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Joined 12 months ago

I do not think you are stupid. I am aware that its not exactly rare for men to be misogynists. I don't think people put as much effort into precise choice of words as you are.

The original poster was denigrating all pierced women. The person you replied to merely expressed a preference. Semantically I prefer women who don't have septum or nipple piercings and I'm disappointed so many women have one or the other is the same statement save that it expresses an emotion that the person feels not one he feels THEY should feel. Also its quite possible that more people in his dating pool have this preference than the entire US population because he is liable to encounter and date people in a comparatively small age and culture range on average. I would assume young urban women are more likely to pierce. I think you are more reacting to the negative nature of the parent post rather than the relatively mild statement made by commenter.

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If you had a preference for dark hair and many dark haired women were going blonde you might be disappointed in a general decrease in women who met your ideal aesthetic. If you aren't shallow or are shallow but aren't a beautiful rich Adonis you probably aren't turning down any dates based on such criteria but mathematically trends which run contra to preference mean a decrease in average fitness according to your own accounting.

Imagine if a huge portion of men were really into boy bands and mullets. The trend would mean that if you selected men based on other more meaningful criteria like financial stability and emotional maturity that you have an increasing chance of a mullet in your future. As critical mullet mass approaches you may feel disappointed at the popularity of the trend.

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Prediction: He's going to try to pay his employees in Xits: Your going to negotiate a salary based on a floating exchange rate with a new cryptocurrency and then when it starts to tank he will refuse to renegotiate based on the fact that its headed for the moon!

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Manufacturing prop money for movie purposes isn't illegal. Passing it as legal tender IS. Note that passing and creating are 2 separate crimes. Notably even though he is giving it away he has specifically stated that the aim of this scheme is for it to be used for commerce by unwitting victims.

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This is not in good faith or remotely reasonable. In the alternative universe where Trump really was cheated and could prove it AND he could prove he knew it it wouldn't be a defense. You can't legally try to "fix" an election one way because it's "fixed" the other way. If the law be followed all involved go to jail.

There is no legal reason to provide documents that would endanger national security AND wouldn't provide a valid defense.

None of this is relevant the only point is if it costs the coffee house more. In other news vans that have wheelchair lifts installed are more expensive than those without.

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If a property is seized the government only gets the equity that the owner had in it so if Trump owns a 2B in property but owes 1.5B then the government may seize all 2B in order to satisfy the debt he owes the government. Worse the government will try to get as much value as possible but the value realized by a short term sale may be less than could have been realized had the customer had time to find the appropriate buyer. So if they only get 300M they can seize additional properties to satisfy the debt.

Nobody in their right mind wants the government doing this for them instead of mortgaging and or selling their own stuff. He committed such obvious fraud he should have known the jig was up when it went to trial and started seeking buyers or mortgaging. They could have self funded an appeal bond hoping to reduce the damages and prepared for worst case losing it all.

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So for context my local PD dealt with a fine gentleman who attacked a security guard in his car dual wielding a hatchet and metal pipe. They spent several hours trying to talk him down before charging him with a shield and arresting him without much further ado. If you guessed he was white you guessed correctly.

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Have you considered that there is actually more virtue in containing stupid than trying to rescue it. The audience for such communication is rarely the person afflicted because its almost impossible to convince such folks its the folks at the margins who might be convinced either way.

Consider an imaginary belief say 0.5% of the population believes that flu can be treated by shoving pancakes up your ass. If ridicule keeps the percentage at 0.5% instead of growing to 1% its incredibly virtuous whereas more respectful treatment of the belief might help you convince 0.01% to stop shoving starch in their rectum while allowing the mental virus to spread to far more people.

This theory is applicable everywhere. Every time you engage with a crazy person or a nazi imagine your audience is the other folks reading the discussion not the person you are engaging.

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Adobe's annual revenue is over 18 billion dollars Gimp has one developer who is almost full time and various part time contributions. One answer is that Linux support would be both non-trivial and would only add 1-3% to revenue for a multi platform editor. There WAS a reputably professional editor bloom.app at one point but it seems to have died.

