Matt The Horwood

@Matt The
8 Post – 146 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I run this server

I use nextcloud to sync our photos, with the memory's add-on and mobile app you can even have collections.

I use swarm in my home lab, I don't have any docker things at work so Kubernetes is way more then I want to manage.

All my stacks are in a git repo, I have an ansible playbook to update them if needed. I also have most things tracked on new releases ( so I know when something needs an update, then I can either update the git repo by hand or use ansible.

Also have a look at docker contexts, you can manage your swarm from a remote location.

That would fail our current process of approving where we can store documents, just as well I have a Mac for work

I use pihole as my home DNS to do that

maybe a look at this site will help you ->

Nextcloud deck is the Trello like thing

I have also looked at weken and taiga

Depending on the login flow, I have a lot of stuff behind an oauth proxy. So that you have to have a working 2fa account to see the non 2fa system behind.

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It is very simple, I run it from docker and it can plug into all sorts of places, I have nginx config that I could share if it helps.

This is the tool

me remembering I caused an outage yesterday by deleting nginx config 🤦‍♂️

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that looks to be almost all steaming services adding an ad-supported option, you now pay to not have ads.

Back to the high sea's to watch anything then

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I think your missing the point of HAOS, it's an appliance. You don't manage it like a normal self host system.

Once you treat it as an appliance, it's great. Also there is a portainer agent you can run that will connect to a portainer instance.

As for your tunnel issues, maybe the tunnel thing is your biggest issue. I run all my self host stuff on its own subdomain, if I want to route something home I use the site to site VPN I have. Even a cheap ovh vps could be a way to run stuff on subdomains

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also Ubuntu will add more complexity to things, Debian will cover most of what you need.

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I do this, 1 compose file per application. That has all the things that application need, volumes, networks, secrets.

In single docker host land, each application even has its own folder with the compose file and any other artifacts in it.

I have pi-hole running for network level ad blocking, it always confuses me when not at home and I see ads

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we can only hope

I use debian as my OS for docker host, then install docker from them as you get the most up to date version

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many thanks for the continued hard work

have you looked at awesome-selfhosted at all?

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I 🫡 my fellow Sadmins, you all do amazing work


That's amazing, who needs the internet anyway

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I run Debian on all my vms, they have no GUI installed at all. I manage all of them over SSH

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thats an amazing update, thank you for your hard work. My instance has been updated and Im loving the new user settings

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great work, But I haven't got 0.19.4 sorted yet

Why delete the answer, why not edit it so that a human can see the answer but for AI its a load of nonsense?

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They make the money on the ink, not the printer. Laserlet for win

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Swarm will also spread the load out over both hosts, but all your data would need to be accessible by both hosts

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I use OVH for my dedi, they often have sales on ->

fediverse for the win?

Hello 👋

You need to edit the below lines

set $jellyfin jellyfin;
resolver valid=30s;

To look like the below

set $jellyfin;
#resolver valid=30s;

Edited after reading the full config

Not sure the mega corps have it all, there are still small sites that people run, I my self run some stuff. My lemme instance for 1.

The way I see it, is the mega corps have the budget to make hosting with them cheaper that running at home.

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I pin most of my images and have tell me if something gets an update

Hello, you need add stuff to your feeds. Then post something in a community and with luck your instance should show up

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Would Alpine be an option?

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I do this, use the small step ca/Cli to manage the lot. It's amazing

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They only killed the old tach off cuz the masses moved in, in the early days (think dialup) you had only the tech savvy online. You had to wait for everything, email, blogs, news the lot. Then the alway on internet landed and all that stopped, now you can reach anyone anywhere. all the non-tech savvy joined and the mega corps saw the rich gold mine.

The real issue is the lack of tech savvy people making small sites, the mega corps have the platforms and thats where everyone went. Its cheap and easy to be on a mega platform then to run your own site, anyone who does run a site will not see much traffic as its hidden by the big names

Quick do a polybridge and get it on the RCE YouTube channel

A quick search shows that IP is known for hacking type requests

I would check how your router is setup, as they should not be hitting your computer at all.