1 Post – 18 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Wich is precisely the point of this sham of a law. I think Republicans know that they are decades away from revoking no-fault divorce, but they can erode a woman's ability to leave an unhappy marriage. This, abortion bans, school choice, it's all about turning the clock back before women's lib, ERA, etc.

Ukraine MOD has a program in place that databases every cluster munition fire mission. Demining eastern Ukraine is going to be a years long effort. Any unexpended ordinance will go into that effort. Countries that gave up cluster munitions have had their rose tinted glasses on too long and assumed war would be limited to foreign battlefields and not their back yards.

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Typically, volcanic eruptions have a cooling effect. One of the principle emissions is sulfur dioxide which reflects high frequency solar energy (green house gases absorb and convert that same radiation into longer wave energy which excites atmospheric gases).

You can read more at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.

Too many comments commenting on Ivanka's perceived attractiveness...the point is this cretin sexualizes his own daughter. Show me a father who does that who isn't a disgusting pile of shit that should be exiled to a swamp. These people see women as objects, not people with agency.

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Seems like you could use a kick start for something different. Let me suggest Alabama White Sauce. Tangy, a little heat, and some lip sweat.

Alabama White BBQ Sauce: 1 cup mayonnaise

1/4 cup apple cider vinegar

1 tablespoon prepared horseradish

1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

1 teaspoon cayenne pepper


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Social media is supposed to be the digital commons. Without a dislike button, then the media cannot be a commons. You go to the town square and start spouting offensive bullshit you're going to get the proverbial rotten tomatoes thrown at you, mockery, and getting shunned.

With only having a like button, Twitter amplifies the message of bad actors and encourages rage responses. That's the point though isn't it? Engagement metrics to sell rage at a discount instead of the whole normal population buying a post with dislikes and moving on.

Although disappointing, not entirely unexpected. Assaulting and defending are two different things and without air or artillery superiority, the assault phase is even more difficult. So these lads are pressing in on well prepared defensive lines without a ton of battle space preparation. Hopefully, they can perform well enough, and violently enough to overcome the typical 3:1 requirement for beaching and destroying fortified positions.

Pop is my new go to distro. Even without their own DE, the tweaks to gnome are really well considered and I don't spend an hour unfucking the default environment.

Well, you could have bought the 3DO like me. Three times more expensive, infinitely worse games. Although Gex was a pretty great platformer.

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Bold assuming the corrupted six ever used anything close to consistency to inform their rulings.

It would take away a lot of the zing... But it's cooking, you do you!

Correct, I got my account invite from The Screensavers show with Kevin Rose. They were giving them out randomly to viewers.

No. If it's sticking you're generally cooking too cool. Fast sear followed by a slower roast.

That's like rescuing people from a shipwreck and being surprised they're talking about the ship that sanked and not about the furnishings of the ship that saved them.

On Boost for Reddit my home feed is only subreddits I've subscribed to. On the desktop and official app, it's that new bastardized version of my subscribed subreddits and all.

I could save searches, I felt like it allowed me to view Reddit the way I wanted to view it. I don't want to see half of the meme lords on all in my home feed.

On Boost for Reddit my home feed is only subreddits I've subscribed to. On the desktop and official app, it's that new bastardized version of my subscribed subreddits and all.

I could save searches, I felt like it allowed me to view Reddit the way I wanted to view it. I don't want to see half of the meme lords on all in my home feed.

I find there are few cult classics that can be found by future generations and maintain their cult status outside of the truly timeless greats like Rocky Horror Picture Show or similar. There's a nostalgia associated with most cult films. I can't imagine GenZ glomming onto Better off Dead or Ferris Bueller's Day Off or The Goonies because so much of the camp and humor is tied to a time they don't have a reference for.

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