guide legislation. They’re hired to give a pathway to a destination.

In other words, politicians already know what they want and what they’re going to do, they need a way to make it accepted by society and to force corporations to play ball. “Experts” and “think tanks” will always align with that agenda.

I didn’t move here to be told how to live my life.

You kinda did though…Texas has a long history of dictating what people can and can’t do. They’re great at PR, but they never liked when anybody is or does something they don’t agree with.

Lawrence v. Texas was the exact case that made it illegal for Texas to kick doors down and arrest consenting adults for what they do in their bedrooms. Prior to that, cops could kick your shit in if they even suspected you were practicing anything but straight sex in the missionary position if they felt like it.

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If Reddit is taking the mantle of determining valid content and is editing and changing posts for users without their consent, doesn’t that run the risk they fall afoul of the Safe Harbor clause of DMCA?

IMO they’re getting mighty close to editorial control.

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All that paying does is prove you’ll pay whatever they want. Just like a blackmailer, it’s never enough. They always escalate in their attempts to extract “value”.

It’s the same damn story, time after time. “Oh, we put a few ads to cover expenses - it’ll be limited, we promise.” 3 months later: “We have a premium plan that hides ads.” Another 3 months: “We now have informational banners on premium for our own content. Since it’s our own, it’s totally not an ad!”

Then just: “Pay us a monthly rate and get served ads.”

It’s like fucking clockwork with these ghouls.


Under a Democrat: “We have to respect the rule of law, the court made a decision and now we have to abide by it.”

Under a Republican: “The court has made its decision, now it is up to them to enforce it.”

Democrats are truly spineless - they don’t even play the same game and bitch about losing constantly. Fuck this “honor in politics” shit, the fascists are winning.

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Yeah lol people getting Pell Grants are getting multi-million dollar lakeside properties and touring Europe.

They’re totally not just scraping by while paying out the nose for everything - causing generations to be significantly behind in home ownership, accrued wealth, or raising families.

People (like you, not you specifically) on the right moan about demographic collapse while not doing a thing to fix the reasons people cannot afford children or to even keep a roof over their heads.

Most people with jobs do have to open office documents frequently.

It’s Todd Howard. The song “Tell Me Lies” plays every time he enters a room.

I get the skepticism, but where’s the profit in using NaCl as a catalyst in pyrolysis? If anything they’d be pushing a new and exotic catalyst that they can own a patent on.

I hope this is as successful in the field as it is in the lab. We have a massive global plastic problem and anything that can help is needed.

Is something wrong with Gorillaz now? Demon Days was the shit.

But I thought millions of people depended on the communities involved and that’s why they had to reopen.

Doesn’t banning the community just fully go against their stated reasoning?

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Republicans don’t care if you can’t use your fans, they only care that you keep buying them.

We are only consumers to feed corporate profits in their equations.

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Japan is almost uniquely bad though. A super aged population and a society that values conformance over anything else results in agonizingly slow and absurd government reactions.

They need 4 committee meetings each morning just to drink tea: one for to pick the teams, one team meeting to pick the tea, and another team meeting to pick the cup. There’s a final meeting at the end to discuss the costs associated with the tea and how to more properly distribute it according to rank and social standing, as one does.

Easy enough to do with PowerShell and just leaving the box running.

“We had authors and artists, but AI is so much more efficient they’re unnecessary.”

LLMs are coming for artistic and creative functions first. Is human creativity and artistry unnecessary?

Historically automation was on rote/repetitive tasks. This is a bit different.

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You take that back! Camper World is a hallmark of quality, I bought all my kidney extraction equipment from there!

That’s a great way to kill user engagement before it even starts.

try to twist the knife on the way out of the door

That’s because they stab us in the chests while smiling about it. People are fed up and trying to lash out - it’s hard to injure faceless orgs otherwise.

Corporations like IBM have been twisting the knife for years and according to you, it’s only a problem when people do it…

That sucks to hear. Joaquin Phoenix is great in practically everything and Ari Aster crushed it with Hereditary.

Maybe it’s a movie that works better on paper than celluloid.

Tech companies can’t help but abuse people. They passed the law allowing gig workers to be a separate class in California and some immediately tried to dictate start times and schedules.

All Reddit has to do next is tell their volunteers when they need to do their jobs and where.

4chan doesn’t fuck with animal abusers. They fuck their lives up and doxx them.


There are millionaires just from buying a house for $150k in the right city in the 90s. Doesn’t make them evil.

That really is the most nonsensical thing about this to me: Musk supporting Carlson so much.

Why is Musk going so far out of his way and spending so much money when Carlson himself is a billionaire and the inheritor of the Swanson frozen food fortune? Carlson could easily do things solo - of all people, why is Musk trying to pivot so hard into him?

Maybe it really is ideological and he just drink the FlavorAid?

Just seems so strange.

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So, in other words, CEOs are just third-party sounding enthusiasts. I think I’ll refer to them that way from now on.

Call him special for even entertaining a 1.5GB XLS file as a real option for anything.

That’s totally nuts. Normalize the data and use Access if you have absolutely no other options - or use SQL Server Express if you want to be cheap about it and stay in the MSFT ecosystem.

I don’t even know if it’s technically copyright since if you’re not sharing it you’re not infringing on their market, marketing, or product.

It is called the 80-20 rule for a reason…

He’s so wealthy he could personally go to your neighborhood and “Mansa Musa” your place into inflation. He could just drop $10,000,000 per person to get up and leave whatever square mile surrounding your residence right now.

Assuming avg population density for a city in the US that’s only $2.8billion (~280 ppl/mile in cities). Not even a scratch to his total net worth.

A single person with that much wealth and power doesn’t require any attention to retain it. He’ll keep coming out on top because it’s nearly impossible not to when you reach a large enough number.

China is the number 1 car market on planet earth now. They buy more cars today than nearly anybody else thanks to an exploding middle class.

The fastest train in China does not go anywhere near 700 miles per hour (LA to NYC = 2800miles). The train would have to break the ground speed of sound.

Who, other than a kid in school, would willingly spend time with someone who “holds shit over your head”?

When that person is your parent. We don’t all get to choose nice and supporting families.

My mother would do that. I don’t tell her anything beyond how the weather is anymore.

Squeeze the existing users for cash.

The enterprises will just pay it. It’ll be cheaper than a migration for critical servers.

Corps pull the same gameplay each time:

  1. Buy product
  2. Jack prices to the roof
  3. Kill R&D and enshittify support to minimize cost
  4. Extract profit until other products make a higher profit margin
  5. Shutdown support and repeat with a new product

A few versions ago they removed the ability to tear a tab out of the IDE to have it open separately.

WTF why? Do XCode devs not use their own product or something???

Yeah, her and her ilk are making it so we won’t get to be as old as her. Recent generations have shorter life expectancies than previous.

So, yeah, not lookin likely there chief.

If Gates is not in the food business, what is he doing being the single largest private landowner of farmland in the United States? He owned 269,000 Acres as of 2022.

Proof from AP

It’s a little difficult to reset the password if it’s lost otherwise.

Money knows no borders.

All judicial systems are at the beck and call of the well-heeled. Expect jail time - the rich are reminding the poors about who holds the leash.

Yeah… don’t they get that makes it worse since it shows forethought?

It actually is protected free speech in the USA to promote violence. It is not protected free speech to promote or incite violence with the imminent threat of harm.

The American Nazi Party and the KKK won their SCOTUS fight over that, thanks in part to the ACLU.