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Joined 2 months ago

D: Inconsistency E: Repetition 6: Irony

are they though?

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except that you could end up with a 3rd entrance by doing that ... eventually

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I didn't think the leopards would eat MY face

Maybe if you're a legitimate tow truck operator you should have details on your truck and try really hard not to threaten the owners of vehicles you steal tow.

But let's also be clear this truck owner acted like a truck owner and everything went exactly as well as you could expect.


so not only would you have an extra door you'd still be smarter than people voting 3rd party in a first past the post system. Win/Win

I'm here for it

"This bar association logo shouldn't be here either"

Why would pirates do this?

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must speak to my flapper about this

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My and Me are pronouns you stupid fucking possum

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Nice try Disney.

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I will happily pay the absurd modern prices for vinyl if I know for a fact there is a digital download card inside. Record companies need to put a fucking sticker on albums to let us know this because not getting one feels like an actual scam.

Also pretty much everything is digitally mastered anyway so if anyone judges you ask them if they own ANY analog albums

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as long as data caps exist anywhere on the planet all internet advertisement is theft.

be not afraid

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Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered.

Buy low you apes.

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Star Trek: TNG

“Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra”

Wouldn't change much honestly.

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10% prefer not to say

I hate to break it to you but that makes it 2 in 10

movies are inherently passive entertainment and the friction of needing glasses for everyone watching was probably enough to kill it for the average user. I think some people got headaches from the effect too and you couldn't really have some people watching without glasses at the same time.

Big vial of E

I miss the 90s

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anything that was shot in 3D was fucking amazing, if you where underwhelmed it was because you watched some flat post production 2D conversion cash grab garbage, which I assume was the case for most people since no one makes 3D televisions anymore (yes, I know projectors are still being made with 3D capabilities)

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people talking about not being old enough to retire.

Retirement is a function of finance not age.

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based on annual wages ... do you think they will pony up the OT owed if an employee falls under the cap?

also Employers absolutely do NOT want this or they would be doing it already without the law forcing the issue.

anyone up for some actual high seas piracy?


It's pronounced "Shitter"

All I wanted was a pepsi

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someone recently introduced me to productive procrastination and now you know that term too, you're welcome.

"We The People" never included the peasants.

Nothing ... unless it's a parrot

Money isn't colour blind, especially in murica

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Not arguing for communism

This is one of those feedback loops. Communism threatens the current system so you are told repeatedly that it's a bad thing.

and it doesn't help that Communists refuse to learn from the mistakes of the 20th century.

... Not arguing for communism either but can I interest you in a black flag?

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The A.I will see it when it's trained on it

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blew my inheritance on hookers and blow, now what?

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didn't stick the landing unfortunately


in America, pay attention

And they built it on rock n roll, right?

and that one state? Plasma.