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Good news: fundies agree with you. They always hated IVF and view infertility as God’s judgment on you as a person.

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People go to casinos and play slots for a hit of brain chemicals. They’re not there for art. Nor are whales in most mobile games.

I’ll bet some exec thinks an AI-enhanced Skinner box would interesting to see.

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Just let people be happy, what the fuck. We consume by nature, it’s unavoidable. No living being has survived without consuming.

Exploit is usable via JavaScript. Does not require local access.

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You can beat the rap, but you can’t beat the ride.

Remember: cops get 72 hours to file charges or cut you loose, so they can just arrest and hold you without charges if they want to fuck your life up.

Good luck explaining to your boss that you missed the last 3 days of work because you were in jail, but it’s ok since they didn’t file charges (yet).

“I reject your reality and substitute my own!”

They should also fly the swastika in Germany since it’s “part of their history” according to that logic. Italy should wave the fascist flag from Kindom of Italy as well.

San Francisco was never even in the fucking confederacy. What possibly reason is there to fly it (except to use it to gain political points with racists)?

Nuclear and renewables are for different purposes and are complementary. Taking an all-or-nothing approach to energy will drastically delay net-zero generation.

What does the 14th amendment say? Why can’t Arnold be President? We have rules and laws.

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Fuckin managers will fire you with 0 notice, but that’s life and “at will employment”. You fire the business and you have to give 2 weeks because business run “lean” and “at will” is only supposed to be used by the business.

Well, there’s risk and reward in business, and more risk in running lean. Managers can always structure their departments to not be impacted by an inopportune departure. After all, people can get hit by a bus leaving their house in the morning.

Hell, if an employee is that critical, maybe they should be put under an employment contract with set terms and compensation agreement. You know, like most directors have.

But we all know these things will never happen.

It compounds their profits as they make more from the deposit than you! That’s what he really means.

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It’s completely off topic to bring up Hillary - she hasn’t even been in politics for 7-8 years now or so.

It’s time to move on. You can find a new woman to pillory. Somebody else can live rent free in your head.

Nice attempt at distracting from the issue - the tail effects from the GHGs already emitted is enough to change life as we know it.

CO2 is also not the end-all-be-all of climate change - we have huge methane emissions coming from melting permafrost, oceans, and icebergs that are 80-87x as damaging (ton-for-ton) than CO2.

IEA Methane - Melting fire-ice: Study finds climate change can cause methane to be released from the deep ocean

It’s just so fucking hypocritical and denigrating that one of two Sentators for California isn’t even from the state. She’s from Maryland and knows Maryland issues - she can’t represent the issues of the state of California. She has no legislative or elected office experience whatsoever.

Hell, Newsom as much came out and said she was appointed just because she’s so close to the Democratic Party machine.

Last election, Dr. Oz was a “carpetbagger” and evil for living in NJ and running in PA - it was a core piece of the Fetterman campaign. It resonated with voters - Fetterman won.

So, Republicans do it = bad, Democrats do it = so progressive, don’t question it.

I haven’t read one thing yet that shows she’s at all familiar with California or the issues facing the state. Just how progressive and LGBTQ and Black she is.

Ahh yes. Just like all those penalties for Matthew Kacsmaryk that will arrive aaaaany day now.

Federal judges serve for life. There’s not a whole lot anybody can do about this.

Just assume everybody harvests your data. There’s no way to prove that they’re not liars and just doing it anyway.

There are several examples of companies and government agencies that have been caught doing things and retaining data they shouldn’t - only after a breach released all the info.

Home Depot wasn’t supposed to store credit cards but they did it anyway in violation of PCI, for example.

lol, good luck with that shit when you can’t even get countries to not poison their own air, water, and land. no country will give up the technological and military advantage of understanding more about a pathogen than rivals.

We used to sling plague corpses with catapults to break sieges and weaponized anthrax - employees at Porton Downs are salivating at making a new weaponized horror for the world.

Provide an example from the other side please.

Thanks to federation, the copies of the eggs are. You can’t stop one instance from selling data sourced from federated content until it’s too late.

Liberals want to follow the rules and win. Conservatives want to win.

Republicans will keep winning because Democrats will keep letting them.

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Can’t get clicks without bait. Next they’ll be adding “You’ll never believe who it is!”

Agreed. Streaming services always seemed like gilded cages to me. You can only see what they allow you to see - piracy or old-school Netflix DVD delivery gives you all the options. The promise of being able to stream any content at any time, with the producers and people involved being able to get compensated fairly and justly, just isn’t reality with these ghouls running the show.

The model (in the current form, of artificially restricted licensing) seems like less a way to curate a media catalog, but more like a way to curate the subscribers and culture.

It just becomes a motorcycle…didn’t you see The Dark Knight?

They’ll just remove or loosen the licensing and education requirements to become a doctor. They had janitors and high school dropouts serving as teachers - why not have chiropractors or Christian Scientists perform surgery?

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WTF are these fucking malicious assholes thinking? Compressed shop air can be at hundreds of PSI and a small nozzle that can fit up an ass will turn it almost into a knife.

I hope that sick bastard caught a murder charge.

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The leaders of the movement are publishing this shit though. It’s not fringe if it’s the leaders of the movement.

Heterosexual intercourse is the pure, formalized expression of contempt for women's bodies.

Any man will follow any feminine looking thing down any dark alley; I've always wanted to see a man beaten to a shit bloody pulp with a high-heeled shoe stuffed up his mouth, sort of the pig with the apple; it would be good to put him on a serving plate but you'd need good silver.

That’s Andrea Dworkin for you. Even though she’s dead, her followers still run the show.

Easy solution: Never give money that’s requested like this. Give the money in person or not at all.

If the friend doesn’t like it they can go to the bank. If they don’t like my terms they can pay interest to them.

Sorry people, I’m not your fuckin loan officer and scams are just too easy.

It’s legal to discriminate if employees are less than 55 years of age. It’s only illegal to discriminate if people are too old. We’re a gerontocracy.

Lemme guess: Clearwater, FL?

requires conformity with the positive benefit of unity

Sounds communist to me. Fuckin pinko Texans inflicting the horrors of big government on the people.

“It’s a magic square. Magic! How could it ever go wrong!”

RO provides only the purest of microplastics and the finest BPA.

Lawyers fucking suck. They always have to play fucking games with unspoken language. Their full sentence is:

“do not and will not prosecute people for it…until the Comstock Act comes back into effect or the 14th Amendment no longer provides privacy protections.”

Lawyers would weasel us out of any and all rights just because it gives them more billable hours and more casework.

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lol Finance is sometimes hilariously low tech. Lookup how ACH works, it’s a fucking farce.

In San Francisco/Bay Area that doesn’t even cover a parking space per month.

In the US, the average home price sold was $495k. Where can you find a $100k house that doesn’t need a tear down or complete renovation?


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Hah. As somebody that had to be driven to the bus stop because it was over a mile away, I call BS.

Played college ball ya know!

Fuck anybody involved with adding lead to a food supply. If the other country won’t take action then I’d hope my country will.

Parallel construction is their trick and is totally cool and fully legal according to our courts. We have no rights, only temporary freedoms.

You have no clue what zoning does to buildability, do you.

Hint: insane ass zoning rules are government regulations. You really want revised government regulations.

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