It's inadvisable to drive through Southern states already due to cops. They hold that the normal constitutional protections don't apply due to the border, they have deported American citizens, they have been caught planting drugs, the vast majority of civil asset forfeitures are people who had under $1000 seized without evidence literal highway robbery.

Then there were the ladies who were legally kidnapped and taken to a hospital to have their buttholes search on a vague suspicion of drugs

Texas state troopers caught on camera probing women’s privates aren’t isolated incidents: lawyers


But wait years later they actually passed a law making it illegal to probe your asshole without a warrant because that's something you need a law for


Which is why they then got sued for getting a warrant on a flimsy pretext and having a doctor do it...then continued to do it themselves as well


Basically you may or may not get raped or robbed by the police even before this unpleasantness.

But wait there's more if you are pregnant and they believe you represent a danger to your fetus they reserve the right to hold you until you give birth in a prison shower like they did to that druggy chick!

You should report him to the FBI and your work. The statement is enough to probably get him fired and with luck his gun horde will be illegal when the FBI comes knocking

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Selling dairy containing drinks doesn't put your customers at risk. If they didn't offer non-dairy creamers and I was horrifically allergic to dairy I wouldn't say oh well I guess I have to shit myself to death today.

Everyone needs to see this footage that is nowhere in the article. Everyone SHOULD see this its obvious murder without justification. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEOcBkoz6HM

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How about just firewall France and discover if legislators find cause to pass new laws.

Those free plastic bags deteriorate into toxic materials that are presently all over the inside of your body. You had to wait in a slow line for people to bag the wrong things together and sometimes scan the same thing twice. Now I have my own canvas bags that last forever, I never scan my things twice, and my shit is bagged with the right things together based on where they go in my home.

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I cannot think of something I want nationalized less than home insurance. Climate change means that some areas are actually much riskier than they were before and the truth is some portion of households are going to become uninsurable and others are going to become expensive. Option 1: The expense of insurance and risk can be priced into the property at time of sale to a buyer willing to bear the cost. Option 2: If we are going to give free money to these people when their house is destroyed with government subsidized insurance to cover disasters it should be on condition of condemning uninsurable properties not rebuilding them multiple times.

In a few years my computer will be able to run an acceptable but obviously not chatGPT4 level AI that will among other things pre filter this crap from my feed as part of normal ad blocking. Buckle up bitches.

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The ISS travels at a constant speed in relation to the earth. People have to get on and off a train

That is bad logic and no justification.

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65% of rural America voted for Trump in 2020 nearly half 47% believe the election was stolen that's half of all rurals not half of rural Republicans. Support for political violence is high with 1 in 3 Republicans nationwide and higher yet in rural America. It is easier for violence to take root where their is monocultural acceptance of the false premises used to justify it.

That doesn't imply it would be a good rule which is what we are disagreeing about. Pointing out they CAN have a rule is irrelevant.

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That makes people think twice about renting out that empty unit.

Yes I can totally see landlords being so dismayed by the new complexity of housing rules that they just let the $150,000 they could have earned in high rent areas over the next 5 years just go to pot instead of hiring a professional property manager or selling. Sure real.

Right up until you switched it up that was a completely believable conservative post.

if you use an exploit to gain SU what makes you think a malicious app can’t do the same

They can. 99% of computer security is still not installing malware or being tricked into taking actions that enable your own harm. That said often rooting methods involve physically pressing keys while booting to access the boot loader, ADB, running things with with expansive permissions. Malicious apps install via play store with reasonable permissions will generally have a much harder time breaking out of the sandbox.

Or better yet, find a new exploit in the SU management software you installed

Historically "sudo" tools haven't been the source of many issues whereas a multitude of problems flowed from complex memory unsafe code.

As soon as you root, you can no longer guarantee root activities are not taking place unbeknownst to you

You can never guarantee this however if you are careful what you install you will remain safe same as it was before.

Damaging contaminants from production, unknown potency leading to accidental overdose if pure, adulterants added to "cut" the drugs. If you account for dosage, method of introduction, and difference in drugs its about as massive. There is a reason people who take addrerall don't regress to non-verbal and walk around hallucinating after being up for 3 days and take 6 months to dry out and relearn how to talk.

