1 Post – 63 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

We had to convince my brother in law (13yo) to not spend his birthday money of £85 on Genshin impact skins. Kids are fucked by advertising man

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Spotube uses the Spotify API for playlists but YouTube PipeAPI and other sources for music streaming.

rust Vs c drama getting out of hand

Yup. Some are pretty advanced now.

I'm joining the war on us Vs them

on the side of them

Yes that has worked really well so far

The problem with EA is that they never bothered to moderate their games. In the end you get spinbotters and shit whilst legit players have to deal with rootkits because they're too stingy to pay for someone to review reports and develop moderation tools.

the Overwatch system in Counterstrike (and a bunch of other tools and policies in tandem with VAC) have been way more effective; I was always more certain that a blatant or suspected cheated would be dealt with in CS than in battlefield.

A locked down Windows "gaming OS" is probably what Xbox wants to go towards in some respects. It gives Microsoft the walled garden that they want, can lock out Valve as much as they fancy, and will likely be paired with some new APIs to set back Proton/WINE a few years. Hell, they could even still release XBOX hardware for that niche.

Not Windows centric enough. Visual Basic and Excel macros.

I got battlefield 5 and explicitly rebought it for Steam to play on the Deck. Like a year later they rugpulled Linux support because 2042 has done so badly that they had to start maintaining their old games again.

Self moderation has been way more effective at controlling cheaters than automated systems. Counterstrike did some good with overwatch and phone verification but I've always enjoyed manual server moderation if it's maintained.

China has announced a ban on Gacha game mechanics (and lootboxes, predatory discounts, and gambling) which should hopefully ripple out to Europe and the US soon.

A lot of these mechanics were adapted from the Chinese gaming market and I think the same will likely happen in the reverse.

The same kernel software cryptography could certainly be marketed for single player games and proprietary applications as a solution to piracy.

Don't like kernel anti cheat in your multiplayer games? here's kernel anticheat for your single player games!

Lemmy dot world definitely doesn't circlejerk, no siree.

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Genuinely surprised when I see people running mail servers without issue. I suppose getting in relatively early means you're not immediately sent to junk mail lists by the big players.

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The video attached is a perfect example of the kind of "I'm not prepared to learn anything new so everyone else is wrong" attitude that is eating away at Linux like a cancer.

If memory safety isn't adopted into the kernel, and C fanaticism discarded, Linux will face the same fate as the kernels it once replaced. Does the Linux foundation want to drag its heels and stuff millions into AI ventures whilst sysadmins quietly shift to new kernels that offer memory safety, or does it want to be part of that future?

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all libs right now. The UK is doing the exact same with less party politicking

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If consoles want to remain relevant in the age of the gaming PC, they have to try harder than being locked-down gaming PCs.

Free and simple multiplayer, subsidised hardware, and physical game ownership were staples of most consoles for years but now the urge to turn every device into an "everything machine" has kneecapped the very purpose of these devices.

At best, these are slightly less hassle and slightly more social than a gaming PC. At worst, they're as anti-social and user-hostile without the cost benefit that once made them genuinely preferable.

The only ads I saw suggested it was PS5 exclusive lmao. amazing job Sony

Oh fuck off lmao. This post explicitly said France and your immediate response is to pretend that the internet belongs to Americans. Get a grip.

...and maybe consider pressuring your party to consider its own policy of pandering to fascism (Kamala was at AIPAC the other day, despite their known election interference in support of Israel).

Not everything is a Trump conspiracy - mf couldn't even hide his ear for long enough to make it obvious that he was vastly overreacting about how much damage the bullet did.

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It was never about replacing C with a new language for the sake of novelty, it was about solving the large majority of security vulnerabilities that are inherent in memory-unsafe languages.

If Rust were to implode tomorrow, some other memory-safe language would come along and become equally annoying to developers who think they're the first and only person to suggest just checking the code really hard for memory issues before merge.

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Disco Elysium hands-down. Has a brilliant story with a bunch of branches, it's a great way to kill 20+ hours.

A shorter experience but one still pretty fun is Thank Goodness You're Here which is a comedy with brilliant voice acting and setting. 2.5hrs ish.

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Fucking hell you could cut the Reddit-tier snark with a knife.

BSD is more binary compatible than Windows. The fact there's less MacOS ports on Linux seems to me like a lack of resources, but if you have a reason beyond 🤓☝️ then I'm genuinely interested.

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People always use that argument like it isn't dangerous being gay, trans, etc. in the US. don't throw stones in glass houses

All you need nowadays for a decent Unix-like is compatibility with a handful of Linux softwares and a web browser. Hell, if you could get WINE working on your kernel you could maybe support as many Windows apps/games as Linux for free.

