5 Post – 76 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yay, linux use was around 1% the beginning of 2023, now it's so close to 2%, I hope we see an exponential growth by the end of this year.

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They need a swastika, I mean a good loving neighbor.

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Exactly what I have been looking for this entire evening, i made a new account on and now I'm looking to sync my old ( and new accounts. I will give it a try and report back here. Thank you for your efforts

Edit: can you post a link please, I couldn't find it in the play store.

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Probably to drop support for xorg. Plasma 6 is going to be wayland by default, while xfce is slow when it comes to wayland adoption

Welcome to the linux community.

Compare the SN number in the SMART output with the SN on the drive, they should be the same or else theseller showed you uncorrect SMART output or uncorrect drive.

I can always get the media again if need be.

Doesn't that mean you already have backup? It may not be the easiest to restore, but it is a backup nevertheless.

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Mtp is your friend, here is hiw I do it on my devices (samsung a23 and both opensuse and arch):

  • I connect my phone to my pc. Then select mtp in the phone notification.

  • Start my file manager (dolphine or whatever) and access my phone storage from there.

  • Make sure to allow the notification on the phone asking if you want to sahre your storage with the external device.

I had a gtx1060 when I started using linux, then upgraded to 2060 then again to 2080, they all worked fine without any major problem (except that file system checking at boot sometimes and wayland). Last year I upgraded to RX6800 and man everything just works, no more filesystem checks at boot, Wayland is mu way to go now.

If I have a nvidia card now I would just use, but if I'm buying a new/used gpu it will definitely be AMD.

Playing terminal.

Genuinly asking, what is wront/lacking in bash?

Thanks for supporting linux, please consuder flatpak instead of making a binary per distro

This is it, with a REM cycle lasting about 90min, I find 7 REMs (7h30m~ 8H) to be the perfect lenght especially if I went to bed at 23h00.

UEFI forum made it a requirement for motherboard constructors (hp, dell, msi...) to make their UEFI implementation to be able to at least read fat(12/16/32) filesystems. That is why you need a fat(12/16/32) partition flagged ESP (efi system partition) for holding your boot files.

So, I dont think you can do that unless you fall back to the old outdated BIOS or you have some *nix filesystem in your uefi implementation which I dont trust.

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One EFI + one ROOT partition is what I do on both my laptop and desktop for years, /home is a subvolume to my root partition. This setup suits my needs as I don't have to worry about how big should my root or home (gaming) partition should be.

I use Arch on my desktop and Opensuse on my laptop. They both have options to set up subvolumes from their installer, Debian does not, and I'm not sure about other distros, but you can always set that up after installation, just make your home partition the last one (after the root partition) so you can easily delete it after and grow the root partition without much blocks relocation.

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I could be wrong, but i think that was probably on the alpha release, which is now the beta release, so maybe the next stable release will have wayland by default.

"Coming soon" for me started when major DEs started abandoning xorg, not when they adopted wayland.

OP needs a proper router that make use of their 3g fiber which will be mostly newer and powerfull and has better wifi. That should be their 1st priority.

Edit: You don't need a 2.5gb ethernet (or better for futur proofing) for every client, but that NAS and Hypervisor could use that bandwith so consider yor options while you are at it.

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PWA that works offline and syncs when back online. Note that this means that all files will be on your device

Someone else mentioned Silverbullet, I hosted on my home server and it looks promising, here are a few thing I will need to explore:

  • The PWA sound like a feature I was hoping, i will need to check it out
  • Is there any android client rather than using the web-interface that firefox wont let me connect to remotely without a valid certificat.
  • While it looks easy to use markup language using /, I'm wondering is there is a plugin that add a tool bar or a client app that does have it.

Thank you for your comment

I like to think a subvolume is a directory on my filesystem that:

  • Acts as an independent filesystem.
  • Shares it's parent size (unless quotas are set in place)
  • Can be mounted/unmounted any time
  • Excluded from their parent partition's snapshots. (a /home subvolume is exluded from / snapshots).
  • Can be snapshot-ed independently.

This is by no mead a definition for BTRFS subvolume, but I hope you get the idea.

That is where you put your optional packages, everyone has his own use for it. I use it to stocke my docker containers config

I second this, mint is much user friendly than the current Ubuntu.

Is it possible to have .vimrc store somewhere in ~/.config?

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Sounds like "The witcher 3" world will be a good fit for your daughter curiosity, the guest line however is too dark for her age.

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LVM gives you the ability to downsize and resize without having to worry about partitions boundaries. So, if you find yourself in need for storage you can downsize the home partition and grow the root.

That said, I have debian/i3 INSTALLED ON A 16GB USB with a couple of docker containers and vscodium and it is around 10/14gb usage.

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I pick my phone and start reading something, mostly an article from pocket (app) or a book from my Moon reader library.

That was a good read, thanks

Your comment made me check that, and yeah, those requirements can be extreme for someone like me who look to use it for two pcs and a phone on a 6th gen intel nuc

Thank you for referring, I ended up using to migrate my old account's subs to my new account.

Solus does ship with deeping, if you are into are consider arch itself or endeavor or manjaro, manjaro does ship with deeping out of the box.

Android is no problem at all, Tizen however is a mistake I will never do again. I have a MU7000 samsung TV (2017 model), it has plex (came free in its store) but no emby (emby is another option that is mostly open source) or jellyfin (Emby fork that is fully open source). I had an Intel NUC5 celeron based that acted as a server, the cpu was pretty efficient (6w) but it was not powerful enough for transcoding (converting the video to something the tv can play)

My experience with my Samsung TV.

Plex: Can direct play almost anything (stream to the tv without converting the video). I'm a non-native english japanese anime fan who needs subtitles all the time. The problem is that plex will turn to transcoding if subtitles are on and my server was not powerful enough to handle fluent transcoded stream.

Emby: it is not in the tizen store (at least for my tv), fortunately the emby team release a tizen binary that can be installed through a USB thumb drive. Now emby works pretty good with and withouth subtitles. It does not have ads (for premium subscription) on android but it does have a once every 24h add in the Tizen version. Not a big deal but just remember you are more likely to be treaded a 2nd class consumer for having a damn Tizen TV.

Jellyfin: Not available on Samsung store, I had to enable devlopper mod on my tv and install Tizen studio with CLI on my pc to compile Jellyfin for my TV, then install it through Tizen CLI only to be surprised by how sluggish it worked, the UI was very unoptimized which is natural as it was not supporting my tv to begin with. Half my remote (samsung one remote black version) did not work so I decided it was not worth it.

No problem here with Opensuse slowroll (Sway WM) and a Realtek bluetootth radio, I'm using blueman for managing enabling/managing bluetooth connections.

That was a good read, thank you

Dejavu is the right font for me for both ebglush and arabic letters.

I just prefer a simple setup where I’m not bound by any developer (team)’s whims.

This is my concern, if anything goes wrong with my favorite app I would just move on to another without much fuss.

Obaidian + Syncthing will do the trick.

This will be my backup plan if nothing else work out.

Actually, nextcloud is what introduced me to the markdown format. Hiwever, i found myself using NC for its note app only, hence i'm looking for a lightweight alternative.

Not a weird habit, I do it in the hot season cause my back get sweaty.

Is it possible to force hardware encoding? Maybe change the format to h265, I'm no expert but that might free some load from the cpu to the gpu.