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You have now justified imposing upon coffee shops based on a completely fictional world you have invented where maintaining non-dairy options doesn't actually cost more even though it on average does.

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Firstly who cares who a Palestinian thinks about an American presidential election? Next Why on earth would you imagine that Trump would withdraw "support" from Israel. Our support is mostly selling them arms. He supports Israel. He supports their actions.

There are. See "collateral murder" or the guy we literally prosecuted for this which Trump pardoned. We also kicked down a lot of doors and dropped a lot of missiles on slim intelligence knowing we were killing hundreds of thousands of innocents in aggregate. None of this info is secret. We kidnapped people in Iraq and tortured them to give up names of their confederates and kicked down doors and murdered people based on this intelligence. See the Salem witch trials for why this method of intelligence gathering isn't worth shit.

At one point we dropped missiles on people purely based correlating data about sim card usage to speculate on who was associating with terrorists in a program we now know is mathematically impossible to have been accurate.

Not only do we have hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths on our hands directly there is all the indirect harm we are responsible for by supporting bad actors.

None of this justifies anyone else's bad acts. You just ought to be more aware.

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How about I just get food from one of the 15 places in easy walking distance as I'm in a city.

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Adderall is legally able to be prescribed to kids with ADHD. Meth is produced with a dirty chemical process that has become more prevalent with the decreasing availability of pseudoephedrin. Medical professionals working rehabs report worse and longer lasting damage quicker than is reasonable for merely staying awake and up constantly the primary risk from stimulants.

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The problem is that for many folks the amount they are making isn't enough for them to live a very reasonable life AND they have nothing to invest in the first place. Suppose a household in a given area needs $100,000 to afford a VERY modest house in that area, health insurance, savings, healthy food etc. Now suppose the house has one disabled breadwinner and one fellow working for $40,000.

Because of this they live in shit town in a tiny apartment a building full of drug addicts in a not so great part of the state wherein the average life expectancy is about 10 years less than one of the good parts of the country.

The first 40k of "excess" would be spent on having a decent life, working a sane number of hours, moving into an actual home. For fully half the country the idea of having excess is laughable. It's a crass joke.

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Why didn't he get banned from using the internet?

Have you considered that people are less social when everything costs so much and people have so little?

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Whose at fault and whom should pay what damages will be decided over the next few years after a long ass lawsuit. The process of clearing the wreckage, speccing out, and rebuilding will get started soon. It was always going to be the government paying for the rebuild and any lawsuits winding down years later. Biden's statement is that the federal government rather than city or state will bear the cost. This is just you not understanding what's going on.

All over the parks here are signs that you can't use the park unless you have your $35 annual park pass. I'm talking about random dinky local parks. If you can't pay you can't even enjoy the trees. In 1980 the average movie ticket was around $2 in 2023 in the city its more like $15. 4 kids want to go see a movie its $60, $80 if they share some drinks/popcorn.

Simultaneously to everything being expensive and having less and less to spare after they pay for drastically more expensive essentials there is more to do and see online without spending a bunch of additional money per unit of time spent.

When you layoff you have the option to lay off what you perceive as your least valuable talent. When you make the workplace less desirable you lose your best talent.

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This isn't useful or sufficient. You have to consider how many bots get banned and cost to determine efficacy. If you want 10,000 fake people to manipulate real people $10,000 doesn't seem a high price if you make the fake people act organic enough that they largely aren't banned.

It would be more useful if a singular service verified sufficient credentials to prove you were an authentic human and allowed you to auth to various sites. This in turn creates the problem that verifiers now know a LOT about your online life.

If the verification involved site -> verifier -> government held public key I think you could arrange so that none of the parties had enough info to identify users.

It's actually 20c per page for about 4 bucks. Then there is tax for another 40c then 35c of gas and possibly 15 minutes of your time over and over and over again.

The right answer is a black and white laser. spend $199 once in the next 10-15 years

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