1 Post – 44 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

Dixie wrecked

Fried chicken.

It's soo good but not worth the hassle of dealing with all the oil.

Although, I've since found that air-fried, if done right, can be just as good.

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Oh damn good call haha.

I guess I never bothered to check. I'm not married to the name so it's no big deal really. I was initially just building this for myself without any real plan to release anything so I chose my artist/producer handle and never thought twice about it.

I'm not your checkbro, checkfriend

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VR hands down.

It's the only workout that has ever stuck for me, because it really doesn't even feel like a workout. Games like Beat Saber or Pistol Whip can burn as many calories per hour as playing tennis, and are genuinely super fun.

I started playing regularly at the beginning of lockdown and ended up losing around 50lbs. I would play Pistol Whip until I was completely drenched and could barely stand anymore, but I still wanted to keep playing! I got a plugin for the valve index that measures your activity and your calories burned, and I can easily burn 1200 calories during a session... YMMV though.

I believe the scientific name is biggus dickus

Wow I honestly had no idea something like this already existed! Never heard of ArozOS before.

Why is it not more well known/discussed? I can see a million different use-cases for a web-based OS. I would have thought it would be the first thing people would talk about for a self-hosted solution to a os/frontend.

Holy diver.

Programmer here.

Infected Mushroom or Eskimo for when I'm in the zone and pumping out code.

For debugging: Boards of Canada, Plaid, Lone, Ciaran Byrne

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Magical/Sacred plants.

There are very active communities on Reddit for magical/sacred plants and even some for selling/trading them. I mostly collect San Pedro cacti among a few others and would love an active community like that here.

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Interesting 🤔 I've never heard of orb. This is the second similar project I've gotten responses about. I honestly had no idea anything similar even existed. Why are these not more popular? I can see a million different use-cases for apps such as this.

That being said, I tried the orb demo and support on mobile was terrible. I'm aiming to have it be fully touch/mobile supported.

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The only time I've ever really needed recursion is when I'm doing something that needs to map out some sort of tree or heavily nested object.

One example that comes to mind is when I needed a function that acts like querySelector, but also searches through shadowroots. Since querySelector does not natively search within shadowroots, I had to write a recursive function that basically starts at the root and recursively searches each node for a shadowdom, goes inside, and runs itself again.

It's definitely not the most performant solution, but it is sometimes necessary.

I bought a Roland Jupiter 6 synthesizer for $1100 around 14 years ago. Are the time, the price definitely made me flinch. Last I checked, they are going for $8000-$10,000 on eBay.

Check out Boards of Canada. Lots of their stuff is like this.

I have been programming for years, and although I did minor in math, I can only think of 2 times that I have ever needed any math beyond that of highschool algebra. And those were very niche one-off situations. As others have stated, logic is much much more important, and a good understanding of Boolean logic will take you MUCH farther than any other math related discipline. But even still, logic is, well.... logical if you just think about it. You really don't need to take any courses on it.

I think the main barrier for entry is that there are simply too many options and different paths to go down when beginning to learn. Also, there just aren't too many really cool things you can do as a beginner that are truly interesting and will keep your attention. The typical "hello world" exercises are boring as hell and of course people aren't going to keep being engaged when they're bored.

That's why I usually recommend beginners who want to learn to start with an Arduino, regardless of what their final goal language is. Generally speaking, once you learn one language it's pretty easy to learn others, as the foundational knowledge is mostly the same i.e. variables, loops, functions, etc.

What I think is great about the Arduino is that your code produces a physical, tactile response. Usually one of the very first programs you write (which can be completed in probably 10 minutes by a beginner) is making an led flash something like "SOS". This is leaps and bounds more interesting than something like "hello world" and will usually keep you interested and engaged much longer while learning the basics.

I started on an Arduino many years back after stumbling upon a Paul McWhorter lesson randomly on Reddit. After becoming pretty proficient with an Arduino, I transitioned over to JavaScript and started learning web development, and I'm now a full time engineer.

Truly appreciate the feedback!

I am definitely leaning open source, but to be completely candid, I could also see this being a marketable product. If I could somehow turn maintaining this into my full time job and quit my current job without any significant drop in my salary, I would be completely stoked.

To be honest, I'm not super familiar with licensing or really anything regarding the release of software, but I would like to maintain the possibility that I could eventually sell/monetize it if it turns out to be a success, and I'm afraid that once it becomes FOSS, that possibility is gone.

Like I said though, I honestly have no idea, so I would love any feedback or suggestions.

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Mid 30s and still can't grow a beard or moustache. There is no hope for me.

I am serious, and don't call me Shirley.

Homemade Trompo tacos.

Also, tamales and ceviche.

  • Fry at 360⁰F for 12 mins
  • Flip them and fry again at 360⁰F for 12 mins
  • Flip again and fry for 6 mins at 400⁰F

They should come out super crispy but still very juicy on the inside.The one drawback is that it takes a total of 30 mins and you can only make as much as fits in your frier. You really want to have only one layer of wings and not have them laying on top of each other. My frier is fairly small so it's not something I can make for a whole bunch of people.

