2 Post – 22 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Look into proprioception; simply put, if you're unfamiliar, proprioception is essentially the ability to perceive the boundaries of your body/where you are in space and/or in relation to things like furniture, that uneven section of the sidewalk, door frames, other people, etc. Some people have lower proprioception.

Low proprioception can also result in reduced perception of physical stimulation; this might look like someone who:

  • throws themselves onto the couch,

  • hugs too hard,

  • regularly gives a painfully strong handshake,

  • often talks too loud,

  • drops things frequently, etc.

It's already been mentioned that folks on the ADHD and/or autism spectrum are more likely to have low proprioception, so if you see yourself (or as you were as a child, since many descriptions are centered around ways this would present in children) in some descriptions of common experiences of those with low proprioception and also diagnosed with ADHD and/or autism, you may find value in pursuing assessment yourself (this was the case for me, diagnosed at 38). Or you may not.

Either way (associated with a medical diagnosis or not), proprioception can be improved if there is interest in doing so. For example, movements that cross the body are helpful in increasing awareness of where your body is in space, which can increase awareness of where other things are in space as well. For me this led to not only the anticipated outcome of fewer run-ins with tables, doorframes, etc, but also reduced frequency for things like dropping my keys, knocking over drinks, all forms of spilling on myself, and tripping over stuff.

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My place of work provides affordable housing. Best: helping people be housed Worst: It's a toss up between knowing there are still so many people waiting for help and seeing people sucked back into the cycle of poverty

I stopped eating these because of how frequently the crumbs ended up in my bra! They are more crumble than bar, imo, and just not worth the mess!

Me too, friend. Me too.

When I click the chain icon, it brings me to the post and I can see the reply comment, but not my own (which for me adds a lot of needed context for interpreting the reply). Is this normal?

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If the surface of your nail is uneven it will also cause your polish to chip. My nails have these vertical ridges, which if not smoothed out cause polish to chip very quickly. The natural growth pattern of my nails + engaging in activities like gardening, hand washing dishes and clothes means I generally get about half a day of fully polished nails before the polish starts to chip.

Here's an example of the ridges to which I refer in the paragraph above:

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Yes! I agree. Making music/drum beats incorporates so many different body systems, it can definitely improve proprioception.

Pretty much any RVIVR song, imo. I was going to include the best set of lyrics, but I can't decide.

I'm partial to "goodbyes", "cut the cord", and "shaggy" from a lyrics+music standpoint, but find it difficult to separate the best lyrics without the music.

Ah, well, as they say, "we're all adults here, we can choose"

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Yeah, the context button doesn't seem to add the context that I find helpful. I agree it should show your comment and replies to your comment (and parent comment, if applicable? Although I think that should show as a collapsed portion that you can expand as desired).

Oh, yeah! I love those tracks too.

Those lines in wrong way/one way: I touch the ground/send my roots deep down/try to stick around.

And these from big lie: Everything's changing / there's beauty between the lies

I'm massively indebted to the friend who introduced me to RVIVR. I think I love all of their music.

I once was able to participate in a live stream thing Erica did on Instagram; she asked for requests, and then played mine! I was on cloud nine for months after and still get giddy thinking about it. To be fair, I think she played all the requests, but still...

Thanks, I'll give that a try.

I couldn't remember the word for bookmark! Thank you! I tried to compensate by over describing, lol

I tell myself that taking the first step (of whatever task I'm avoiding) doesn't mean I have to complete whatever task I'm avoiding. Somehow reminding myself that, for example, taking my socks off doesn't mean I HAVE to take a shower, gets me over the initial hurdle of resistance. If necessary, I will lie to myself about each step of a task, with full knowledge I'm only saying it to trick myself into doing something. At some point, I decide that I might as well finish (usually).

Yeah, I posted a link to a song and asked if anyone else liked it, but the post was removed as off-topic. So I guess that was a stupid question.

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There is a flag/banner (ribbon?) icon below posts (and comments), if you click the icon, the post (or comment) will be visible in your in-app saved items (bottom toolbar, looks similar to the save icon). I'll post screenshots.

Here's the icon to save a post/comment:

Here's the bottom ribbon icon to view saved items:

The screenshots make this post confusing for me, lol! Every time I edit I get confused about where to click! Sorry for the poor cropping of the images.

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I'm guessing it is in settings? Also a jerboa user. But I am seeing the comment images at a reasonable size. I'm using the dark theme, and I think I changed the font size, but it's been almost a month since I first installed, so not super sure.

Could you link to the post? I was only able to find another post with a similar (but different, imo) question, which was also removed as a duplicate. I'd like to read the answers, if possible

I was going to make a similar comment 😁 Love that channel

As far as motorcycles go, I've heard "loud pipes save lives", in that people will hear the motorcycle and be aware of it when they otherwise would not.

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