The big issue, as I see it, is performant drivers for a wide range of hardware. That doesn't come easy, but I wonder if that can be addressed in a way I'm too inexperienced to know.

But projects like Redox are a genuine threat to the hegemony of Linux - if memory safety isn't given the true recognition it deserves, projects like Redox serve to be the same disrupting force as Linux once was for UNIX.

Oh yeah, the lions have been out of the cage for a long time out there

Propaganda is you believing that Israel wouldn't start an extermination campaign the very day after Hamas agreed to any internationally-agreed peace deal that didn't explicitly demand the IOF pulling out of Gaza.

Israel could've had these people back alive if they agreed to the July 2nd peace plan as the US and Hamas had supported, yet Netanyahu wants indefinite control of the Gaza strip and total extermination of the Palestinian people; The hostages are just a good excuse to keep useful idiots like you in line.

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Yup. Same issue will plague all Windows-alternative distros. Unless serious work is done to fix Microsoft 365 and Adobe creative cloud, there's genuinely little benefit trying to claim Linux is an alternative for all but a minority of people.

That, or we can work on improving the alternatives to those apps. GIMP, Inkscape, and OnlyOffice are on a spectrum of laughably bad to just-about-comparable to their proprietary counterparts.

I don't think it's an insurmountable issue: I think there's more we could do to bring Apple software to Linux (using a BSD-based kernel means a lot less complexity!) and with it the few applications that currently don't play well with WINE.

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Then you're as much an idiot as the rest of the morons who take Netanyahu's word. You can tell me what you think a 2000Lbs bomb would do to a hand-dug tunnel a few meters below the surface.

Especially one reliant on manual ventilation since there's little to no electrical power (hmm who did that I wonder?).

Even if Hamas killed them in cold blood, which is a stupid negotiating tactic by the way, they have infinitely more reasons for doing so considering the reality of most of the prison guards having their entire family lines wiped out by targeted attacks on civilians over 10 months.

30 arms exports out of 350, and gives an exception for the components required for F-35Bs which were used to bomb a school the same day this was announced.

Lammy even said this will have a negligible impact on Israeli military power.

This is a clear attempt at trying to turn the public on-side whilst collaborating with Israel to ensure the bombs keep dropping more than ever. Especially suspicious is that some of the licenses being suspended appear to be for arms that are already being limited by Palestine Action's sabotage campaign.

It's still 30 less licenses than last week, but it's too little and too late. Labour has an institutional islamophobia problem and as such is not interested at all in leveraging its position to end the genocide.

most fashionable zionist

And yet you. take. the. word. of. a. country. systematically. raping. civilians.

Don't pretend you're interested in the truth. You're interested in seeing more dead, raped, and starving kids to fulfill you racial prejudices. Go fuck yourself.

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ornithologist here, that's definitely a lil guy

Google's involvement is weird, not for any conspiracy reasons but because the chromium team previously cancelled JPEG-XL.

Turns out if you make multiple replies to a post replying to someone about why genocide is the fault of the victims and not the internationally-back apartheid state targeting civilians, you're gonna have someone like me calling out your bullshit on multiple posts. who knew?

MacOS still ships x86 builds, and most software either provides binaries for both platforms or some kind of universal/hybrid binary. Still a few years before that becomes an issue.

At some point an ARM->x86 translation layer is going to be needed too, regardless. It's not long until ARM becomes popular enough to make it necessary to translate both ways.

Keep stroking your ego. There's a special place in hell for people who think I'd give a shit how uncivil I look when pointing out their genocidal rhetoric is psychopathic.

I'd rather be a whiny child with a conscience than a stuck up brat supporting blood for the sake of empire.

Thing is, none of those advantages are real either, compared to a public database and API. Steam's inventory API already maintains items beyond the lifetime of games, AND you can use items across other games. You can't manipulate the Inventory of other games but I bet if there was demand (there isn't) this could be implemented easily.

DRM in this context (as mentioned by the other comment) is the interface between the userspace graphics drivers (Mesa, Nouveau, Nvidia etc.) and your graphics devices. It handles pretty much everything for rendering from displays to power management and memory synchronization, in a cooperative way that stops crashes due to race conditions, memory corruption etc.

Because it's Rust it's now "rust bad" but Debian and other distros have been fucky with dependency management for YEARS. That's why we're moving to flatpak and other containerised apps!

Once again, the wider Linux dev community is trying to openly kneecap the first attempt in decades to bring Linux and its ecosystem up to a vaguely modern standard.