5 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Ive got this working with Caddy and Adguard

I use Caddy as my reverse proxy. It is running on the machine in the basement with all the different docker-container-services on different ports. My registrar is set up so that * goes to my IP.

Caddy is then configured for '' to port 1234, and the others going to their ports. This is just completely standard reverse proxy.

For some subdomains (i.e. different services) ive whitelisted only the local network. There is some config for that.

Im pretty sure that I also have to have adguard do a dns rewrite on the local network as well. That is, adguard has a rewrite for '*' to go to (the local machine with caddy). I think i had to do this to ensure that when the request gets to caddy it is coming from the local whitelisted network rather than my public IP (which changes every couple months, but could be more).

I learned a lot about pandas (a library built mostly on top of numpy) by going to stackoverflow and trying to answer questions with the tag. Hopefully the questions have a minimal reproducible example and are isolated to one specific question

Your comment is really useless. I support the cause of free speech, but there is absolutely no need for what you said. I think this community is meant for discussions that are meaningful

Im amused that the repo for it is on github and not on, well, Gitness

I selfhost a forgejo instance, which is the underlying framework for codeberg (and they maintain forgejo).

Federation is in the works, they say.

If i was going to have any projects public, this is where i would do it.

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I disagree with his right-wing libertarianism, as many have said. I found him when i was getting into tech privacy stuff and watched it, then youtube started giving me more of the harder weirdos who were a little more fashy. I dont think Mental Outlaw is a facist, dont get me wrong - but the youtube algorithm may send you that direction.

I think his older stuff was better and just had more content in each video. More recent videos (last 6-12 months?) it seems like he's got two news articles he reads but then he just goes on big tangents to fill space.

Ganon from Link to the Past

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When i was doing a headless install, i spend a hour or two trying to figure out how to pre setup configs for the debian installer or how to do it over network or what before i finally lugged the new machine to the other room and plugged it into the monitor and keyboard of the main rig, installed it all (and set up ssh so i can later get into from the main rig), and unplugged it.

My point is, even if it isnt trivial to have the keyboard and monitor, it may be much easier to get them than to really do an install without them.

The article doesnt talk about changing prices based on demand, it is about changing prices based on competitors' prices.

And yea, if Target increased their prices when Amazon increased, then they would just all be higher. Then they could do it another round and another round until one of the companies decided they were at the limit.

If the two companies talked to each other about this, it would be illegal collusion. But instead they have code automate it without an explicit conversation, which may not be illegal but certainly makes our lives worse.

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Pretty well lit for a shadowy place.

But holy shit those ergonomics. The desk is at their shoulders...

Gitlab takes way more RAM to run the docker container than i want. If this is lighter, that sounds nice. And im using only the most basic functionality, so wont be much loss to me if it cant do whatever fancy stuff.

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I read the fun blogpost that is not an academic paper and ive downvoted you. Does that mean i dont actually exist or that u dont actually exist???

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Everyone who downvoted me didnt read the article, or didnt read what i said, or didnt read op, or something, i dont remember what they didnt read but they cannot be real because the only way to disagree with me is to not have read something or other (or did read it, cant remember which)

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At least some of these tools change their "user agent" to be whatever google's crawler is.

When you browse in, say, Firefox, one of the headers that firefox sends to the website is "I am using Firefox" which might affect how the website should display to you or let the admin knkw they need firefox compatibility (or be used to fingerprint you...).

You can just lie on that, though. Some privacy tools will change it to Chrome, since that's the most common.

Or, you say "i am the google web crawler", which they let past the paywall so it can be added to google.

Inside me there are two wolves, one that thinks "gamer" stuff is stupid, and another that thinks this router looks sweet as hell.

Funny as hell


If im doing this right, the url is just the releases page for the repo with a .atom at the end. So for Vaultwarden it is

I think the idea/joke is that the police are effectively privatized by being privately funded and carring out the rules of their funders.

My local newspaper had this, i changed my credit card to a fake card number that developers use for testing.

Now i can physical mail every two months saying they cant properly charge my card.

So theyve spent $10+ on mailing me after I paid my $2 promo rate to them

Every time I touch the mouse i get a little more elbow pain. Tendens or whatever. The keyboard (an ergonomic one, at least) is more ergonomic.

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i'm not finding a way to prevent creating users right now... i'm just able to register new users again and again on the docker run. maybe i'm just missing the config (the documentation is looking like it needs to be fleshed out).

not really trying to anyone with the url make an account on my basement computer...

I had this same question since seeing the post about the Fossify phone app. For phone, calendar, contacts, things like those, i dont see what value the official google apps have (other than syncing to your account, but i can manage that myself). For Messages from Google, tho, there is something they provide in the RCS, if only because they block others from implementing.

So, using Fossify Message, for example, sacrifices something of some actual value here...

Im very amused at it being in word rather than .xlsx or .txt, like them going out if their way to make it worse because word is all they know.

well, shit, it looks like that is indeed what I want! setting it up now, thanks!

RP4 running Home Assistant. Running HA in a docker container is harder than running it as the OS on a Pi4. Running HA is how I get into this, i kept trying to put more crap into HA as addons before realizing i should set up a proper server.

I assembled a handful of temp/humidity sensors (that are actually running on Wemos D1 minis).

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Maybe it isnt as bad as i remember, or maybe i tried doing HA Core on the debian server or something... maybe it got better or maybe im a fool? (I definitely am a fool).

I guess it just as much came down to that I already had the pi, so just running it on that like i had for a year was less hassle than starting it via docker on the other machine?


Yea, white doesn't have any way, i dont think, of dedending thay C pawn, so black gets it next turn

What incredibly obvious thing am i missing that i cant add my freshrss account? It is all just greyed out...

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I think they call these "chords"

There is a paint pigment that is available for sale but you have to confirm that you are not Anish Kapoor (another artist) and that you will let Kapoor get his hands on the pigment.

Actual AI? Or chatbots?

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We can

I got this today as well, heading on over to namecheap where i have another domain already (have not confirmed how good the DDNS is, tho).

If im drunk in someone elses tesla and i shit myself, im leaving the drawers in the car. Im not walking around in that.

If youre up for it, you could stream off of your home desktop with Sunshine and use the laptop just as a light-weight client. Then the requirements for the laptop are a lot less and could potentially play even better games.

I played dota on my old laptop at a friends house while it actually streamed from my home desktop and it worked fine. I dont remember if you need a domain or static IP or anything like that, which may be a barrier. Or if upload speeds just wont allow it

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I've set up a test server for matrix as well, wanted to compare to rocket since I see it mentioned a lot.

When I told a friend (the one I'd need on board to get the group of friends to use it) he said "does it have the gifs?" Matrix has a years-long enhancement request for native giphy support which is yet resolved. I dabbled with a giphy plugin with matrix and it worked alright, but I dunno if it was good enough to win my friends over.

I started out using certbot, but once i needed a reverse proxy i found caddy. I was confused at first at how to set up the certificates for caddy, but it told me it would just work and my sites have the https and the little lock, so i guess it is just magic!

Have found caddy to be generally easy. I think first starting with it took a bit more to figure out, but it does work well

Ive got some stuff that i think is similar to what you are trying where i have an excel file template and use python to read from the database and populate cells in excel and then save a pdf.

There are a couple different options for python libraries - openpyxl, xlwings, or pywin32.

It is annoying and goofy, but works. Excel can be very flexible with getting everything sized just right for what your final output/pdf should look like.

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