3 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

One way you might resolve this is to get everybody talking about it without the boss there. I bet nobody likes the policy. Maybe everyone would agree to not give a reason, or to give the same reason that is an obvious lie?

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A lemming that has taken off is !

I love my stream of Star Trek shitpost.

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It's important to not only engage with theoretical economics but also look at studies in practice. is a good overview with four papers on the effects of rent control in different locations in the US. They don't always find that it harms construction! That means something else is going on. We should figure that out and fix that problem while at the same time having rent control to keep people housed.

I live in NYC and looking around me it's clear that sky-high rents that have doubled in a few years are not meaningfully driving new construction. With one exception that is: nearby New Jersey. Jersey City has one of the strongest rent control laws around and is booming.

Why is that? I can't say for sure but I think the biggest one is zoning. NYC almost doesn't allow new construction, so builders don't do much of it, especially if you look at it proportionately to the current population. NYC suburbs in directions other than New Jersey nearly don't build at all because they're controlled by single family homeowners who refuse to allow densification.

So in this context, we can impose rent control and not harm housing because we're already not building in NYC. We should also figure out how to build the housing we need! Maybe once we do that we can reexamine rent control, and maybe it will be needed less. Maybe by then the revolution will be here and we won't need landlords at all...

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You might consider cisalpine gaul and transalpine gaul. Regions where the Gauls lived either on "this side" (the Italian side) of the Alps, or the France side.

In the US, tap water is regulated to higher standards than bottled! In the rare cases where there is a problem with it, everyone gets notified, for example,0,148.html.

NYC prides itself on having really good water, both for local food production, and just for taste. NYC did this by buying up land around its reservoirs further inland and building a large aqueduct system. The water isn't even filtered!

That said, some locations have unpalatable water, such as towns near the ocean that get their water from nearby wells.

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"well actually" room temperature superconductors do exist, quite definitely! ... But only at 100 gigapascals of pressure.

Still really cool, but not useful for engineering.

I agree that this paper needs to be replicated before we get excited.

It's all bullshit, and you've hit the nail on the head.

The only way out is through each other: change your workplace to be less bullshit. Demand dignity. Maybe bring your friends and make a co-op.

Come to beehaw, we don't have downvotes.

In this case the bond is because he's appealing a civil judgement that's been reached. This is different from a bail bond. He's not at risk of jail over this unless he gets in contempt of court.

My dad died from this. It's a horrible way to go. I'm sorry to hear anyone else has to deal with this condition.

Kheer, an Indian rice pudding.

Add 1 part rinsed rice by volume to a pressure cooker, 6 parts milk, 0.5-1 part sugar, a little salt, and cardamom. Cook as you would for porridge. When done it should look soupy and thicken when stirred.

Good. Nobody gets to kill someone for being weird.

It's really a shame Stallman and many of the other free software pioneers are absolutely creeps to women.

There's also nothing stopping Facebook or anybody else from just making their own clone of the software without copyright issues. If it talks the protocol the same way it will work. is a good analysis of why calories in calories out is both true and not a good model for how weight gain/loss works in people.

This is a game I keep coming back to. I love it, and it's got great replayability. I'm glad the phone version works well now.

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And at least I'm North America there's another Maté relative, Yaupon. Both are holly species.

I love that I can easily correct and annotate bike lanes

One thing I do is to try to always carry a few singles, and keep them in that weird small pocket in my jeans. That way I can pull them out and give them with no issue of my wallet.

It's mostly software engineers, and distributed across almost every team.

These layoffs didn't happen because Google is out of money. It's insanely profitable.

But... We are all fish

Thanks for clarifying!

I've been super impressed by moderation so far. This morning I saw a post justifying sexism because of Bible verses and by the time I'd mustered a reply it was gone, to my delight.

They mostly don't even give out desktops to devs these days, everything is in the cloud.

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A lot of us in the US still pay rent in checks. I get them from my bank in books of a hundred, and there's no upper limit on how big they can be.

Anything that risks bouncing requires getting a fancy check (certified) where they take the money out before issuing the check.

I'm playing a bit of totk, and building out a version of in Nimby Rails!

At least in my faang office, there's essentially zero ports to plug into. If you have a desktop, there's a port, but that's the exception. I've never seen anyone plug a laptop in.

I'm a confident cook making food for two people in a small kitchen.

I wing it, but I'm making choices so that everything fits together and I have some recipe patterns that work well. I don't do meal prep. Most dinners double as a lunch.

A lot of what makes my cooking efficient only comes with practice. I know the timing of different things and cook accordingly to line stuff up. Rice in the pressure cooker takes 30 minutes. That kind of thing. Make choices so that stuff goes in parallel, or make one pot dishes.

I generally try to have a main dish, potentially a starch side if the main isn't, and a vegetable.

Some example meals:

  • Mashed potatoes (steam in instant pot, mash with olive oil salt and water when ready), kjøttkaker (meatballs) which finish in a brown gravy, and some seasonal vegetable, maybe sauteed.
  • Pasta, red sauce with vegetables in it (always an onion, maybe some other stuff), maybe ground meat or sardines. Sauce cooks in pan and then mixes with pasta
  • Vaguely Thai curry (sauteed veggies, chicken, garlic ginger onions, curry paste, coconut milk), rice in the instant pot

Yeah. It's also a lot easier to put in cameras then rip out a stroad.

This is cited from Norse people living around the north sea had really different clothing color habits.

  • People from Scandinavia proper preferred blue and green
  • People from Britain preferred red
  • People from Ireland, Iceland, and other islands preferred purple

Down with states and stature
Strive instead to ready
Through direct radical action
Root changes grow fruitful
Refreshed from old ashes
Our society rises
We sow personal power
To free all the people

(This poetic form is dróttkvætt which has internal half rhyme on odd lines and internal full rhymes on even lines)

That schedule sounds awful. Power to the workers, they deserve better!

To add, many anarchists specifically criticize the parent / child hierarchy as one that is also deserving of deconstruction. See for example all the posts on

Children should not be subordinate to adults.

This is such a great story, thanks for posting it!

The Once And Future Nerd is a fantastic original audio drama series.

The Once And Future Nerd is a fantastic original audio drama series.

Yeah. It's also a lot easier to put in cameras then rip out a stroad.

My experience with it on Android had several weird bugs

  • Consumed a lot of battery
  • Crashed on swapping focus to another app
  • Opening the app would get stuck connecting to the game state server (even though the app works fine offline) so I had to use airplane mode to launch the app

These seem resolved now

The Once And Future Nerd is a fantastic original audio drama series.

Speed cameras in NYC are extremely effective at reducing speeding.

Legal changes enabled NYC to issue tickets from speed cameras at night and on weekends starting in August of last year. This provided a great natural experiment because they were recording speeding events before and after.

Speeding dropped 40% by March.

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