As ikidd mentioned, definitely speed and access. It's just a react web-app. There's no VM required, and it's not streaming a video capture of a desktop. I'm actually amazed at how performant it is. It loads almost instantly and feels like a regular desktop, even on mobile.

Even with all the windows open in the screenshot and streaming a transcoded video, it still uses less memory than a single open YouTube tab.

Plaid is one of my all time favorites! Got to see them a few years back. If you like them, check out an artist called IDGlitch on SoundCloud. Super underrated and the closest thing I've heard to plaid:

Definitely way less resource-intensive. I'm actually amazed at how quickly it spins up and loads everything. Even with all of these windows open, and streaming a full length movie, it uses less memory than a single YouTube tab.

I will absolutely look into this. Thank you :) definitely looks like I'll be opening source though. I didn't realize there were already so many FOSS alternatives. Suppose I should have done more research, but I guess I figured they would be more popular/ talked about on platforms such as this.

Exact same thing happened to me the other day. Like exactly. Maybe we live in the same area.

Link doesn't work for me, but I'm starting to see what you mean.

Either way, this has been a fun project to work on and I've only been working on it since around October, so not like years of commitment or anything. I've learned a lot, even having been programming professionally for years, so overall I'd say it's been a worthwhile venture, especially considering I originally was only building this for myself.

Peyote, San Pedro, the many, many species that contain DMT, khat, just to name a few.

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I'd have to disagree with QotSA, but I can definitely see why. I'm a huuuge fan of theirs, but for some reason every new QotSA album seems to take years for me to fully appreciate. I absolutely hated Era Vulgaris when it first came out. It's by far my favorite album of theirs now. Even clockwork is barely starting to really grow on me, but I'm definitely coming around. I haven't even bothered to listen to their newest one yet.


Era Vulgaris is by far my favorite album of theirs.


Another reason for the project was that I too wanted a desktop experience while also being being able to access remotely. I just didn't want to open any "scary" ports on my server lol. I can throw this whole thing behind 2fa and it's still completely isolated in a docker container, thus it has as much or as little privilege as I want.

I actually can ssh into my main server through this, if desired, without opening any ssh ports publicly.


I tried nextcloud initially. It seemed a bit bulky and slow for me, with a lot of extra stuff I wasn't going to use. I know you can disable features and customize it, but it just wasnt really a good fit for me.

This initially started as an exercise to find out what is possible and see what I could manage to do by myself. As I progressed, I started realizing the possibilities and am so far very happy with how it's turning out.

I honestly didn't realize there were so many existing alternatives (orb, ArozOS, etc). However, this is built entirely in react and can therefore load and run any JavaScript/HTML easily as a plugin. I think it's a bit more modular than the alternatives in that sense.

Either way it's been a fun project to work on, and it fits my needs exactly how I want.

After seeing all the responses I'll very likely make it all open source so maybe others can contribute and customize it for themselves. Although I am a bit shy to release my code to public scrutiny lol 😂. I have a bad habit of not leaving comments and I'm sure there are plenty of places where people will point out flaws and wonder why the hell I did x instead of y...

One of the main reasons I ended up building a home server was that one of my drives failed in my main PC, and I lost a lot of my data (I know, I know). When I built my server, I intended it to be used as a backup. I was able to recover most of my data, but a lot of the filenames and directory structure were lost. I ended up just dumping all of this onto my server.

I wanted a way to go through all my recovered files and organize them. I needed to be able to play any unnamed music files and name them + put them in the appropriate directory. I also produce music so some of the files couldn't just be re-downloaded. Similarly with any text/video/pictures/etc.

I'm running Ubuntu server and I can't watch videos or listen to audio via a shell, so I needed a front end. I initially tried file browser but it was slow and clunky, and I couldn't have multiple directories open at once for dragging and dropping.

I've mostly reached a point where I'm not always having to go back a look up documentation, but for some reason array methods still get me.

Every. Single. Time.


Always some back to this mix from time to time. Akira Yamaoka is a genius.

Came here to recommend DIYPerks. Love his stuff.

Not public yet. Still deciding how to handle release. This is just a sneak peek to gauge interest and get any feedback.

So admittedly I'm fairly new to the world of self-hosting, but have been a web dev for a long time. My terminology may be way off here. I always sort of assumed that headless meant that I'm running a version of Linux that does not have a desktop UI (Ubuntu server specifically).

If I added a PiKVM, would I suddenly get a desktop UI, or would it still be command-line only?

Same. Honestly no issues with react+vite that I haven't been able to solve.

I ended up just making my own helper container for authelia. It can generate a link that expires after a set time and only allows a set number of users to access. Then I can just give the link to whoever I want to join and they can fill in their own username and pwd. It then adds them to the authelia user db with the correct groups and PW hashing. Only issue is I have to manually restart authelia for the changes to take effect. Eventually I want to see if I can automate that.

I'm still working on editing the configuration through the app though. I want to be able to change the access control rules, etc.

As far as having the services behind authelia automatically detect and login the user, that will depend on the service, but authelia does pass user credentials and login status in the request headers. Many of the services I host were created myself, so it's pretty trivial to have it automatically "log in" from the authelia sign on.